05/11/18 07:33AM
Hypnosis and ERP
I want to make this thread to ask what you guys think about it. Have you done ERP before? What was it like? Did you like it? Is anyone interested in ERP?
05/11/18 10:43AM
You may want to define ERP and what kind you're thinking of. I'm guessing your talking about erotic roleplay, but I admit I could be wrong. Now are you talking play by post, instant messager, what?
05/11/18 10:45AM
Assuming ERP = erotic roleplay

For me, interest is high, experience is low
05/11/18 11:04AM
I think the biggest thing to remember with ERP, especially Kink-Heavy ERP, is that both people have a picture in their head of how it goes perfectly for them. The trick is finding a way everyone is happy with. That being said, I very much enjoy ERP, and I think it's wonderful.
05/11/18 11:44AM
nalak said:
You may want to define ERP and what kind you're thinking of. I'm guessing your talking about erotic roleplay, but I admit I could be wrong. Now are you talking play by post, instant messager, what?

Yep. I was referring to ERP: Erotic Role Play. I find that people usually either use sites like F-list for ERP, or just use the mail system or Discord for ERP.
Kitten said:
Assuming ERP = erotic roleplay

For me, interest is high, experience is low

What's got you interested that makes it sound appealing for you?

PrincessLucina said:
I think the biggest thing to remember with ERP, especially Kink-Heavy ERP, is that both people have a picture in their head of how it goes perfectly for them. The trick is finding a way everyone is happy with. That being said, I very much enjoy ERP, and I think it's wonderful.

Sometimes with ERP, I'll ask my partner what fetishes they have before mentioning mine, and seeing what kind of session we can create with those common interests.
05/11/18 05:36PM
The only RP I did for a long time was erotic RP until I had some uncomfortable experiences, but up until then I absolutely loved it. I mostly did erotic RPs with nagas and snakes, I was very much into hypnosis and sensual coil play. One RP in particular I recall doing with someone where they said they actually achieved orgasm to the descriptions of coiling and squeezing, that was a really wonderful RP experience that I still look back on fondly.

I personally wasn't much into RP that was really heavy on porn language (i.e. using words like "fuck", "cock", "cumming", etc.), but luckily it wasn't difficult to find someone to RP with who was on board with that. I also definitely made a point to discuss what direction me and my partner wanted the RP to go in, and what things we were/weren't okay with happening.
05/11/18 09:02PM
ERP can be a lot of fun. Personally, I don't like doing it with strangers. I need to have a kind of feel, a kind of bond with someone before I do it. It's sort-of an expansion upon online friendships if that makes sense? To share something intimate like that, er, it means a lot is all.

Plus, I really love weaving my words in RP to keep it interesting~ and if you do it with someone experienced, there's er, actually a lot to learn... I used some things I learned in ERP when I kissed my first boyfriend. He really liked it :p of course, that doesn't prepare you for how hilarious it can be sometimes to do these things in real life, but it's a nice way to get ideas. (Talk with your partner about how they feel about ERP though! Some feel it's like cheating and you don't wanna hurt your lover, now do you?)

Oh, and do try Vanilla ERP too. It's a cute way to get started, get used to your ERP partner's do's and don't's before plunging in and making it difficult for yourself. Some people stop at the orgasm, others sortof ride it out. Some people masturbate during, others don't or keep a log in private to masturbate to later. There's a lot of possibilities *nods* and most importantly, ENJOY IT! Just like in real life, if you don't like it, talk about it with your partner. If they matter, they won't mind, and if they mind, they don't matter.
05/12/18 10:45AM
SexyHex said:
What's got you interested that makes it sound appealing for you?

Maybe it's my lack of exposure to the real thing, but it seems like a relatively low-risk way to experiment with different aspects of the fetish and really learn what I like

In addition to generally being pretty hot
05/12/18 11:03AM
Kitten said:
Maybe it's my lack of exposure to the real thing, but it seems like a relatively low-risk way to experiment with different aspects of the fetish and really learn what I like

In addition to generally being pretty hot

That's a good way to see it. You may find you like a fetish more than you thought or dislike it entirely through erp.
05/13/18 01:42AM
i love ERP!
05/18/18 10:28AM
I just wanted to bring this up again and say that I love doing this stuff and have a handful of subs that I play with a lot
05/19/18 02:01AM
I've just recently started and find it very fun!
05/20/18 10:01PM
SexyHex said:
I want to make this thread to ask what you guys think about it. Have you done ERP before? What was it like? Did you like it? Is anyone interested in ERP?

I have done it. I like it as it go away to let go fantasy that we can't do in real world. And yeah I'm interested in that.

05/21/18 04:30AM
I can do ERP, but I prefer to keep mine PG-13.
05/22/18 02:41AM
Ohh this is something I'm VERY interested in! <3 The thing is... I'm awfully shy don't have a lot of confidence in myself, so I never ask.

Specifically, I'm very much into the idea of the fantasy of being hypnotized by a charming woman. Carrying out simple tasks under such influence is weirdly... arousing.

A long time ago when Gaia Online had a bit of a hypnosis sub-community, I'd enjoy helping out others with their item acquisitions, but it was much more enjoyable to roleplay as if I were a brainwashed into doing so. Perhaps that's a weirdly specific fetish? ^^;

geekgirl8 said:
I mostly did erotic RPs with nagas and snakes, I was very much into hypnosis and sensual coil play. One RP in particular I recall doing with someone where they said they actually achieved orgasm to the descriptions of coiling and squeezing, that was a really wonderful RP experience that I still look back on fondly.

That sounds like a wonderful description. @_@;
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