06/04/18 07:27PM
Sleep deprivation and hypnosis
I don't know if it's just me but being sleep deprived makes it 1000x easier to be hypnotized. What do you think is the maximum hours you can stay awake to increase suggestibility without falling asleep during a session?
06/04/18 10:58PM
I've no idea if it makes me more or less suggestible, but I'm sure it has an effect :o I tend to get paranoid when I'm sleep deprived, which makes so I stay up until actual exhaustion kicks in.

Everyone needs differing amounts of sleep. I for one, can function as long as I don't need to do anything important on 4-6h of sleep, can function crankily on 8h of sleep, but am a proper person at 10-12h of sleep -- per 24h. A friend of mine however can be a proper happy person on 6-8h of sleep, and a research he participated in showed he sleeps very deeply, almost immediately. (I'm not jealous, you are :p)

I think the max amount anyone should stay awake is 20-24h. Of course, you can do more, depending on what kind of tiredness symptoms you experience. I suggest getting to the point where your body feels warm and you don't have anything to do anymore for the rest of the day. Not to the point of your eyes feeling heavy (unless suggested so~) That's already a natural state of relaxation, which might be preferable?
06/05/18 01:27PM
morbidsanity_ said:
I don't know if it's just me but being sleep deprived makes it 1000x easier to be hypnotized. What do you think is the maximum hours you can stay awake to increase suggestibility without falling asleep during a session?

Me too. I always liest hynotic audio in my bed, late night <3
06/05/18 09:14PM
06/05/18 09:19PM
Allister said:


I can understand, I had problems with insomnia for all my life ç_ç

06/05/18 10:12PM
EdenSnake said:

I can understand, I had problems with insomnia for all my life ç_ç


06/05/18 11:40PM
Allister said:

Thurst me... it isn't nice ç_ç

06/05/18 11:49PM
EdenSnake said:
Thurst me... it isn't nice ç_ç


Even worse when a double dose of Unisom does NOTHING!
06/06/18 04:58AM
I've defiantly found it easier to fall into deeper trances when I listen to files either just after waking up or when I'm about to fall asleep.

For me, pretty much any time past 2 or 3 AM is when I start getting "so tired that I'm cranky", so I tend to avoid doing that. (I get... REALLY mad when I don't get my sleep, and if I were to get tranced, I most likely just fall asleep)

Actually come to think of it, I've never actually fallen asleep in trance, even with files that have instructed me to fall asleep or climb into bed..... I usually end up bringing myself back up a bit after the file ended, never feeling like I'm competently gone.

Anyways, I actually tend to find that listening to files a little bit after waking up seems to work the best for me, which is usually after 6-7 hours or so of sleep.
06/06/18 09:41AM
The other day I was hypnotising someone while not exactly sleep deprived but certainly tired. Couple of times I felt like I had to pull myself out of trance. I think I was so tired I had managed to hypnotise myself @_@. That or it was normal nodding off. Either way while good for the subject. Dont recommend it for the tist
06/06/18 11:33AM
Admittedly I've never been hypnotized before, but I don't think being sleep deprived will make you easier. Especially if you get sleep paralyzes (I have suffered it infrequently and it has never been fun. And no ghosts were involved. I think...), your body shaking and sputtering as your brain fires off random neurons whilst you're try to relax.

Doesn't sound pleasant in the least...

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