06/06/18 10:07PM
So, we're under bot attack again it seems.
Any idea how we're gonna deal with this shit? Seems wayyyy more vicious than they nileybots.
06/06/18 10:13PM
It should be fairly obvious, but don't touch the links. Haven't gone about checking myself, but money's on the link being bad for you (tm). At the rate the bot is going, the mods can't delete all the comments, we've taken this up with SlayerDuck to see if there's something on his end he can do, because this is going to need to be a site wide fix, not just whackamole if it's going to keep happening.
06/06/18 10:21PM
With that spam frecuency, deleting comments manually will not be an alternative. Damn, this bot is toxic as fuck.
06/06/18 10:22PM

Today was going so well too :'(
06/06/18 10:24PM
I guess I just won't be reading comments for a bit.
06/06/18 10:34PM
Can you find when the first one was and the last one (when its all over) and then delete all comments between that time frame using a script, yeah there may be collateral but it saves the mods a massive headache

Also for future maybe give mods the ability to lock all comments for a while

Don't have massive experience running a website so I don't know if either are possible but hopefully it helps
06/06/18 11:50PM
Foolycooly said:
Can you find when the first one was and the last one (when its all over) and then delete all comments between that time frame using a script, yeah there may be collateral but it saves the mods a massive headache

Also for future maybe give mods the ability to lock all comments for a while

Don't have massive experience running a website so I don't know if either are possible but hopefully it helps

Locking comments on a site-wide basis rarely goes down well. And the script you described would delete every comment from that time frame, which would be very, very bad. A script could work if they limited its deletion to the "users" that were spamming the link, however.
06/07/18 12:38AM
I don't see any spam... what are you guys talking about?
06/07/18 12:48AM
WhatIsLove said:
I don't see any spam... what are you guys talking about?

You missed it by about 40 minutes. They seem to have stopped.
06/07/18 01:05AM
Pinkanator said:
You missed it by about 40 minutes. They seem to have stopped.

That and slayerduck found a way to remove all the spam post. Over 5242 of them
06/07/18 01:18AM
Imasuky said:
That and slayerduck found a way to remove all the spam post. Over 5242 of them


06/07/18 01:21AM
Imasuky said:
That and slayerduck found a way to remove all the spam post. Over 5242 of them

Oh rad, give em my thanks.
06/07/18 01:33AM
The only downside is that, unlike manually deleting them, it didn't return the comments to where they were before they were bumped. So there are a lot of blank comments pushed up to the recent pages.
06/07/18 01:46AM
06/07/18 01:50AM
This is worse than the "Cute tag" bot
1 2345>>>

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