05/30/18 03:38AM
Reserve a Primal
Hello everyone, Hidden Agenda at your service.

As some of you know, I've been commissioning artists to have the beloved OCs of the Hub enthralled by the Primals of Final Fantasy XIV. I love that game and all the unique ways the summons can brainwash us all. Over time I hope to have more art made which brings me to this. Before with Crimson and Jaclyn I sent them private messages to ask their consent and the finer points of the piece. This time I'm opening up the question to the public.

I'm going to list the Primals and Jobs within XIV so you can reply which ones you'd like to see your OCs involved with in the future. For now, I'm not doing repeats on the Primals so that all of them can get some love. I look forward to hearing if anyone else is interested in this.

If you don't know about these characters but still want to take part, just ask me. I'd be happy to give you the details.


Paladin: Lara (IDPet)
Warrior: Erika
Dark Knight: Jaclyn (CorruptionPrincess)
White Mage: Deffy (Defcon7)
Scholar: Imasuky Lomae (Imasuky)
Monk: Orianna (Shmecha)
Dragoon: Au Ra (Argonis)
Samurai: Amy (Asaola)
Ninja: Pinkanator
Bard: Mask (DarkMask)
Machinist: Susan (BasuraGhost)
Dancer: Jyoti (Mindwipe)
Black Mage: Crimson (StepfordCrimson)
Summoner: Crystal (Zko)
Red Mage: Seth (Darknessneon), Trippy (111)


Ifrit: Orianna (Schmecha)
Titan: Trippy (111)
Garuda: Mask (DarkMask)
Leviathan: Amy (Asaola)
Good King Moggle Mog XII: Pinkanator
Ramuh: Susan (BasuraGhost)
Odin: Lara (IDPet)
Bahamut: Crystal (Zko)
Phoenix: Deffy (Defcon7)
Shiva: Seth (Darknessneon)
Ravana: Au Ra (Argonis)
King Thordan:
Sephirot: Erika
Sophia: Crimson (StepfordCrimson)
Alexander: Jaclyn (CorruptionPrincess)
Shinryu: Dani (Doudile)
Lakshmi: Jyoti (Mindwipe)
Tsukuyomi: Imasuky Lomae (Imasuky)
05/30/18 03:41AM
Can I have Scholar and Tsukuyomi?
05/30/18 03:42AM
Can Allison be dragoon?

that's what i main ingame.
05/30/18 03:50AM
Can I get Ninja and Garuda?
05/30/18 04:01AM
Didn't think I'd see replies so fast. I'm surprised. Also, our first male victim. I'll add your requests to the board. When I save up a little more scratch, I'll start sending out private messages and then hunt down an artist.
05/30/18 04:08AM
actually i'd like to change OCs from Allison to my male Au ra OC if that's ok.
05/30/18 04:11AM
Argonis said:
actually i'd like to change OCs from Allison to my male Au ra OC if that's ok.

I would have loved to see Allison rejoice in the glory of combat, but the change has been made.
05/30/18 04:13AM
Why is there no Shiva on the list?
05/30/18 04:22AM
HiddenAgenda said:
I would have loved to see Allison rejoice in the glory of combat, but the change has been made.

XD maybe next time

thanks for making the change.
05/30/18 04:23AM
Mindwipe said:
Why is there no Shiva on the list?

I KNEW I was forgetting someone! Thank you.
05/30/18 06:29AM
Dammit I'm being indecisive!

I might switch to Bard since that's what I main in game.
But Ninja looks so cool...
05/30/18 06:58AM
DarkMask said:
Dammit I'm being indecisive!

I might switch to Bard since that's what I main in game.
But Ninja looks so cool...

We can always hash out the minor details over messaging. I kind of have it in my head how the scene would play out already. I'd just need to find an artist good with comics.
05/30/18 07:47AM
Hmm... I'm tempted to offer up Jyoti, but I'm not sure what class I'd say. I main paladin, but that seems like an odd fit for Jyoti.
05/30/18 07:52AM
White mage deffy and Phoenix?
05/30/18 07:54AM
Mindwipe said:
Hmm... I'm tempted to offer up Jyoti, but I'm not sure what class I'd say. I main paladin, but that seems like an odd fit for Jyoti.

She could be a summoner
she looks like she 's really good at communing with nature.
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