06/06/18 07:13PM
Metal Saga and Metal Max Xeno
With Metal Max Xeno being slated for a september 25 release for the US, I figured now was a good time to ask.

Is Metal Max Xeno anything like Metal Saga? Metal Saga was one of my favorite rpgs back during the ps2 era and part of what won me over was the game's bizarre sense of humor and light hearted tone despite it's post apocalyptic setting and I was wondering if that was a trait unique to MetalSaga or if it was present throughout the whole Metal Max franchise. These are pretty obscure rpgs, especially Metal Saga since it was the only game from the Metal Max franchise released stateside (until xeno, obviously) so I'm not sure if anyone on this site even heard of it but I thought it was worth a shot to ask.
06/07/18 03:00AM
Yes metal saga is part of the metal max series in fact heres a video of the evolution of the franchise
06/07/18 07:03AM
I already know they're part of the same series. I was just wondering if they keep the overall tone that metal saga had since Xeno looked so serious. It was cool seeing how the series evolved though so thanks for that.

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