05/06/18 02:15AM
Starting out with drawing exorit art
This will be my last question

Ive always wanted to draw this type of art and im just looking for tips and how to start.
05/06/18 05:42AM
Again, please stop opening new threads. Either refer to ones you’ve started yourself, or use thread that already exist (that being the art/feedback thread).

As I will always say to users looking to draw, you need to have a basic understanding of drawing fundamentals before you try and draw in a particular style. You’re otherwise going to be putting the cart before the horse.
05/06/18 09:32AM
If your knowledge is virtually 0, I think the best way to start practicing drawing is to draw geometric figures and other simple shapes in 2d and then 3d for... 2 or 3 weeks. Even more if you feel that you need it. It may sound boring but the key at the start is to set your goal to stuff you can accomplish. Investing hours and hours to draw a character with a level of detail you may not get right can be very frustrating at first (I went for that route, not fun at all).
First, you need to get to know your movements and tools, muscle memory is the key to feel comfortable with your lines and a proper use of your pen for traditional and digital art as well
05/06/18 12:34PM
Gojulas said:
If your knowledge is virtually 0, I think the best way to start practicing drawing is to draw geometric figures and other simple shapes in 2d and then 3d for... 2 or 3 weeks. Even more if you feel that you need it. It may sound boring but the key at the start is to set your goal to stuff you can accomplish. Investing hours and hours to draw a character with a level of detail you may not get right can be very frustrating at first (I went for that route, not fun at all).
First, you need to get to know your movements and tools, muscle memory is the key to feel comfortable with your lines and a proper use of your pen for traditional and digital art as well

Well its not virtually 0 im an art student at my local collage im just but proportionate at digital art or drawing from memory or the mind
05/07/18 05:34AM
@Sky, it's a little difficult to understand what you mean a lot of the time. I'm sure you know your English isn't that great. Keep your spell-checker on.

"Exorit" is not a word, and I think you meant "exotic" or "erotic".
You say you are "proportionate" at art. I think you mean "proficient"?

Communication is incredibly important. If you can not ask in English and you don't dare ask someone in your own language, don't draw porn. You are not ready to draw it.

Now if you are an art student I pray that you have heard "create what you love". If you love it, then others will too. That being said, you should have an understanding of the basics of anatomy. If you have anatomy down, you can draw porn. But trust me when I say, anatomy can take YEARS to master, if not decades.

Draw what you love and be brave, upload it. Ask for feedback. Listen to the feedback and improve. Don't give up on your English classes -- it is the only way you can talk to us...

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