04/25/18 05:44AM
DarkMask Rant: My problem with Marvel
Hey everyone! I have been in a rant mood lately so I'm just gonna open up here on the Hub. Just to clarify: these are simply my opinions. I'm not here to say I'm right and everyone else is wrong. We all have opinions, so don't judge me for mine.

To start off I need to make a confession

...I am not excited for Infinity War.

It's not that I'm dreading it or that I think it's overrated. I'm just apathetic to it. I don't care whether I see it or not. I am going to see it, but it's not high on my list of priorities.

I've just become tired of the Marvel movies. Which is a shame because I am a passionate superhero/comic book nerd. I have hundreds of comics in my possession, most are DC but I have a few Marvel series. Dan Slott's Spider-man run, Rick Remender's X-force, and my personal favorite Mark Waid's Daredevil, just to name a few. I love DC comics, but I enjoy quite a bit of Marvel. So this isn't about my loyalties to DC comics.

The Marvel movies started out spectacularly with Iron Man, which is still one of my favorite movies. Then followed Hulk, Thor and Captain America, which all led to The Avengers. I went to the midnight premier for it and was blown away with how awesome it was. That was when I was in high school. 6 years later we have Infinity War, the movie it has been building towards since then, and I just don't have that same sense of anticipation that I did back then. So what changed?

I think it is about what didn't change. For the most part the Marvel has been using the same formula for almost all their movies. Despite being more grounded in the real world, Marvel movies have a surprising amount of humor in them. Which is completely fine, witty banter and hilarious circumstances really helped. But it's at the point that I can't take them seriously anymore.

You have Tony Stark, playboy billionaire genius inventor. He's also a charming asshole who still tries to do the right thing. Guess who else is like that. Scott Lang- Ant Man. Peter Quill-Star Lord. Stephen Strange-Doctor Strange. And now even Thor is like this. Marvel movies just can't resist having some sort of comic relief in them. Especially a charming rogue or an arrogant genius. I know that that is how the characters are portrayed in the comics, but I've seen this kind of character enough. We don't need more of them. And I know we still have serious and mature characters like Captain America and Black Panther, both who's movies I loved. I just feel we don't have enough of them.

I never felt a lot of growth in some of the movies. Doctor Strange didn't feel like it added anything new to the MCU. He still seems like an arrogant prick now that he is a master of the mystic arts. I feel like the animated movie his movie was based on did a better job of telling Strange's journey to Sorcerer Supreme. And also DORMAMMU IS SUPPOSED TO BE A FLAME HEADED DEMON NOT A KALEIDOSCOPE FACE!

I also have a problem when they decide to revamp or reinvent a character for the movies. I'm fine with the direction they took with Loki, and movie Drax is a lot better than his original comic counterpart, but I don't like it when they throw a character's history out the window. The Guardians of the Galaxy are nothing like their comic book counterparts. In the comics the team came together to stop the Phalanx from invading and infecting the Kree Empire. They became Guardians of the Galaxy because they are protecting the galaxy from intergalactic threats. But now the Guardians are nothing more than a mercenary group. Star Lord is not a decorated hero, he doesn't have his elemental gun, and nobody will know about his Spartax heritage.Now he is just a charming rogue with a ship and great taste in music. I also hate what they did to the Nova Corps, making them your standard space cops instead of the powerful force they were in the comics. NOW WE WILL NEVER GET TO SEE RICHARD RIDER AND WORLDMIND!

I think another reason I'm bored of Marvel is because of the comics. I mentioned earlier a few of my favorite comics from Marvel, but for the most part Marvel comics have been a let down to me. Marvel comics has not been doing well in recent years. They have had some pretty bad crossover events recently (Original Sin, Axis, Secret Empire) and they have kind of turned me away from any big crossover events.

Marvel has also been changing their comics to be more like the movies. Why is this bad you ask? Well because they usually handle the change very poorly. At the end of Mark Waid's run on Daredevil Matt reveals his secret identity to the world to save Foggy and moves to California to become a legal consultant. Then when the series was relaunched in 2015 Daredevil is back in New York and nobody knows his identity. How did that happen? He used the purple children (the offspring of the Purple Man) to hypnotically erase the memories of everyone on Earth. Now he's back to being the mysterious lawyer/vigilante from Hell's Kitchen complete with his TV costume.It's just that simple.
Wolverine died after losing his healing factor and then being covered by liquid Adamantium. After his death Laura Kinney-X23 took up the mantle of Wolverine to honor her father. But guess what? Now Wolverine is alive and running around with an Infinity Stone. They just can't let Logan rest in piece.
This one isn't apart of the movies but it still pisses me off. During the Avengers vs X-men event Scott Summers killed Charles Xavier. Xavier's death had a huge impact on the X-men and it was even more dramatic that it was Scott Summers who did it. Then it turned out Xavier's spirit is alive and taken hostage by the Shadow King. Now he is running around in Fantomex's body going by the alias "X".
Rather than accept that the movies and comics are doing things differently Marvel is scrambling to make the comics like the movies because their last 4 relaunches (yup 4) haven't worked out like they wanted.

