05/28/18 10:18PM
A project for everyone who's ever wanted themselves drawn hypnotized
This project is brought to you through my Patreon: =)

This project is now complete! Everyone go say hello to Frankie!

Many of us know and love cuties like <<|Erika>>, <<|Pokemongirl>>, and <<|Crimson>> (to name just a few), who make their real-life likenesses available for erotic, hypnotic fun. But what about all the other folks out there who are just as thirsty to be portrayed as hypnotized toys for the world to play with? Many of them don't have the same access to artists that allows others to be portrayed as such. This project is for those people. Anyone who doesn’t already have a drawing of themselves out there is welcome to enter themselves into the Induction Inclusivity raffle, free of charge. I'll select randomly from among everyone who applies, and work closely with that person to create and develop an illustrated avatar, ready to be dropped into blissful submission!

Application is officially open starting today and continuing until June 11th! To enter, either comment below, or send me a private message. You can write whatever you want, but please make sure to put “II ENTRY” at the top of your message!

After the deadline, I will contact the selected winner privately, and they will have 1 week to respond. A different winner, if available, will be chosen after that time if no response is received.

I will ask the winner to provide me with any means of description they choose, whether written, photographic, illustrated, etc. Descriptions that are malicious and/or hateful and/or clearly in bad faith will be tossed out, and a different winner will be chosen. (No one would really do that, right...?)

I will create a character sketch based on the provided description. Estimated completion time for this is 1 week.

Based on the winner's feedback, I will revise the sketch to get it as close as possible to the desired outcome. This step will be repeated as necessary, though I reserve the right to decide what constitutes a reasonable amount of revisions.

The final product of this process will consist of at least two full-body drawings (most likely one hypnotized and one lucid), several headshots showcasing various facial expressions, an easily-sampleable color pallet showing all colors used, and, if necessary, small diagrams showing any fine/hidden/complicated details. Estimated completion time for this is 2-4 weeks, depending on the number of revisions.

After all that, I’ll unleash the new original avatar forth into the world, to have many hypnotic adventures!

All genders welcome to apply!

Avatars must be human, though "accessories" like animal ears or a tail are A-OK.

Photographs submitted as part of this process may be screened for legitimacy. Anyone found to be submitting photos of someone other than themselves will be disqualified from participation. Also, no nudes, please! Your avatar can be naked if you like, but I’ll use my imagination for those bits.

No one will be misgendered. Any claim you make about your gender identity will not be questioned or scrutinized. (Sad that I have to include this, but I don't want anyone to feel hesitant because of it.)
05/28/18 10:31PM
I'm not going to sign up as I already have a decent amount of art of my oc but this is pretty cool of you to do.

Best of luck to anyone who enters!
05/29/18 12:40AM
6/11 -- is that American or other markings of time? Because that's the difference between the 11th of June and the 6th of November. Just to make sure we don't get it wrong!

I love the idea ^^
05/29/18 01:11AM
Friye said:
6/11 -- is that American or other markings of time? Because that's the difference between the 11th of June and the 6th of November. Just to make sure we don't get it wrong!

I love the idea ^^

Ah yes, let me fix that. It is indeed the 11th of June, two weeks from today.
05/31/18 03:22AM
Quick question : does it have to be IRL "us", or can it be a human-looking OC ?

Nice initiative, by the way.
05/31/18 05:54AM
AnnoyinGoblin said:
Quick question : does it have to be IRL "us", or can it be a human-looking OC ?

Nice initiative, by the way.

This project's designed for people who want to see representations of their real selves hypnotized. Maybe a similar thing for OCs could be in the cards somewhere down the line?
And thanks, people seem to be into it, so I'd say it's going well. =)
05/31/18 07:57PM
This is quite the pet project to make. As far as the appeal goes, I think I'd rather be a dom than a sub, but this sounds like a legit labor of love. Good luck to you and your contestants.
06/01/18 02:37AM
Well i'd rather have me pictured as a tist than a sub so I'll pass. Good luck to everyone else^^ It's a nice initiative.
06/01/18 05:05AM
Godspeed, you beautiful energy pattern
06/02/18 08:56PM
As someone who does base there avatar on their rl self. I’m excited to see more of us join the hub :3
06/10/18 08:48PM
Can I apply? :D I do have a few pics of my persona but not really any of myself irl XD So this is a great opportunity :D
06/10/18 10:58PM
Kiseren said:
Can I apply? :D I do have a few pics of my persona but not really any of myself irl XD So this is a great opportunity :D

I'd say that's alright, so long as your persona is distinct from your irl self. =)
06/10/18 11:43PM
Black--Wave said:
I'd say that's alright, so long as your persona is distinct from your irl self. =)

Cool, cool! It's very distinct so that shouldn't be a problem :D
06/11/18 02:06AM
Kiseren said:
Cool, cool! It's very distinct so that shouldn't be a problem :D

Okay, but please observe the rules and put "II Entry" at the top of your message to enter officially. =)
06/11/18 02:52AM
Black--Wave said:
Okay, but please observe the rules and put "II Entry" at the top of your message to enter officially. =)

II Entry

Right sorry XD I forgot
1 2>>>

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