05/18/18 11:37AM
Story Idea's I've recently had
So yeah, had some story ideas recently that I wanted to bounce around on here and maybe get some peoples opinions on and interests in them. Let me know what you think:

Teacher-Student Master

Guy from a family of hypnotists discovers that his crush, a classmate, is secretly dating a teacher. Finding this unacceptable, he hypnotizes both and gradually brainwashes them into breaking up and the crush into his arms.

This idea would involve gradual manipulation through programming sessions. With the teacher, it would focus on making him view the entire relationship as completely unacceptable and to not find the crush attractive or worth the risk. With the crush, the sessions would focus on convincing her the teacher does not care for her and simply sees her as a sex object. There would also be a point where, with crush and teacher entranced, guy has his way with crush as teacher simply watches while doing nothing; crush would feel both joy from guy having his way with her and betrayal from teacher doing nothing.

So, yeah, story idea is pretty dark and I want to know if people think it should be darker (couple is loving and genuine) or less dark (teacher is seeing someone else on the side and crush is simply naive and foolish)

Hear See Touch

In this story, three women apply to work as a man's live-in-maids. Naturally, the job offer is actually so he can acquire three live-in-slaves, with the girls already under some light hypnosis. The finisher involves a set up designed to completely enslave the three, using their sense of hearing, sight, and touch, with each woman being particularly susceptible to one sense each.

With this, I really need help understanding how the sense of touch can be used for an induction, my best idea being using massage chairs...

The Hypno-Bandit and his Hypno-Bandettes

This story is the tale of an almost phantasmal thief and his harem of beautiful and skilled assistants, even if those assistants never remember helping him... or the pleasurable rewards they receive for their services. Rather than their heists, the story would focus on each Bandette, how their master met and enthralled them, and the pleasure they receive after each successful heist.

Mostly, with this story is ideas for Hypno-Bandettes, I'm going with the idea of five total and have ideas for two (#1 is a cabie/street racer, and #5 is a cop).

Premise is that a guy finds a site that claims that, so long as you fill out their application, it will make anybody his slave. He tries it out, thinking it's a hoax, only to immediately find a beauty at his front door ready to serve him. Things go on from there...

With this, I'm mostly interested in whether I should write it seriously (Has to come up explanations for why women suddenly flock to him; deal with other users using the site maliciously) or for pure fetish fuel (nobody but him seems to notice or care that random women are suddenly declaring themselves his slave).

Part of me might even consider making this a choose your own adventure...

And my last idea for now is a fanfic series idea:

Rocket Slut Program

Based on an RP I did on Discord, Team Rocket distributes videos that convince the ladies watching to become a pleasure slave of Team Rocket and to report for further brainwashing at a separate location.

Yeah, with this, I want to mainly just hear if anyone is interested or wanting to learn more.
05/18/18 12:40PM
ghost13 said:
Teacher-Student Master

Guy from a family of hypnotists discovers that his crush, a classmate, is secretly dating a teacher. Finding this unacceptable, he hypnotizes both and gradually brainwashes them into breaking up and the crush into his arms.

This idea would involve gradual manipulation through programming sessions. With the teacher, it would focus on making him view the entire relationship as completely unacceptable and to not find the crush attractive or worth the risk. With the crush, the sessions would focus on convincing her the teacher does not care for her and simply sees her as a sex object. There would also be a point where, with crush and teacher entranced, guy has his way with crush as teacher simply watches while doing nothing; crush would feel both joy from guy having his way with her and betrayal from teacher doing nothing.

So, yeah, story idea is pretty dark and I want to know if people think it should be darker (couple is loving and genuine) or less dark (teacher is seeing someone else on the side and crush is simply naive and foolish)

I'd go less dark with it. The idea of harmlessly defusing a relationship that'd probably end in tragedy and heartbreak (and prison time) IRL - holds some wish fulfillment potential beyond just bedding a crush, and consequently also makes your protag seem a lot more sympathetic.

ghost13 said:
Hear See Touch

In this story, three women apply to work as a man's live-in-maids. Naturally, the job offer is actually so he can acquire three live-in-slaves, with the girls already under some light hypnosis. The finisher involves a set up designed to completely enslave the three, using their sense of hearing, sight, and touch, with each woman being particularly susceptible to one sense each.

With this, I really need help understanding how the sense of touch can be used for an induction, my best idea being using massage chairs...

I once halfway put myself into trance with the help of an oscillating fan blowing left to right along by body, if that inspires you any?

ghost13 said:
The Hypno-Bandit and his Hypno-Bandettes

This story is the tale of an almost phantasmal thief and his harem of beautiful and skilled assistants, even if those assistants never remember helping him... or the pleasurable rewards they receive for their services. Rather than their heists, the story would focus on each Bandette, how their master met and enthralled them, and the pleasure they receive after each successful heist.

