05/12/18 04:28AM
Incredibles 2 Hypno spoilers
Heyo guys so just wanted to let you all know I skimmed through the Incredibles 2 junior novelization to confirm our hopes and as you might have seen from the title yes indeed, some main characters do get hypnotized. Not sure what the effect will be but let's just say it's not a"stretch" to think that we may get some good scenes for longer than a few minutes ;)
05/12/18 05:26AM
this is extremely good news
05/12/18 05:30AM
mariosonicfan said:
Heyo guys so just wanted to let you all know I skimmed through the Incredibles 2 junior novelization to confirm our hopes and as you might have seen from the title yes indeed, some main characters do get hypnotized. Not sure what the effect will be but let's just say it's not a"stretch" to think that we may get some good scenes for longer than a few minutes ;)

I see the pun
05/12/18 06:25AM
mariosonicfan said:
Heyo guys so just wanted to let you all know I skimmed through the Incredibles 2 junior novelization to confirm our hopes and as you might have seen from the title yes indeed, some main characters do get hypnotized. Not sure what the effect will be but let's just say it's not a"stretch" to think that we may get some good scenes for longer than a few minutes ;)

If there is the slightest nanosecond of malesub then the movie is -500/10
05/12/18 07:40AM
someguy231 said:
If there is the slightest nanosecond of malesub then the movie is -500/10

There's malesub in the trailer, soooo...
05/12/18 08:46AM
someguy231 said:
If there is the slightest nanosecond of malesub then the movie is -500/10

I like the way you think.
05/12/18 02:27PM
Guess we'll see some Hypno Super Mom this time, gosh this time Helen will go straight to history. =))

So from the poster in Disney site, it is seemed we'll have 8 Villain? put the Screenslaver and the Underminer aside, we'll have 6 under the logo, at least 3 of them look like heroes (the bulky red dude, the blue lighting guy and the aquamarine lady showed with shiny light bulb eyes in this clip: so femsub + malesub confirmed)

nvm: all are second rate heroes, also the red dude is the red lady *facepalm*
05/12/18 02:45PM
I've seen at least one picture of what you're talking about.
It is extremely fucked to me that the movies will just let spoilers out into the wild in exchange for getting a bit more tie-in sales done just a bit sooner.
05/12/18 03:49PM
notanotheralias said:
I've seen at least one picture of what you're talking about.
It is extremely fucked to me that the movies will just let spoilers out into the wild in exchange for getting a bit more tie-in sales done just a bit sooner.

Are we talking about how [spoiler=POSSIBLE MAJOR SPOILER, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED]it becomes very clear who the Screen Slaver is if you watch the trailer and compare his appearance to that of Blue Suit Guy[/spoiler]?
05/12/18 04:03PM
TheSpoon said:
Are we talking about how [spoiler=POSSIBLE MAJOR SPOILER, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED]it becomes very clear who the Screen Slaver is if you watch the trailer and compare his appearance to that of Blue Suit Guy[/spoiler]?

well, hardly, I mean who would have just want supers back to their job out of nowhere like that, truly he'll be the ringmaster. Heck, he even said how he "admire" the heroes works, more like obsessed in owning them now lol
05/12/18 04:43PM
I will say, if you are good at picking up puns from names... it is super obvious who the screenslaver is. Like it's super easy to figure out, heck I did before I even looked through that book lol
05/12/18 05:11PM
Okay, I haven't even seen the trailer that everyone is talking about. I just saw someone post some pages from the kid's book is all and [spoiler]according to it, it looks like the movie is trying to make you think a particular guy is the Screenslaver, but actually he's just a dupe and the real villain is his sister. And Helen realizes the truth just a moment before she gets got with hypno-goggles.
05/12/18 05:27PM
notanotheralias said:
Okay, I haven't even seen the trailer that everyone is talking about. I just saw someone post some pages from the kid's book is all and [spoiler]according to it, it looks like the movie is trying to make you think a particular guy is the Screenslaver, but actually he's just a dupe and the real villain is his sister. And Helen realizes the truth just a moment before she gets got with hypno-goggles.

Well, I'm officially not going to be able to enjoy this film in full, but I'll at least have the hypno stuff to lean back on~ Hopefully it'll be worth!
05/12/18 11:31PM
akaece said:
There's malesub in the trailer, soooo...

already shit. :v
05/13/18 06:52AM
Making me even more excited to see the movie now lol
1 2>>>

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