I guess I should wrap up this rant.
Overall I have become bored of Marvel. I still admire the MCU because it is amazing what they have accomplished. But I think they are becoming too greedy. They want to shuffle out multiple movies each year for the next 5 or so years. They are over saturating the market. And it's only a matter of time before everyone becomes bored of superhero movies. As a superhero nerd, that frightens me.

For now I'm gonna go see Infinity War and hopefully enjoy it, but I don't know if it will be enough to bring me back to Marvel. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
04/25/18 06:08AM
Then go see something else.

See if any theaters nearby are playing something like You Were Never Really Here or some shit. Film is an ocean; Not something that's just a small puddle of stuff geared towards geeky shit.
04/25/18 06:14AM
I hear Rampage is legit
04/25/18 06:16AM
If nothing else seeing Rampage spite Uwe Bowle who got utterly pissed that the movie was being made and he wasn't involved.

If Isle of Dogs is in your area the director is usually pretty good, so it'll be a fun experience.
04/25/18 06:23AM
Adaptation is always going to adapt and change things from the comics. I agree that they could have made better choices, but ultimately Marvel falls prey to the same sin that DC does (you can't make comic book movies too comic-book-ish), they just do it in a much more competent way with a more grounded and smaller universe where superheroes are only a recent development.

DC's frankly done a better job creating a more comic-book-ish world (going all in on things like Kryptonians and other races on Earth and the New Gods), their problem is that their movies are tonal abortions. Marvel's afraid to go full tilt comics with their movie.

(i'm salty that Thanos isn't thirsty for Lady Death in this universe).
04/25/18 06:31AM
DarkMask said:
16 paragraph complaint about why I'm not excited for infinity war and why its gonna be bad

i GUESS i'll go see it

scuse me?
04/25/18 08:35AM
Serve a feast once and people will marvel at the spread. Throw a feast every day and soon people will start complaining, "Aww, froie gras AGAIN?!"
04/25/18 08:50AM
I never really was for marcel films. I do enjoy watching them with friends (the last one I saw was guardians 2 and that was in a big chat group with big sis and friends). Marvel films are now like fast food to me. its nice and enjoyable but after awhile it starts to look and taste the same.
04/25/18 08:54AM
I think Ragnarok was my breaking point. Never really enjoyed any of the Thor movies, and then they just say screw it and just make another Guardians, and butcher Planet Hulk at the same time. Poor Korg.

Sidenote, higher ups are claiming Nova *is* in the works, so we might still get the adventures of "Totally Not Green Lantern" sooner or later.

Sidesidenote, I finally understand what being a hipster feels like, because deadpool should never have become popular.
04/25/18 08:59AM
CorruptionPrincess said:
I never really was for marcel films. I do enjoy watching them with friends (the last one I saw was guardians 2 and that was in a big chat group with big sis and friends). Marvel films are now like fast food to me. its nice and enjoyable but after awhile it starts to look and taste the same.

That is exactly how I feel. I still like Marvel movies but it's like eating the same food over and over again, it just loses its appeal.
04/25/18 09:03AM
Pinkanator said:
I think Ragnarok was my breaking point. Never really enjoyed any of the Thor movies, and then they just say screw it and just make another Guardians, and butcher Planet Hulk at the same time. Poor Korg.

Sidenote, higher ups are claiming Nova *is* in the works, so we might still get the adventures of "Totally Not Green Lantern" sooner or later.

Sidesidenote, I finally understand what being a hipster feels like, because deadpool should never have become popular.

I agree that they completely ruined Korg. Making him some whiny comic relief was shameful.

Sidenote, I was not aware of any talks of Nova coming to the MCU so that is nice to hear.

Sidesidenote, I know right? I kinda annoys me how I was into this stuff before it was cool and now everyone likes it and it doesn't feel unique anymore.
04/25/18 09:12AM
DarkMask said:
I agree that they completely ruined Korg. Making him some whiny comic relief was shameful.

Sidenote, I was not aware of any talks of Nova coming to the MCU so that is nice to hear.

Sidesidenote, I know right? I kinda annoys me how I was into this stuff before it was cool and now everyone likes it and it doesn't feel unique anymore.

I like how he's voiced by the director, because he's sooo proud of his "adaptation". This is why miek wanted to kill everything.


<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=55huF8QVJbk|this basically surmises my old man rant about Deadpool, because holy shit this guy is literally just me but american.>>
04/25/18 10:02AM
Pinkanator said:
<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=55huF8QVJbk|this basically surmises my old man rant about Deadpool, because holy shit this guy is literally just me but american.>>

That was an interesting video. A lot of good points, in fact.
04/25/18 03:38PM
Pinkanator said:

Sidenote, higher ups are claiming Nova *is* in the works, so we might still get the adventures of "Totally Not Green Lantern" sooner or later.

/shrug Considering how DC screwed up making a Green Lantern movie, why not let Marvel take a swing at it?
04/25/18 05:55PM
I guess i'm the only one that enjoys these movies.
1 2>>>

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