06/10/18 05:33AM
Tabletop style MC-focused game
Hey guys. Not sure how much interest this will generate, but I've been looking at the rules for Fate Core/Fate Accelerated Edition (a very simple RPG) and it struck me how easily the system would translate to the kinds of situations I come to the Hub to see in art.

For those unfamiliar, Fate is a game that uses very simple character sheets, the same dice every time, and is focused on creating an interesting and dramatic story with the help of all involved. Characters are made up of just a few stats (I'd probably stick with the six from Accelerated) and some phrases that describe them and determine what situations help or hurt their efforts.

I'm kind of brainstorming what kind of world I'd want to run, not to mention what kind of play format to go by. But, one thing about Fate games is that they emphasize creating the game alongside the players. Thus, I want to see who's down for this before I go much further. So who's with me?

EDIT: Now on a Discord server!
06/10/18 05:39AM
I'm interested
06/10/18 05:56AM
AzureDemon said:
Hey guys. Not sure how much interest this will generate, but I've been looking at the rules for Fate Core/Fate Accelerated Edition (a very simple RPG) and it struck me how easily the system would translate to the kinds of situations I come to the Hub to see in art.

For those unfamiliar, Fate is a game that uses very simple character sheets, the same dice every time, and is focused on creating an interesting and dramatic story with the help of all involved. Characters are made up of just a few stats (I'd probably stick with the six from Accelerated) and some phrases that describe them and determine what situations help or hurt their efforts.

I'm kind of brainstorming what kind of world I'd want to run, not to mention what kind of play format to go by. But, one thing about Fate games is that they emphasize creating the game alongside the players. Thus, I want to see who's down for this before I go much further. So who's with me?

Funny I've also thought a lot about the same idea with fate. I run game PBP on discord myself.

So I'm down for it.
06/10/18 07:56AM
I've been toying with the idea of finally having a Hub OC, this would be a good way to flesh him out. Plus I just enjoy roleplaying, sign me up.
06/10/18 09:53AM
Your timing is superb. Count me in.
06/10/18 11:51AM
Did somebody say Hypno-RPG-Tabletop!?!

06/10/18 11:59AM
Imasuky said:
Funny I've also thought a lot about the same idea with fate. I run game PBP on discord myself.

So I'm down for it.

06/10/18 12:19PM
ghost13 said:

Play by post.

You just post as you go, good when not everyone is free at the same time
06/10/18 05:36PM
Very impressed with the response from just a few hours! I'm going to start working on a Discord server for it today and I'll post the invite link when it's ready.

Imasuky said:
Funny I've also thought a lot about the same idea with fate. I run game PBP on discord myself.

So I'm down for it.

Sweet. If people keep flooding in like this I might need some help GMing as well.
06/10/18 05:56PM
06/10/18 05:56PM
I run a kink-based D&D5e game on Roll20 based out of the Solaris discord server, it's so far going pretty well. This is a good idea that can be a lot of fun for those that enjoy this kind of thing.
06/10/18 07:51PM
Part of me is really curious about this, its been forever since I did just text based rp and I've been doing more regular tabletop rpg stuff for a while now. As much as I'd like to play all kinds of games timezones so often get in the way. So whatever comes of this I'd be interested even just to watch so to speak.
06/10/18 11:40PM
Mr.H said:
Part of me is really curious about this, its been forever since I did just text based rp and I've been doing more regular tabletop rpg stuff for a while now. As much as I'd like to play all kinds of games timezones so often get in the way. So whatever comes of this I'd be interested even just to watch so to speak.

I'm actually partial to the play by post method mentioned above.

Anyway, Discord link:
06/11/18 12:08AM
hypno tabletop? Yes.
06/11/18 05:57AM
I'd like to point out that I've been trying to do this with Squid Ops for over a year now. The main reasons I haven't are that a) I haven't been able to find contact info for sleepymaid and b) I want people to be able to do things that aren't erotic roleplay with it. Magical realm is rarely a fun time.

That being said, if you are going to ERP I'd recommend Risus. It's basically Fate's "pick some TVTropes articles, these are your mechanical abilities" schtick with all the cruft stripped away, which means that there's basically no math to get in the way of your faps.
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