05/25/18 12:07PM
Rest in Peace TotalBiscuit
I'm sorry to be the one who has to make this forum topic, but I thought that everyone here needed to know that John "TotalBiscuit" Bain, gaming legend and cynical brit, has unfortunately lost his fight with cancer.

Rest in peace, Biscuit. Rest in peace.
05/25/18 01:52PM
Damn I knew it was only a matter of time but still it hurts to hear that it happened already.
05/25/18 03:56PM
Only 33. Fuck me sideways.
05/25/18 08:35PM
Rest in peace. In some ways it seemed like he would never go, given that he got the diagnosis some four years ago and back THEN was told that he didn't have long, but from what I've heard at this point it was a matter of when, not if, and trying to minimize the pain until then. I doubt anybody would have wanted him to go so soon, but at least he's no longer hurting.
05/26/18 01:12AM
Was really sad when I heard the news.... always loved his content and his inspiration on the gaming community and industry as a whole, was nothing short of legendary.

Only at 33.... that's really hard to think about how young he was...

Rest In Peace.
05/29/18 09:16AM
He was 33 when he passed? darn man that's sad he went while so young.
I'm only now really hearing about it and there are game developers celebrating his passing, Its a shame that people will just dance on your grave just cause you gave them a less then stellar review.
05/29/18 09:32AM
Argonis said:
He was 33 when he passed? darn man that's sad he went while so young.
I'm only now really hearing about it and there are game developers celebrating his passing, Its a shame that people will just dance on your grave just cause you gave them a less then stellar review.

The only good news is that the developers are also dancing on their own by doing that.
05/30/18 12:40AM
Madrow that is in very poor taste. And while it is not breaking any rules I feel that you should remove it.
05/30/18 01:23AM
I probably wouldn't have my computer or my steam account if it wasn't for him ;-;. I was really sad to hear he passed since I followed him since his first Cata video
05/30/18 02:01AM
Argonis said:
He was 33 when he passed? darn man that's sad he went while so young.
I'm only now really hearing about it and there are game developers celebrating his passing, Its a shame that people will just dance on your grave just cause you gave them a less then stellar review.

People are doing WHAT? Seriously? Yeah I looked it up just before posting this and Jesus Christ, they are. Why do people feel the need to attack someone after they're dead? It's not a good thing, it fucking sucks.

MaDrow said:
TotalBiscuit lived up to his name, because his health was fragile as biscuit.

05/30/18 02:09AM
Imasuky said:
Madrow that is in very poor taste. And while it is not breaking any rules I feel that you should remove it.
There, I've put it behind a clickwall. Hopefully I did you a favour.

05/30/18 07:15AM
Argonis said:
I'm only now really hearing about it and there are game developers celebrating his passing,

I think the harshest thing I have to say about him was that he was naive, and that's not really that harsh to say. It just means he was human.
05/30/18 08:14AM

Memes aside though I loved Tb, He was probably one of only 2-3 reviewers I could actually trust to give a non biased opinon on a game and his work was always entertaining as well, Rest in peace
05/30/18 08:59AM
I never followed his work, but a loss of life is still a loss. -Removes hat- Rest in peace.
05/30/18 10:43AM
Argonis said:
I'm only now really hearing about it and there are game developers celebrating his passing, Its a shame that people will just dance on your grave just cause you gave them a less then stellar review.
Likely you'll also not mourn about the death of someone who broke what you did for a living.

Also, does the matter change when TotalBiscuit was still alive? He could just unleash his fanbase off the persons who mock him. Now the fanbase itself is aiming to those persons.
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