06/10/18 03:27AM
Is Zombie Walking anyone else's favorite part of their hypnofetish?
For some reason for me I will not commission or buy anything that doesn't include zombie walking.

Not to say I won't watch an anime / hentai without zombie walking (not many do)

But for me I seriously love zombie walking. Don't know what it is either about having arms stretched out in particular with a blank face that gets me, but boy I love it.

Anyone else here share my love for zombie walking and if so can explain why they enjoy this specific part of the fetish.
06/10/18 03:35AM
I personally can't stand it. I think it makes no sense and it's done too much.

I kind of want to know why other people like it so much, in fact.
06/10/18 03:37AM
I like it
I also know a few users that absolutely love it.
06/10/18 03:38AM
I'm very meh on it. Not my thing but it can be cute now and then
06/10/18 03:43AM
Not my favorite kink but I can understand because you love it.

I think could be really cute, maybe a little dumb (like said Lily) but this is the charm... To see a person be completely out xD

Also, put a big, wonderful, mindless smile on a "zombie" and you will make me happy ❤️
06/10/18 06:14PM
As Lilly said, I feel it's just one of those things that's way, way overused. I have nothing against it per se, but just the fact that it keeps being used kills my interest in it after a while. Sort of what some people have against Kaa/Kaa eyes, Haigure (honestly, you could compare the artificial look of Haigure to zombie walking, it's not unreasonable), or "I obey Master" used with no real reason.
06/10/18 07:44PM
Maybe my username gives it away, but I'm a fan. Big fan.
06/10/18 08:24PM
*waits for KarmaX*
06/10/18 08:35PM
Dr_Mabuse said:
*waits for KarmaX*

This will be good ❤️
06/10/18 08:42PM
Zombifier said:
Maybe my username gives it away, but I'm a fan. Big fan.

I would have never guessed.
06/10/18 09:20PM
Argonis said:
I would have never guessed.

I'm subtle like that.
06/10/18 10:49PM
Dr_Mabuse said:
*waits for KarmaX*

Oh. Yeah. I thought so. haha.

I knew people would be well aware of my opinions on this. As for why, I don't understand how anyone else CAN'T see the appeal. I mean, it's incredibly obvious, right? It's pretty much everything that has to do with this whole thing (at least for me)

It's a perfect representation of the complete loss of control, utter inability to stop from having no control, and just surrendering to the tranced-out, blissful, mindlessness of being hypnotized. The arms being stuck out is hot and so is the way they have to walk. Everything about it is pretty much perfection, especially when combining it with other things....

Like, It's even more perfect when it has to do with the other thing that makes this fetish what it is for me... the public embarrassment that gets combined with a girl being in her cute underwear or naked.

Being stuck like this, unable to stop, having no thought, no control, just being a mindless drone, in the single pose that's perfectly representative of something like a blissful sleepwalker, exposing themselves, and even better when it's a large group that are also unable to stop from exposing themselves and marching around in front of each other.

It's at the same time, graceful and also sexy, mindless and innocent, and especially when it's so many of them in an undressed state, unable to react to each other like they normally would, with both their inhibitions and consciousness stripped away from them. Like reducing them to marching, mindless, sleepwalking, vulnerable dolls able to easily be controlled or just watch them bumble around helpless (and especially when undressed, which is the other 50% of this fetish for me)

It's so cute, and blissful and kinda voyeuristic, and perfectly opportunistic, really innocent, adorable (I know it's the same thing as cute), and there's nothing better, imo.

Honestly, I can't understand why there's anyone who doesn't like it, as I thought with this fetish the appeal of this was kinda perfectly universal to everything that it stands for. Not to be rude, but people who "can't stand it", are you sure you're on the right website? :P

It's like.. everything that this site is founded upon, condensed into a nutshell, isn't it? entranced, mindless, exposed, surrendering will, complete lack of control of themselves, defaulting to this state that is like an unaware sleepwalker, able to be easily controlled and manipulated with empty eyes, and completely helpless to anything else even to the point of sheer embarrassment, or mindless, zombie-like, brainless exhibition.

I don't get anyone who doesn't get it themselves, if i'm being perfectly honest. What would be the point of being on a place called "hypnohub" if the default symbol of being hypnotized dosn't appeal to you?
06/10/18 11:13PM
KarmaX said:
Wall of text

... Okay, with your lovely comment this fetish go up in my top15. Not the first, but sure high.

06/10/18 11:16PM
EdenSnake said:
... Okay, with your lovely comment this fetish go up in my top15. Not the first, but sure high.

ehehe thank you. ^ ^;;

Oh and by the way, I want to state again, it's fine to have one's own opinions and all, for everyone else. I'm not trying to like FORCE everyone to see the appeal, even if it might sound that way, i'm just personally taken aback or surprised by some of the initial comments above, is all. Just a bit incredulous, but i'm not actively trying to be rude about it or anything. Just so i'm clear on that.

I guess another way to put it would be "check out the picture I drew that I made for my avatar? Would anyone be OPPOSED to see that exposed, empty-headed, love-struck adorableness, lumbering mindlessly towards them like that? Can anyone actively refuse that cuteness walking up to you like a zombie hugger that wants to cuddle? :P"
06/11/18 12:07AM
KarmaX said:
Can anyone actively refuse that cuteness walking up to you like a zombie hugger that wants to cuddle? :P"

Nope *///*
1 23>>>

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