01/07/14 10:22PM
Found a thing, drawing a thing.
So I found this Novi Stars doll called <<|Mimi Merize>> quite by mistake. Didn't find one at the local department store (not that I was looking ;>.>) but I did find enough reference photos to start drawing her. A girl like this needs a co-star to be effective, however, and who better than our own <<|Hypno-tan>>?

Not sure when this will be done, or when I will have internet to my own computer and won't have to borrow my brother's, but I'll do my best on both fronts!
01/07/14 11:53PM
Ooo~ I eagerly await the finished pic. :D
01/08/14 05:36AM
This looks amusing. I'll mimic Mindwipe's sentiments and await alongside him. :3
01/09/14 10:36AM
*brings the popcorn and waits next to Mindwipe and Vanndril*

Can't wait to see the finished picture. Seems like it'll be a great one.
01/26/14 09:58PM
<<|Progress Report>>
Noticing some anatomical discrepancies I'll have to fix now that I'm starting to get this lined. Seems like every time I sit down to work on this, though, my brain just goes "nope." (Ironically, considering where I am, I bet this problem can be easily sorted out.)
01/26/14 11:08PM
BML-20XX posted:
<<|Progress Report>>

Yup...That's a great beginning! I predict you someday we'll have Hypnotan as a guest appearance in an TV series ;D
01/27/14 02:52AM

Looks rad so far, I like how you simplified Mimi's design somewhat. It looked a little too busy in the source pic you linked.
01/27/14 03:17AM

YUS. It also occurs to me that if you ink Hypno-tan the way you have her drawn now, this will be the first image to depict Hypno-tan wearing a bra, or anything under her shirt for that matter.

Seems like every time I sit down to work on this, though, my brain just goes "nope."

@_@ You will finish this pic. @_@
@_@ You will finish this pic. @_@
01/27/14 08:15AM
Mindwipe said:
YUS. It also occurs to me that if you ink Hypno-tan the way you have her drawn now, this will be the first image to depict Hypno-tan wearing a bra, or anything under her shirt for that matter. know, you're right.
Mostly off topic: I wonder if anyone will ever draw a spiral-shaped bra. Like, where the fabric is made into a spiral pattern, and you can see the breast as the "alternative color" of the spiral. That would be amusing.

That looks nice. :D I'm still particularly excited to seeing Hypno-tan's blush in the finished product. It just looks too cute!

BML-20XX said:
Seems like every time I sit down to work on this, though, my brain just goes "nope."

I know the feeling. XD
01/27/14 10:48AM
Vanndril said: know, you're right.
Mostly off topic: I wonder if anyone will ever draw a spiral-shaped bra. Like, where the fabric is made into a spiral pattern, and you can see the breast as the "alternative color" of the spiral. That would be amusing.

I can kind of see it now and that needs to be a thing.
04/03/14 05:43AM
Continuing in livestream.

About time, too.
04/03/14 09:58AM
It is complete.
Posting in a second.
04/03/14 07:06PM
The doll has spinning spiral eyes! What an amazing doll!
I am compelled to buy one.

Also yes we all love the picture. <3
04/04/14 08:54AM
It's a good one :D

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