08/17/13 04:13AM
Loli Manip Request thread
Started a new manip request thread, for future reference if someone wants to do a manip request should they upload the image here or provide a link?

Edit: Understood
08/17/13 04:14AM
All posts deleted. Do not upload manip request images to the gallery. Upload them somewhere else and put a link here. Also, if the requested image is loli, say so when you request.
08/17/13 04:17AM
A manip_request tag would probably work better than providing urls, as that will provide potential mannipers with an easier way of picking what to manip. Additionally the manip_request tag could be blacklisted by default, and the picture could be deleted when a manip is made. You could have like a time limit on manip_request posts and ask people to flag them for deletion after a certain amount of time.
08/17/13 04:50AM
08/17/13 05:03AM
If you're going to do it this way, might I recommend imgur.com instead? It's a bit faster
08/17/13 05:06AM
Oh, I see it says "Loli Manip Request" in the thread title. Was that there before and I just missed it? O.o

And, no, we're not gonna put "manip_request" in the blacklist for this. This is the way it worked on the old site, and it's fine.
08/17/13 09:13PM
Mindwipe, could you explain your reasoning? It seems that, like huxley said, a manip_request tag would make it easier for users to browse for images to manip. If /base/ was anything to go by, there will soon be (at least) dozens of manip requests and it would be a pain to keep clicking links just to see if one catches your interest.

You wouldn't have to blacklist manip_request since loli images will already be hidden by the loli tag. Manip_request could be used for regular and loli content, since it's the loli tag that would distinguish them.

You could also delete old manip requests quicker than scrolling through a bunch of links.

I'm not trying to cause trouble, I just think this would be easier for everyone.
08/17/13 09:16PM
As I think about it, are you worried the gallery will be flooded by manip requests? Even if that was true (and I doubt there would be that many compared to the number of actual mc posts) couldn't people either add manip_request to their personal blacklist or just search using -manip_request?
08/17/13 10:44PM
This site is for hypnosis images. Simple as that. We don't want to start allowing non-hypno images (exceptions for non-hypno images that are part of a hypno sequence). There's always the strong possibility that a request will go unfulfilled, and then we have a pic on here that does not fit the theme of this site just sitting there. And, yeah, we could, possibly, get flooded with manip requests, and then everyone would have mostly blank pages due to the blacklist.

It would make it easier for the people who are requesting manips, but not anyone else. This is how it worked on the old site, and it worked well. I just wish people would use actual source links more often. I don't like downloading images from Photobucket-like sites for manipping, because there's always the chance they've been compressed or resized.
08/18/13 12:51AM
Mindwipe said:
It would make it easier for the people who are requesting manips, but not anyone else.

This is it exactly. As cool as it would be to have a browseable manip request database and all, it wouldn't work too well on here. Every blacklisted image reduces the total visible posts on a given page by 1. If we allowed this, you can't honestly tell me that most people wouldn't just start uploading their favorite images alongside the tag, knowing that, as a plus, they may even get it manipped. This would result in page after page of either unrelated content or empty pages.

It's not that hard to link to it from somewhere else. You can just as easily find the source a good 80% of the time with saucenao.com and just link that, if you cared enough. So there's no reason to implement a detrimental system such as just allowing them on the booru's post list.
08/18/13 09:47AM
That makes sense. Thanks for answering. (Sorry, no way to sage here)
08/19/13 12:08AM
08/19/13 07:37PM
Alright, one done.


What do you guys think?
08/19/13 10:11PM
I think you should post it. :)
08/20/13 01:50AM
I agree.
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