06/18/18 08:02AM
Canyon Springs/Life in the Mansion Story Updates
Hello there.

So, for those of you who are fans of this story series (or are just curiously browsing through the forum), I have some news for you.

After the small, unscheduled hiatus that was taken after the holidays, the stories and characters that you love so much are returning, but only for a brief period of time.

The reason behind this is the original creator, DankHypno, has disappeared due to unforeseen circumstances. I've tried getting in touch with him for months with no luck or progress. But before his disappearance, I was left with a small amount of creative resources for the current collection of our stories until enough money was made to commission more.

Now, I'm the only one left to take over where he left off. All the stories and art pieces used have been completed for months now, I just didn't think it appropriate to continue on my own and have others think I'm stealing his name and work.

The original series will always be his. But I refuse to let things end while I have everything set to continue. So, over the course of the next couple of months, the stories will be posted on to my DeviantArt page, since I have no access to the WordPress account he used. But the artwork will continue to be posted here.

The setup will change, and I'll do everything I can to keep things organized for everyone to still enjoy these stories the same way you always have. If I see that there is enough feedback from people who want this series to continue, then I'll consider making more changes to keep things going, but as it stands I have no money to commission anymore artwork for this series.

I appreciate the people who liked and supported our work in the past, and I'll be happy to see things brought to their proper conclusion, if that is how this will end.

06/18/18 03:16PM
I feel bad about asking this to a creator, but... I'm not at all familiar with this story. What is it ? Where to find/download it ?
06/18/18 04:12PM
Well, that's unfortunate to hear.

Was a bit of a fan, <<|mostly for the pics of Jasmine being all blissed out>>. The girl truly was the "Persian Princess."
06/19/18 03:39AM
TheMadPrince said:
I feel bad about asking this to a creator, but... I'm not at all familiar with this story. What is it ? Where to find/download it ?

This is the original website for all of the stories previous written by myself and the original creator. After I get things organized, I'll set up a new page where everyone can view all the stories together in one place.

And don't feel bad. My partner didn't have the best of methods in promoting our work.
06/19/18 03:41AM
TheMadPrince said:
I feel bad about asking this to a creator, but... I'm not at all familiar with this story. What is it ? Where to find/download it ?

It's available at

[spoiler=Here's a list, I hope I didn't miss any.]<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...rt-0-the-threat-prologue/|Canyon Springs Part 0: The Threat (Prologue)>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...ngs-part-1-1-old-friends/|Canyon Springs Part 1-1: Old Friends>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...prings-part-1-2-hypnotic/|Canyon Springs Part 1-2: Hypnotic>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...ngs-part-1-3-recruitment/|Canyon Springs Part 1-3: Recruitment>>
<<|Canyon Springs Part 1-4: A New Friend>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...prings-part-1-5-st-adams/|Canyon Springs Part 1-5: St. Adams>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...springs-part-1-6-revenge/|Canyon Springs Part 1-6: Revenge>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...ngs-part-1-7-the-mansion/|Canyon Springs Part 1-7: The Mansion>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...smine-part-1-the-workout/|Life in the Mansion: Jasmine Part 1 – The Workout>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...sion-jasmine-part-2-yoga/|Life in the Mansion: Jasmine Part 2 – Yoga>> (<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...n-canon-futa-jasmine-p-2/|Non-Canon Futa Version>>)
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...1-practice-makes-perfect/|Life in the Mansion: Kimberly Part 1 – Practice Makes Perfect!>>
<<|Life in the Mansion: Kimberly Part 2 – Cleanup on Aisle 1!>> (<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...-canon-futa-kimberly-p-2/|Non-Canon Futa Version>>)
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...tte-part-1-cleaning-duty/|Life in the Mansion: Yvette Part 1 – Cleaning Duty>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...te-part-2-window-cleaner/|Life in the Mansion: Yvette Part 2 – Window Cleaner>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...ansion-the-master-part-1/|Life in the Mansion – The Master Part 1>>
<<|Canyon Springs Part 2-0: New Recruits>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...rings-part-2-1-the-twins/|Canyon Springs Part 2-1: The Twins>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...springs-part-2-2-trouble/|Canyon Springs Part 2-2: Trouble!>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...s-part-2-3-teachers-pets/|Canyon Springs Part 2-3: Teacher’s Pets>>
<<|Canyon Springs Part 2-4: Spring Break!>>
<<|Canyon Springs Halloween Special: Yvette’s Midnight Walk>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...ings-part-2-5-homecoming/|Canyon Springs Part 2-5: Homecoming>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...merry-mindless-christmas/|Canyon Springs Holiday Special: Merry Mindless Christmas!>>
<<dankhypnostories.wordpres...nsion-playing-with-dolls/|Life in the Mansion: Playing With Dolls!>>
<<themasterprophet.devianta...hly-Maintenance-750394556|Life in the Mansion: Drone's Monthly Maintenance>>

Edit: TheMasterProphet beat me by a few minutes.

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