05/01/18 09:49PM
Teen Titans GO! Movie Mind Control
This is probably a bit more contentious but I made a thread about The Incredibles 2 for the same reason and fair is fair so: the Teen Titans Go! Movie has a plot at least tangentially related to mind control, so IF you're a fan (or, more likely, if not) here ya go
05/02/18 12:14AM
[The World]
05/02/18 12:46AM
It would probably be better if you posted this in the <<|Mind Control Scenes in Japanese and Western Animation!!>> thread, instead of making a new thread just for it.

Posts like these usually end up getting locked with a note from one of the moderators that you should use the existing thread instead of making a new one.
05/02/18 01:09AM
It's sucks to me, i mean...put every single hero of DC Universe...put the main villain and...THIS.
05/02/18 01:20AM
DouDile said:
It's sucks to me, i mean...put every single hero of DC Universe...put the main villain and...THIS.

I know right?!?

Why the hell are they giving Teen Titans Go a movie? They completely shattered the legacy of the original series. My nerdy spirit is in agony.
05/02/18 02:44AM
DarkMask said:
I know right?!?

Why the hell are they giving Teen Titans Go a movie? They completely shattered the legacy of the original series. My nerdy spirit is in agony.

Kids likes shit all the time. :^)
05/02/18 04:31AM
Yeah no. No amount of mind control or even CN/WB executives coming to my house to physically torture me will make me want to see or give 10 bucks to go see this movie or like anything Teen Titans Go related.

Also you know what's EXTREMELY sad? This is only the 2nd WB DC animated movie to be released in theaters. You know what the first one was? Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.

<<|This>> to <<|GODDAMN THIS.>>

That's just sad.
05/02/18 04:35AM
[clickes link]

He couldn't call himself Deathstroke?
05/02/18 04:36AM
Argonis said:
[clickes link]

He couldn't call himself Deathstroke?

To be fair his name was censored in the original cartoon too
05/02/18 05:44AM
I do like that Slade is calling them out on their bullshit.

Also Nic Cage as Superman, still can't get over them actually doing that lol
05/02/18 05:52AM
Ok two jokes made me half chuckle.

The shot at Green Lantern and the Deadpool line
05/02/18 11:48AM
Imasuky said:
Ok two jokes made me half chuckle.

The shot at Green Lantern and the Deadpool line

Watch Ryan Reynolds take as many shots and stabs at that now xP
05/02/18 11:53AM
mariosonicfan said:
I do like that Slade is calling them out on their bullshit.

Also Nic Cage as Superman, still can't get over them actually doing that lol

<<|but what if superman was played by Jonah Hill?>>
05/02/18 12:25PM
Okay, if this is a pseudo origin story to the Slade conflict from the original series, and is actually done well, I'm interested. That trailer paints it as FINALLY becoming self aware enough to get it's comedy right without hurting the legacy of what it is.
05/02/18 03:59PM
I don't hate Teen Titans Go! like most. I firmly believe it keeps the old series alive in the people's minds. Ours through spiteful comparisons, with new viewers who actually look into the references that are made in the odd episode, and then in the mind of Execs who might think it's worth resurrecting to cash in on TTG popularity.

In any case, I do kinda hope this loses to Sandler's HT3 as it seems to be released on the same weekend.... Maybe it'll make WB rethink things... I'm an optimist ok!

Btw, StepfordCrimson.... You do know Mask of the Phantasm failed at the box office, right? That's the only factor execs consider... We still got the DC Original movies though... Even if all the ones based on New 52 suck...
1 2>>>

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