Mostly, with this story is ideas for Hypno-Bandettes, I'm going with the idea of five total and have ideas for two (#1 is a cabie/street racer, and #5 is a cop).

#2: Hacker?

#3: Con artist?

#4: Free runner?
05/19/18 02:53AM
[spoiler=#1 Teacher-Student Master]#1 Teacher-Student Master
[spoiler=Some irrellevant(?) stuff]I seem to recall a really hot manga (I can't find anywhere anymore) about a teacher hypnotising a girl, and then her crush ends up saving her. There were some unhappy elements inbetween the really sweet inductions and lewdness, though (her crush was a bad guy too).[/spoiler] As the kind doctor said, less dark is good, but you could also twist it a little, make it a battle-of-wits, or battle-of-hypnosis showdown between the teacher and the protag perhaps, to see who'll win the girl, and then ofc the girl's still hypno'd to heck and back so the protag has to care for her until she regains her mind. On a sappy end note, you might hint that she's got her mind back already, but she's actually just fallen in love with him~ (I'm a sucker for a happy ending ^^)[/spoiler]

[spoiler=#2 Hear See Touch]#2 Hear See Touch
Hey, "fun" fact, I actually have a pretty big "pleasure zone" on my neck. I've had it for years though it's grown in sensitivity by use (and diminished only marginally by unuse). There's a medical condition I forget the name of where a man may be shaving his neck for instance, and rubbing over a certain spot will make him faint, and some friend thought I might have that (I still don't know). Still, if massaged right, brushed lightly by my hair or god forbid, I'm kissed there -- my lights go out. I'm fairly sure I became quite suggestible in this stupor too, but I have little memory of it. Just where the neck goes over into the shoulder, on top of those muscles to the little dip by my collarbone. A sexy spot, yet sooo inconvenient.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=#3 The Hypno-Bandit and his Hypno-Bandettes]#3 The Hypno-Bandit and his Hypno-Bandettes
I don't know, I think it'd be cool to have at least one or two heists, or weave the first heist into the meeting and er, enslaving of the next bandette. That might be more fun, plus who doesn't love a good catburglar? It gets you a little more coherence and continuity. I wonder what the other Bandettes are like :P[/spoiler]

Best to go pure fetish fuel. This is too much power to handle without going dark. ... My evil overlord senses are tingling. Maybe make it into a thing where err, only the protagonist can access the site? Ehh I don't know. Best to leave it unexplained. Or! Put a timer on the enslavement, where afterwards they won't remember a thing or so. Kindof like "at the stroke of midnight" stuff.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=#5 Rocket Slut Program]#5 Rocket Slut Program
This imo is the weakest in the bunch. Idk I just don't see how this could turn into anything fun other than some kind of pokemonesque human trafficking ring, which... not my alley. Maybe I'm a bit harsh but I can't think of calling it anything else than boring :/[/spoiler]
05/19/18 03:17AM
Slave to Order is the best idea here.
05/19/18 05:35PM
I like the Team Rocket one. None of the others are really up my alley, but that one sounds like it would focus on the act of brainwashing moreso than the result, which definitely is my thing.

Oh, the bandit one might be cool, too, actually. Although honestly, while I do love brainwashing, I have a soft spot for heists and wouldn't mind reading about one.
05/20/18 04:56AM
Now it's time I replied!

Dr_Mabuse said:
I'd go less dark with it. The idea of harmlessly defusing a relationship that'd probably end in tragedy and heartbreak (and prison time) IRL - holds some wish fulfillment potential beyond just bedding a crush, and consequently also makes your protag seem a lot more sympathetic.

Friye said:
[spoiler=#1 Teacher-Student Master]#1 Teacher-Student Master
[spoiler=Some irrellevant(?) stuff]I seem to recall a really hot manga (I can't find anywhere anymore) about a teacher hypnotising a girl, and then her crush ends up saving her. There were some unhappy elements inbetween the really sweet inductions and lewdness, though (her crush was a bad guy too).[/spoiler] As the kind doctor said, less dark is good, but you could also twist it a little, make it a battle-of-wits, or battle-of-hypnosis showdown between the teacher and the protag perhaps, to see who'll win the girl, and then ofc the girl's still hypno'd to heck and back so the protag has to care for her until she regains her mind. On a sappy end note, you might hint that she's got her mind back already, but she's actually just fallen in love with him~ (I'm a sucker for a happy ending ^^)[/spoiler]

Glad to hear people saying they'd prefer it to be less dark! I'm thinking along those lines as well myself.

Though, sorry Friye, the only battles-of-hypnosis I like to see are when two tists tie and a third party takes advantage of the results.

Dr_Mabuse said:
I once halfway put myself into trance with the help of an oscillating fan blowing left to right along by body, if that inspires you any?

