05/11/18 11:06AM
I'm having problems accessing hypnohub on my moblie
Triple: for the past month, whenever I go to anything with hypnohub.net/post in the url I'm automatically redirected to the webpage I will provide below (I don't recommend actually going there its a scam page), I'm logged in and its only the post section of hypnohub I don't know why I'm being redirected to the same page repeatedly

05/11/18 11:08AM
I have had the same issue. It seems to only be on the post page. It's exceptionally irritating. I just figured it was something the mods already knew about.
05/11/18 11:19AM
PrincessLucina said:
I have had the same issue. It seems to only be on the post page. It's exceptionally irritating. I just figured it was something the mods already knew about.

Triple: I thought so as well but after waiting for so long for it to be resolved I think it might be best to bring it to their attention and if they know about it already there's no harm
05/12/18 04:05AM
No problem at my side. Likely the mods already dealed with it?
05/13/18 06:39AM
Triple: unfortunately I still can't if it wasn't for the fact I can still get on though my laptop I would be pressing the moderators a lot since I really like the hub its very meaningful for me after all
05/13/18 12:16PM
Happens to me every time I go in the post page, even after I'm logged in.
05/13/18 12:50PM
okay i know the admin sayerduck said something about reporting ads and i just found it so let me copy past what he said

"If you find a bad ad please pm me this info:

1) Browser
2) Device
3) Country
4) Your current ip ( www.whatsmyip.org/ )
5) URL of page you were on
6) URL of the page you were redirected to (landing page)
7) Browser history that regards this issue, usually redirection pass trough different URLs before ending up on landing page.
8) Screenshot of the landing page.
9) Were you logged in? (logged in users have no pops)

It doesn't have to be complete but the most important one is device/browser/country and page you were redirected to."

I hope this helps
05/13/18 05:08PM
Argonis said:
okay i know the admin sayerduck said something about reporting ads and i just found it so let me copy past what he said

"If you find a bad ad please pm me this info:

1) Browser
2) Device
3) Country
4) Your current ip ( www.whatsmyip.org/ )
5) URL of page you were on
6) URL of the page you were redirected to (landing page)
7) Browser history that regards this issue, usually redirection pass trough different URLs before ending up on landing page.
8) Screenshot of the landing page.
9) Were you logged in? (logged in users have no pops)

It doesn't have to be complete but the most important one is device/browser/country and page you were redirected to."

I hope this helps

I thought Slayerduck wasn't managing the Boorus anymore ? I might be wrong though, the way this website works is rather confusing to me.
05/13/18 05:23PM
TheMadPrince said:
I thought Slayerduck wasn't managing the Boorus anymore ? I might be wrong though, the way this website works is rather confusing to me.

i don't think he's ever said that, hell he even runs a patreon for this site.
05/13/18 05:42PM
Argonis said:
i don't think he's ever said that, hell he even runs a patreon for this site.

oh okay, sorry mb

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