06/19/18 12:39AM
Magic items and spells for roleplaying games - need your ideas!
I'm working on a hypno-centric dungeon crawler, and I was hoping to get some ideas of magical items and spells and such that you might like to see in a game like that! If you're not familiar with roguelikes and dungeon crawlers, ideas for DND (or other tabletop) games would work as well. I'm just looking to make sure that I don't shoot myself in the foot by designing my systems in such a way that I can't add a cool idea in later.

Though the game is going to be heavy on the mind control, these things don't necessarily need to relate directly to that. As an example, I've got a necklace that will let you understand and speak to dungeon wolves. On the other hand, they absolutely can be something mind control related - like a set of bifocals that make you more resistant to visual inductions, or a spell that transfers intelligence or willpower from one creature to another.

No need to worry about mechanics or anything - just things that you think would be fun to play with (and would preferably fit into a fantasy setting) will be appreciated!
06/19/18 12:45AM
Fancy evening dresses and gowns that compel female adventurers to try them on, then slowly mentally change them into fawning, feminine, submissive arm candy. :3

Brainwashing diadems/tiaras, perfect for making your own mindless princess!

I've got more ideas, but I'll let others have their turns.
06/19/18 01:12AM
TamamoHusbando said:
Fancy evening dresses and gowns that compel female adventurers to try them on, then slowly mentally change them into fawning, feminine, submissive arm candy. :3

Brainwashing diadems/tiaras, perfect for making your own mindless princess!

I've got more ideas, but I'll let others have their turns.

Ooh, I'll need to add some kind of princessification mechanic, you're right! Slowly corrupt the character so that, even if they do manage to hypnotize someone, all they can think to order them to do is polish her tiara or fetch her tea. Maybe I'll put those items on floors controlled by a pervy king boss. Good start!
06/19/18 01:18AM
Hmm, Let's see

maybe some items that turn you into a Bimbo, Maid, Harem girl, or whatever.
06/19/18 01:22AM
Is it erotic mind-control, or mind control in general ?

Darts / Bolts / Arrows / Spell that switches friend with foes (change of appearance, or relationship)
06/19/18 01:27AM
AnnoyinGoblin said:
Is it erotic mind-control, or mind control in general ?

Darts / Bolts / Arrows / Spell that switches friend with foes (change of appearance, or relationship)

You mean all mind control isn't erotic? Heh, uh, some will be more intentionally erotic than the rest. There's an arousal gauge, if that's telling enough. Managing who's your ally and who's your enemy is probably going to be a big part of the combat in most runs, though, so that's covered!
06/19/18 01:32AM
A potion when drunk has no effects...At first. When consumed a small slime enters the players body. Upon next orgasm the slime spreads to whatever part release the fluids. This causes arousal to build up faster, but that's far from the finale. The slime spreads upon physical contact so saying touching yourself with your hands leads to it spreading to there and then touching your breast and or nipples makes it form there. The only way to not have it spread all over the person would be to use toys that would then have to be discarded or kept for later slime time.
06/19/18 01:48AM
I think an item that could be won from a dungeon boss would be a mask. I'm thinking something that covers the nose and mouth that's modeled to look like sharp teeth. When you speak while wearing the mask, whoever hears your voice hears it in a sound that naturally scares them. Like a banshee's shriek or a growling demon. Good for intimidation based control.
06/19/18 06:55AM
A few months back, I wrote up a set of magical item descriptions as an "expansion" to the Hypnofetish CYOA (post #37455). I never got around to curating images to make it a "proper" CYOA, but hopefully you find the descriptions useful.

For context, "adventurers" select a difficulty level that grants some number of Control Points, which they can allocate towards various methods of mind control. "Easy Mode" grants 10 points, obviously harder modes grant less. There is a category for Magic mind control methods, but it's focused around spells (which you may find useful as well!).

h2. Magic

In addition to casting spells (or perhaps as an alternative to Technology, if you're in a pre-modern tech level), having points in Magic allows you to craft artifacts that can manipulate minds.

