05/14/18 03:01AM
Adding stuff to pools
Ive created a pool how do i add stuff into it? Idk if theirs a thread already about this but i cant see it
05/14/18 03:09AM
go to the post you wanna add to the pool on the side there should be some options one of them says add to pool
click that and go to the pool you created the click add and bam your post will be added to the pool you created.
05/14/18 11:05AM
Argonis said:
go to the post you wanna add to the pool on the side there should be some options one of them says add to pool
click that and go to the pool you created the click add and bam your post will be added to the pool you created.

I cant find it
05/14/18 11:13AM
Go to your profile.

Look at settings.

Find Advanced Editing

Click it to yesd

look at the picture you will see Add to pool under Add to Favorites, click that and find the pool you want.

And to answer before you need to ask how to make a pool.

Go to the pools page at the bottom you'll see new, click that, name the pool. Add the pictures to it

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