06/23/18 08:13AM
Your Thoughts on These Story Ideas
Hello there. After returning to these wonderful forums after a long while, I'd like to share with you all some ideas for hypno series. I don't know whether or not I'll be doing these as I'm not sure whether or not I'll have the time between drawing, 3D modelling and working to save up money for when I go to Japan.

For the first series idea, I'll get the disclaimer out of the way: It's Pokemon hypnosis, and the main character is Hypno. At first he hypnotizes Misty, May and Dawn so he can bang them, and then after a while he runs into Malamar who's got Serena (post-haircut) under his sway. Rather than fight each other, Hypno and Malamar discover they're kindred spirits and become bros. Yes, bros. Over the course of the series we get to know them a little more, with Hypno's fucked-up side gradually revealing itself over time. Meanwhile, the townspeople are alarmed about underage girls disappearing, and, knowing Hypno's lore, they put Officer Jenny on the case. Over time Jenny tries to understand Hypno's mind a little more. Their relationship is partly that, but mostly antagonistic: Jenny (somewhat rightfully) sees Hypno as a sick son of a bitch who needs to be brought to justice while Hypno sees Jenny as a pain in the ass getting in the way of his enjoyment. Eventually Hypno adds Jenny to his and Malamar's shared harem. Then Entei from Spell of the Unknown gets into the mix, having Ash's mom under his power.

Some scenarios I have in mind for this would be:
*Reenacting the bet episode of Seinfeld (this is more for humor than titillation).
*Breast augmentation, and I actually think I can realistically pull this one off! The idea is that Hypno, using his psychic powers, makes their brains secrete plenty of estrogen to make their breasts bigger. I know realism's not the goal of hentai, but I like it nonetheless.
*The girls' bodies being augmented to subsist on semen for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not just meals either, though if I ever start this I'll be sure to show you what I mean.
*Haunter comes to town and reunites with his old college buddies. He notices something inside Serena and pulls out... Serena, but with her pre-haircut appearance! What are they to do with two hypnotized Serenas? Well, being that they're former frat bros who have two women in their midst, they do the obvious thing and have them make out.

Other scenarios are meant to delve into Hypno's mind more and show off how adept he is at hypnosis. I've got a certain idea that I think will blow everyone's nips off.

The other series idea is similar to Breaking Bad, where the main character undergoes the transformation from Mr. Chips to Scarface. Basically, this guy's treated like crap, and he knows that his current life is beneath him and that he could do better. But here's the thing: Once he gets his hands on a hypnosis device, he decides not to use it - "I have a conscience, after all! That shit's rape and I'll have no part of it!" - that kind of thing. But over time, like Walter White, his ego takes over and he ends up doing it for him. Because he's good at it, and because he likes having power over women. Disclaimer here as it's one of those "ugly fat dude's given hypnosis powers to bang girls" stories, but with a twist.

Basically these stories are meant to delve into the mind of the hypnotist and examine what makes them hypnotize people to have sex with them (other than because they're horny of course), which is basically power and dominance. In Hypno's case, it's mainly because he's gonna do what he's gonna do whether people like it or not, while in the latter's case they're tired of being mistreated and want to go from having no power over anything to having complete power over women.

Now, I imagine the ladies here will have a couple of misgivings, the first being the nature of the protagonists, and the second being women being covered head to toe in semen. The reason for the former is for story reasons and the latter is because that's my fetish. If it's not too much trouble, may I please hear your thoughts on these?
06/23/18 08:30AM
Wienerman said:
Hello there. After returning to these wonderful forums after a long while, I'd like to share with you all some ideas for hypno series. I don't know whether or not I'll be doing these as I'm not sure whether or not I'll have the time between drawing, 3D modelling and working to save up money for when I go to Japan.

For the first series idea, I'll get the disclaimer out of the way: It's Pokemon hypnosis, and the main character is Hypno. At first he hypnotizes Misty, May and Dawn so he can bang them, and then after a while he runs into Malamar who's got Serena (post-haircut) under his sway. Rather than fight each other, Hypno and Malamar discover they're kindred spirits and become bros. Yes, bros. Over the course of the series we get to know them a little more, with Hypno's fucked-up side gradually revealing itself over time. Meanwhile, the townspeople are alarmed about underage girls disappearing, and, knowing Hypno's lore, they put Officer Jenny on the case. Over time Jenny tries to understand Hypno's mind a little more. Their relationship is partly that, but mostly antagonistic: Jenny (somewhat rightfully) sees Hypno as a sick son of a bitch who needs to be brought to justice while Hypno sees Jenny as a pain in the ass getting in the way of his enjoyment. Eventually Hypno adds Jenny to his and Malamar's shared harem. Then Entei from Spell of the Unknown gets into the mix, having Ash's mom under his power.

Some scenarios I have in mind for this would be:
*Reenacting the bet episode of Seinfeld (this is more for humor than titillation).
*Breast augmentation, and I actually think I can realistically pull this one off! The idea is that Hypno, using his psychic powers, makes their brains secrete plenty of estrogen to make their breasts bigger. I know realism's not the goal of hentai, but I like it nonetheless.
*The girls' bodies being augmented to subsist on semen for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not just meals either, though if I ever start this I'll be sure to show you what I mean.
*Haunter comes to town and reunites with his old college buddies. He notices something inside Serena and pulls out... Serena, but with her pre-haircut appearance! What are they to do with two hypnotized Serenas? Well, being that they're former frat bros who have two women in their midst, they do the obvious thing and have them make out.

Other scenarios are meant to delve into Hypno's mind more and show off how adept he is at hypnosis. I've got a certain idea that I think will blow everyone's nips off.