* If you have spent 1 point in Magic, you may craft very simple artifacts. Here are some examples:
** The Entrancing Amulet catches the light (or possibly glows with its own light) in a way that attracts attention and distracts conscious thought. People who are not Iron-Willed or otherwise actively resisting will find their gazes drawn inexorably into its depths, and will be placed in a suggestible hypnotic trance after a few minutes.
** The Collar of Captivation (which may equivalently be another article of clothing of similar or greater size) renders the wearer helpless to move their own body, after a couple of minutes to adjust itself. Once the collar is firmly affixed, the wearer can only move at the command of the collar's owner. Before that process is complete, however, a quick-witted and alert victim may remove the collar, and the Iron-Willed may resist even afterwards.
** The Chair of Conditioning (which may be any piece of furniture of similar or greater size) will rewrite the personality of the person sitting in it over the course of an hour, provided they are prevented from leaving it before the process is complete. The Iron-Willed may require several times longer.
* If you have spent 2 points in Magic, you may craft slightly more complicated artifacts with greater effects.
** The Entrancing Amulet and Collar of Captivation take effect in seconds. The Chair of Conditioning is effective within minutes.
** Your artifacts which are worn can cause the wearer to lose their memories of what happened before they put on the artifact. Their memories will be restored when the artifact is removed, but they will lose their memories from when they were wearing the artifact. If the artifact is worn for two weeks (cumulatively), the effect is permanent. Iron-Willed individuals may resist the memory loss.
** The Bracelet of Brainwashing (which may equivalently be another piece of jewelry or article of clothing of similar or greater size) subtly encourages people to wear it, and while it is worn, will whisper commands into the wearer's mind. A few minutes is enough to project a simple command, while a few hours is enough to completely brainwash a person (although it may take 3-4 times longer to work on an Iron-Willed person).
** The Mind-bending Mirror appears to be an ordinary wall mirror, but when it is activated, it projects a hypnotic spiral onto its surface that will place most people into a hypnotic trance within less than a minute. Unlike the Entrancing Amulet, it can also be enchanted to deliver commands directly to the entranced victim.
* If you have spent 3 points in Magic, you can craft artifacts that make direct changes to people's personalities, rather than simply entrancing them or brainwashing them over the course of hours.
** The Entrancing Amulet, Collar of Captivation, Bracelet of Brainwashing, and Mind-bending Mirror are all fully effective against the Iron-Willed. The Entrancing Amulet and Mind-bending Mirror can affect small crowds of people (provided they have line of sight). Additionally, you may make Mind-Bending Mirrors that are small enough to be handheld.
** Your artifacts which cause memory loss are fully effective against the Iron-Willed.
** The Master Mirror can connect to one or more Mind-Bending Mirrors, allowing its bearer to see what those mirrors "see" and deliver and modify commands remotely. It can also allow Mind-Bending Mirrors to project subliminal messages.
** The Charming Ring (or equivalent jewelry or garment of similar or greater size) contains powerful magics that bend a person's emotions. Whoever puts on the ring (besides the ring's owner) is enchanted into viewing the owner of the ring as a trusted friend and (if the owner is receptive) a possible romantic interest. The effect lasts for a week after the ring is taken off, although Iron-Willed individuals may shake it off much more quickly.
* If you have spent 4 points in Magic, your artifacts' effects are longer-lasting, even after individuals are no longer directly influenced by them. You can also begin to affect the body as well as the mind.
** The Charming Ring is fully effective against the Iron Willed and its effects are permanent until dispelled by a mage with equal or greater power.
** The Diadem of Domination (or equivalent jewelry or garment of similar or greater size) overwhelms the wearer with a desire to serve the diadem's owner. The effect lasts for a week after the diadem is removed, but if it is worn for three days in a row, the effect is permanent. Iron-Willed individuals may be able to remove the diadem, unless the owner is physically present to reinforce its effect.
** You can craft enchanted garments that alter the body of the wearer, so long as they are worn.
* If you have spent 5 points in Magic, your artifacts are of unparalleled effectiveness, certain to be legendary even in centuries' time.
** Your artifacts which are worn can change the wearer's personality in any way you desire, rather than being limited to submissive servitude.
** The Diadem of Domination is fully effective on the Iron-Willed.
** Your enchanted garments' effects are permanent (unless dispelled by a mage with equal or greater power), and can include enhancing the wearer to moderately superhuman abilities.
* If you have spent 6 points in Magic, your artifacts are matched only by divine creations.
** Your artifacts which are worn can rewrite the wearer's past to make their present self into anything you desire. The effect may require several hours (and your direct supervision, if the individual is Iron-Willed), but when it is complete, only you will be aware of what has happened.
** Your enchanted garments can grant great superhuman abilities.
06/19/18 08:14AM
These are a few things that I made in response to a similar question a while back, though they were intended as "slow and insidious" forms of control or corruption.

