07/01/18 12:52AM
Does anyone know what happened to oo_sebastian_oo?
I looked on his hf page and it says he doesn't do hypnosis or mind control art anymore. I really love his art so I was pretty sad to see this. Does anyone know why this is?
07/01/18 12:54AM
Really? Oh my.
07/01/18 01:05AM
I saw that as well. I was wondering about that.
07/01/18 01:08AM
He could just be burned out, after all guy has like 800 pics on this site so maybe he wants to branch out a bit, if so he'll probably start doing hypno pics again at some point (this is just my speculation though)
07/01/18 01:12AM
Foolycooly said:
He could just be burned out, after all guy has like 800 pics on this site so maybe he wants to branch out a bit, if so he'll probably start doing hypno pics again at some point (this is just my speculation though)

Foolycooly said:
He could just be burned out, after all guy has like 800 pics on this site so maybe he wants to branch out a bit, if so he'll probably start doing hypno pics again at some point (this is just my speculation though)

Yeah I think he's done this before of just takes breaks where he does no hypno for a while. Then starts up again
07/01/18 04:19AM
Imasuky said:
Yeah I think he's done this before of just takes breaks where he does no hypno for a while. Then starts up again

I remember seeing a comment from him on one of his images a couple weeks back where he said he's not taking commissions for Hypnosis content for a couple months in order to prevent getting burned out.
07/01/18 04:48AM
I'm glad he's a taking break from hypno to try new things. You'd see his work so much on the site and on such a frequent basis that it never really felt exciting when a new piece of art of his was posted.
07/01/18 11:32AM
Foolycooly said:
He could just be burned out, after all guy has like 800 pics on this site so maybe he wants to branch out a bit, if so he'll probably start doing hypno pics again at some point (this is just my speculation though)

07/01/18 05:31PM
Sleepyhead97 said:
I'm glad he's a taking break from hypno to try new things. You'd see his work so much on the site and on such a frequent basis that it never really felt exciting when a new piece of art of his was posted.

Speak for yourself, haha. I rarely wasn't excited for a new piece of his. I mean, his mental health is important of course, so he should take his break, but yea.
07/02/18 01:25AM
false advertising is what i got from it.
07/02/18 04:19AM
Sleepyhead97 said: never really felt exciting when a new piece of art of his was posted. Dude is a machine but I always loved to see what he was coming out with next. I caught his post about taking a break which is fair enough, but don't discourage him from coming back o_0

07/02/18 09:02AM
oo_sebastian_oo said:
Foolycooly said:
He could just be burned out, after all guy has like 800 pics on this site so maybe he wants to branch out a bit, if so he'll probably start doing hypno pics again at some point (this is just my speculation though)


07/02/18 05:47PM
I'm actually pretty excited for this. Seb's art has been very consistent for the past four years, and it's never been for me. Hoping he's able to use the time to do do some artistic exploration with other styles. His work ethic is incredible, and I'd really like to enjoy his art, but it was clear that it wasn't changing much as long as he was getting a constant stream of commissions from people here. I don't draw near as much, but I've always come back to it with a new approach when I do take a lot of time off drawing some particular thing.

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