07/03/18 01:12AM
What was your Fürst exposure to this Site? I'd you search it
Did you find this pages? How? First impression?

I was looking for jimryu comics, found a digimon one. I thougth chatacters were cute. I look for mind control of them too. I found a few from this Site, but cause I am a complete autist I had like a 150% magnifying ön it. I only saw the tags. On 5th pic realize my mistake and zoom out. See a hot pic. Ever since then I couldn't find the picture ever again

07/03/18 01:18AM
Initial exposure to the online hypnosis community was Sue-Chan's art site in the early-to-mid 00s, she will always hold the gold standard of everything I love about this community and how I got into it. Have been on with Hypnohub since it was the Hypno Booru and found it a refreshing change of pace from the old Collective.

We've come a long way since the old days. Time was Brokenteapot was the one updating constantly to massive approval, P.Chronos was still making regular content and ChaosCroc was the big OC that appeared in everyone's artwork.

I much prefer the modern Seb, Zko and Crims era.
07/03/18 01:23AM
Well... I'm here since hypnochan, I used to save images, search and ask for sites that included hypnosis and pet play. sue chan, rosvo and jimryu art It was what I checked the most, at that time they were quite active.
07/03/18 02:14AM
I was reading Zko's Skypenotized series when he mentioned something called Hypnohub, I looked it up and a a year and a half later I'm still here.
07/03/18 02:26AM
I started back on both Hypno-Chan and back when Karma-X was making Hypno Art more often before his initial disappearance.
07/03/18 02:51AM
I saw an add on rule34 after being in the hypnotized tag for aaaaaages back when the hub started
07/03/18 02:52AM
I actually came here cause a random image search linked me to a manip of some art a friend got based on one of my stories. It's the flannery blaziken pic by Seb
07/03/18 04:04AM
I'm not entirely sure how long ago it was, but I think I started with a certain video on pornhub that had hypnosis elements. I kept rewinding to that one part where her eyes went blank over and over again, and I remember thinking "is this what a fetish is like?"

Googled "hypnosis porn", and I think the hub was the top result or maybe the second or third or so. Only got active on the forum maybe a year later, but I was pretty quick to make an account and scroll through allll the pages of the hub~ been here for ... must be three years or longer now!
07/03/18 05:21AM
I saw it was very popular on booru.org and while i don't understand the fetish myself i needed test subjects for a new booru software package.
07/03/18 08:03AM
Yea, I was led to the old version of the hub way back when, I forget how. I think I just followed a very long trail of links in forums and searches trying to find a particular image or at least the source of one. I don't really recall, TBH.
What I DO know, is that I lurked for a long-ass time before making an account.
07/03/18 09:22AM
Friye said:
I'm not entirely sure how long ago it was, but I think I started with a certain video on pornhub that had hypnosis elements. I kept rewinding to that one part where her eyes went blank over and over again, and I remember thinking "is this what a fetish is like?"

Googled "hypnosis porn", and I think the hub was the top result or maybe the second or third or so. Only got active on the forum maybe a year later, but I was pretty quick to make an account and scroll through allll the pages of the hub~ been here for ... must be three years or longer now!

This is me too
07/03/18 09:30AM
Oh, man. I think my first exposure to this site was when I was looking around for hypnosis games. I had just finished Robozou, and was looking around for any more games similar to it. I came across a forum thread about hypnosis games on this site, and just decided to stay around, ya know.
07/03/18 09:59PM
It took me way too long to nail down what I was into. I found Sue-Chan's site and loved it but it wasn't til some deviantart posts caught my attention years later that I figured it out. Too much stuff out there is way too hardcore if you only search with a vague idea of what you're looking for - mind-break/rape/bdsm all skirt the fringes of hypno-fetishism and it was difficult for me to sort through the noise to find the things I liked. (Not that those don't exist within it, just saying it's a weird, spiky Venn-diagram to find yourself in.)

I honestly can't remember what led me to the hub (and you wouldn't believe how much that annoys me) but I lurked for at least 8 months before I made an account. Seems like I found it about half a year after it was switched to the new site.

slayerduck said:
I saw it was very popular on booru.org and while i don't understand the fetish myself i needed test subjects for a new booru software package.

I appreciate the open-mindedness. Can't always be easy.
07/04/18 12:07AM
During seeking the successor of HypnoChan
07/04/18 02:49AM
I don't remember how I got here.

. . . wait

Oh dear.
1 2>>>

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