05/06/18 12:06PM
Tenkuu Shinpan, a manga, that I think this site would find pretty interesting
So, Tenkuu Shinpan is a pretty interesting survival horror/action manga that's got several twists and turns throughout the story and is still going. The basic premise is that people in our regular world are being snatched away, finding themselves in a completely different world. In this world, people wearing freaky masks chase them with varying weapons and try to kill them. It's up to our heroine and the friends she makes along the way to put a stop to this cruel world.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "where is the mc?" to that I say "Hmm I don't know PRETTY MUCH FUCKING EVERYWHERE?" I mean it, those masked people I told you about? ALL brainwashed, just average joes being controlled by the mask. Then there's a girl who used the mask the gain power, and slowly starts succumbing to the masks effects, then it's revealed that there are people who can control the people in masks, and make new masked people to serve them. THEN It's revealed this guy has a thing on his phone similar to the masks, and he controls a guy with it (but not before scrambling his brain a bit prior to that, reducing him to a childlike state). And most recently, a new mysterious villain who can just straight up mind control people, no mask required, as demonstrated by a brainwashed hottie in only her bra and panties, and it's implied there are more regular people being controlled by that villain, so we'll see even more of it!

Not all of the brainwashing is sexy (In fact a good portion of it is creepy or depressing) but theres just so much content I think it's a bit of a shame I've heard literally no one mention it here. Also, has one of the coolest fuckin characters of all time, the Sniper Mask, who's able to fight off the brainwashing through a chip in his mask. Read it, seriously, its a wild as fuck ride and it's still going, and as mentioned many times, there's a TON of mc. Here's a link: <<>>
05/07/18 10:24AM
Hey Flyman, let's just use this thread and build a MC/brainwash/... manga reporting spot, starting with your post, just update your thread's name would be sufficient, I think it might be a good start, i'll bring some more stuff over later when I have time.

05/07/18 02:19PM
laststand0810 said:
Hey Flyman, let's just use this thread and build a MC/brainwash/... manga reporting spot, starting with your post, just update your thread's name would be sufficient, I think it might be a good start, i'll bring some more stuff over later when I have time.


Not that I'm opposed to this idea per se, but we do already have <<|a thread>> about this that's not too old.
05/08/18 11:14PM
It's pretty good, so I gotta thank you for the recommendation.

Though, one major thing: God the bad translation is grating sometimes. Like, "The Person Who is Close to God" is a title they assign to characters, multiple at the same time, and it's hard to to get annoyed. Still good read, though.

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