05/26/18 03:44AM
account deletion
Hello peeps,

so back in march (i think) I had a falling out with some peeps on the hypnohub discord, I said and did some things that were wrong, but in the end it was my own dumb ass fault. Ever since I haven't uploaded anything or interacted with anyone here on the hub...

Since I won't be using this website any more I want to ask for my account to be deleted

(If there is an option for it in the settings somewhere I missed it, so if you could help me on that, that'd be great too)

Thank you, and sorry for any inconveniences and problems that will come (or have come) up.
05/26/18 03:48AM
Due to a past abuse we no longer delate accounts. The best I can say is just log out and just stop using the site if you dislike it.

I'm locking this page, if you want to discuss matter farther DM me or any other Mod

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