The other series idea is similar to Breaking Bad, where the main character undergoes the transformation from Mr. Chips to Scarface. Basically, this guy's treated like crap, and he knows that his current life is beneath him and that he could do better. But here's the thing: Once he gets his hands on a hypnosis device, he decides not to use it - "I have a conscience, after all! That shit's rape and I'll have no part of it!" - that kind of thing. But over time, like Walter White, his ego takes over and he ends up doing it for him. Because he's good at it, and because he likes having power over women. Disclaimer here as it's one of those "ugly fat dude's given hypnosis powers to bang girls" stories, but with a twist.

Basically these stories are meant to delve into the mind of the hypnotist and examine what makes them hypnotize people to have sex with them (other than because they're horny of course), which is basically power and dominance. In Hypno's case, it's mainly because he's gonna do what he's gonna do whether people like it or not, while in the latter's case they're tired of being mistreated and want to go from having no power over anything to having complete power over women.

Now, I imagine the ladies here will have a couple of misgivings, the first being the nature of the protagonists, and the second being women being covered head to toe in semen. The reason for the former is for story reasons and the latter is because that's my fetish. If it's not too much trouble, may I please hear your thoughts on these?

Well first, can't say much for the second one since I have never seen it... also, if you're planing on having Ash's mother as well as his friends and have it on that universe... unless you plan to send him in a forever journey and seriously say he won't try and keep contact with his mom at least... something WILL have to be done with him, memory removal, Ashley transformation or... off him (Which would be rather dissapointing)
06/24/18 12:05AM
Not sure what I'll do about Ash. I'm not into feminization so I don't see him being added to the shared harem. To be honest, I don't see myself involving him in the story at all if I ever get to it.
06/24/18 06:54AM
Wienerman said:
Not sure what I'll do about Ash. I'm not into feminization so I don't see him being added to the shared harem. To be honest, I don't see myself involving him in the story at all if I ever get to it.

Hmm, just saying what I think, since I seriously don't think he would not keep SOME sort of contact with the victims so... hmm, whatever happens.
06/25/18 05:13AM
The second one seems like it's a play on the kind of story that the first one is just playing straight. I've never been one for the kind of meaner "dom turns women into brainless sluts just to get off" stories that you see in hentai a lot, but the second one explores that idea a little better.

Of course, the first one seems like it's more fully-formed for your part. The second one just seems like a gimmick right now without much plot to back it up, but you'll get there.
06/25/18 05:29AM
First, you didn't specify what kind of thing you're going to make. Is it meant to be a written story? A comic? A series of animated episodes?
Second, er, I'll try to be as nice as I can about this.

The first story sounds like a clusterfuck. Way too much happens with way too many characters at once. These would all be chapters, or even arcs on their own.

1. Hypno gathers a small harem
2. Enter Malamar with his own harem
3. Malamar and Hypno clash and end up becoming friends
4. Hypno x Jenny arc
5. Enter Entei

You now have three strong characters (Hypno, Malamar and Entei) and a bunch of possible antagonists (Malamar, Entei, Jenny, ...) This is overly complicated for what is in essence a smut story, a fanfic, and not the next Game of Thrones. It's just not necessary to be that complicated, and I'm not even going to touch the whole science bit in terms of overcomplication. (It's fine if you enjoy that, it's just too much to pour into an enjoyable story I think.)

The second story has more potential in my opinon. I actually kind of like the "fat guy gets the hot girl to do what he wants" arcs, but I'm not sure about the whole 180 on his personality and opinions on hypnosis being rape. A softer way to serve this perhaps would be that he rationalises that it's his mission to hypnotise everyone, to save these girls from themselves and to save them from the world as well? And of course there's always room for more girls to be saved.

All in all, I'll be honest -- I hate the idea of using hypnosis so forcefully and bluntly in a fratboy daterape kind of way, and the stories do disgust me as they are right now.

For pure text, you need more worldbuilding, perhaps narrate Hypno's instincts rather than his twisted thoughts and ease the reader into them. For comics, you've got your work cut out for you. That's gonna be a looooot of pages! For animations, ... sames, but also potential for slapstick humor more than the other two options.
06/25/18 06:08AM
Friye said:
All in all, I'll be honest -- I hate the idea of using hypnosis so forcefully and bluntly in a fratboy daterape kind of way, and the stories do disgust me as they are right now.

Same. I don't find much appeal in stories when they go this route.
06/25/18 08:12AM
Friye said:
The second story has more potential in my opinon. I actually kind of like the "fat guy gets the hot girl to do what he wants" arcs, but I'm not sure about the whole 180 on his personality and opinions on hypnosis being rape. A softer way to serve this perhaps would be that he rationalises that it's his mission to hypnotise everyone, to save these girls from themselves and to save them from the world as well? And of course there's always room for more girls to be saved.

I'll lend my two cents to hopefully elaborate how this guy might be thinking:

a) Personal grievance towards women. Perhaps a wife who divorced and took him to the cleaners, or a girlfriend who destroyed his life through a false rape accusation (might explain why he'd do the deed, I mean if everyone already thinks it's true...).

b) Moral reasons. He might believe that devotion to a husband is a woman's rightful role, whether because God, millions of years of evolution or 'that's just the way society works'. A woman focusing on career and avoiding commitment to a man is an atrocity, and will only leave her miserable in the long run. As for why he has the right to multiple women when demanding their full loyalty?

Just remember, everyone is the hero of their own story, and no one sees themselves as evil, or at least as the greater of two evils.
06/26/18 12:45AM
That's very true, @TheKinkyFinn! Those are great ideas.

I remember thinking that movie Stepford Wives (some remake, I'm sure there's a dozen by now) was a very peculiar kind of scary, as the men didn't think they were wrong at all to uphold their society as it was. After all, women were only there to serve their husbands ;)

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