Friye said:
[spoiler=#2 Hear See Touch]#2 Hear See Touch
Hey, "fun" fact, I actually have a pretty big "pleasure zone" on my neck. I've had it for years though it's grown in sensitivity by use (and diminished only marginally by unuse). There's a medical condition I forget the name of where a man may be shaving his neck for instance, and rubbing over a certain spot will make him faint, and some friend thought I might have that (I still don't know). Still, if massaged right, brushed lightly by my hair or god forbid, I'm kissed there -- my lights go out. I'm fairly sure I became quite suggestible in this stupor too, but I have little memory of it. Just where the neck goes over into the shoulder, on top of those muscles to the little dip by my collarbone. A sexy spot, yet sooo inconvenient.[/spoiler]

While I'm not sure how helpful that information might be, I'm glad for some ideas about how it could work. Again, thank you both!

Dr_Mabuse said:
#2: Hacker?

#3: Con artist?

#4: Free runner?

I can see how hacker and con artist would be helpful, but free runner?

Friye said:
[spoiler=#3 The Hypno-Bandit and his Hypno-Bandettes]#3 The Hypno-Bandit and his Hypno-Bandettes
I don't know, I think it'd be cool to have at least one or two heists, or weave the first heist into the meeting and er, enslaving of the next bandette. That might be more fun, plus who doesn't love a good catburglar? It gets you a little more coherence and continuity. I wonder what the other Bandettes are like :P[/spoiler]

akaece said:
Oh, the bandit one might be cool, too, actually. Although honestly, while I do love brainwashing, I have a soft spot for heists and wouldn't mind reading about one.

While a good heist in fiction is always great, I'm worried whatever I could write wouldn't be as good as what readers might imagine.

With Hypno-Bandit I also plan it to be a bit silly and cheesy (ridiculous triggers, elaborate hypnotized personalities, other nonsense).

Friye said:
Best to go pure fetish fuel. This is too much power to handle without going dark. ... My evil overlord senses are tingling. Maybe make it into a thing where err, only the protagonist can access the site? Ehh I don't know. Best to leave it unexplained. Or! Put a timer on the enslavement, where afterwards they won't remember a thing or so. Kindof like "at the stroke of midnight" stuff.[/spoiler]

Ogodei-Khan said:
Slave to Order is the best idea here.

Looks like fetish fuel is the way to go!

Friye said:
[spoiler=#5 Rocket Slut Program]#5 Rocket Slut Program
This imo is the weakest in the bunch. Idk I just don't see how this could turn into anything fun other than some kind of pokemonesque human trafficking ring, which... not my alley. Maybe I'm a bit harsh but I can't think of calling it anything else than boring :/[/spoiler]

Yeah, I didn't figure it would be everybody's cup of tea...

akaece said:
I like the Team Rocket one. None of the others are really up my alley, but that one sounds like it would focus on the act of brainwashing moreso than the result, which definitely is my thing.

I agree. Sometimes, it's not the results that are the turn on, but the process.
05/20/18 06:08AM

#1 that's totally fine, you should after all create what you love! That way it will always be your best work~

#3 free runners have great butts ._. I'd recommend a game like Mirror's Edge Catalyst for the butts, but I can't find any good pictures as it's all in first person view almost. The game's still all about heists and getting away from authorities tho, through routes law enforcment can't follow. No idea how to help with plot other than utterly plagiarising movie scripts tho :p

This is a fun thread ^^
05/20/18 07:16AM
Hear See Touch sounds like the most interesting one to me.
05/20/18 10:49PM
I love the hypno bandettes's one and the rocket slut program's idea.
05/21/18 02:04PM
Friye said:
#3 free runners have great butts ._.

Well I've never thought of it or noticed it, uh. Now I want to draw freerunners.
And play mirror's edge.
Thanks for the idea !


I don't really know what to say, since what you are giving now are initial ideas. Weither people like them or not would depend on personnal preferences. I tend to believe that it is how you make a story from the said idea that really matters.

Let's still give it a try :

1- not my kind of thing, to be honest. The idea feels like it should be pretty dark, but on the other hand making it light can help more people appreciate it ? Maybe the relationship between the student and the teacher wouldbe rather unhealthy for example. That makes the main character actually kind of right.

2- Pretty interesting. Hypnosis through touch, well, you said massage, and it's the most obvious one. There might also be any sensual/erotic touch (on pretty much any part of the body). Sometimes, people use excuses to touch other folks faces like "oh, you got something on your face", maybe that can help ? Also, with triggers, pretty much any touch can do anything. Especially if your main character is very social and casually touches people (that happens).

3- I like it quite a lot. Cops being enslaved is always a lot of fun. For the heists, you can talk about it without going into the details. Also, your bandit sounds unusual, so you can pretty much make up a way for him to get the money, by, let's say, put everyone in trance. That would be pretty badass because it would make your character a rumor, even for the cops. Should he delete camera recordings, no one could ever prove his existence.

5- I like this one too.
But I'm not sure as to what else to say on this one O n O)


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