The target is placed in an ideal world that exists only in their mind. Colors are brighter, sounds are sweeter, and life more pleasant. The target perceives only that which is palatable to them, the illusion causing that which is wrong to become right. Insults become constructive and threats turn to requests, while all suggestions are suddenly more attractive. The caster does not know what is said to the target, but may rest assured it is exactly what they want to hear.

*Heaven or Hell
The caster plagues a target with phantom thoughts or voices. Of these voices, two will begin to stand out and drown the others. The first is diabolical, a constant source of advice that is neither safe nor sane, and grates on the victim's psyche. The second is far more pleasant, and opposes the first in all things, suggesting courses of action that are both moral and aligned with the target's own thoughts. The caster may take control of either of these voices at any time.

*The Myriad Futures
This small mirror can be directed to reflect the future of anyone gazing into it. The mirror shows many things, but will soon begin reflecting great disasters as well as successes among the possible fates. On request, the mirror may also show actions that will avert or achieve such futures. The owner of the mirror is able to dictate what it reflects at will.

*Legacy Blade
This is a simple sword that appears time tested and worn by years, but still serviceable. When held, the wielder may speak to the spirits of past swordsmen that used the blade. At the wielder's option, they may draw on the experience and training of ancient warriors to boost their own skill and become a master of the blade. Of course, to draw on this power the user must open themselves up to the influence of others...
06/19/18 09:20AM
A helmet (or other headgear) with seemingly nice stats, but when worn, it turns into a duck, and the wearer will be completely unable to notice/recognize it, while dismissing anything said by others about how they have a duck on their head
06/19/18 09:43PM
I'm a fan of noncombat magic being a thing in tabletop RPGs. I'm not sure how many such things would fit into a roguelike.. depends a lot on how complicated your engine is.

At a minimum, random teleportation is generally a good thing, as is a more controlled method of moving objects (or yourself) around.

Polymorph is another common effect, and it could have some different applications in a erotic mc setting. Perhaps it makes people into furries, and/or only works on yourself?

06/19/18 09:55PM
I've been a fan of the idea of having cursed equipment that turns the wearer a bit towards evil, and compels them to find more cursed items to wear, corrupting them more with each new piece they put on.
06/19/18 09:58PM
akaece said:
Ooh, I'll need to add some kind of princessification mechanic, you're right! Slowly corrupt the character so that, even if they do manage to hypnotize someone, all they can think to order them to do is polish her tiara or fetch her tea. Maybe I'll put those items on floors controlled by a pervy king boss. Good start!

I remember there was this movie with a character that had the power to make women fall head over heel in love with him by dancing
06/19/18 10:19PM
What about gold coins that compel their owner to buy goods or services. Not necessarily spend those coins, but just next time they see something for sale or that they want there's just a compulsion to try and acquire it regardless of how much they need to spend.
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