01/13/14 09:15PM
Sanbun Kyouden - Lamuros of Seven Colors finally TRANSLATED
Through pure coincidence/luck while googling for long dead Sanbun Kyouden translation projects I found out that Kusanyagi finally translated ALL the chapters of SK's mind control/corruption fantasy series and uploaded them just 9 days ago!

Link to Kusanyagi's blog and the download links: kusanyagi.blogspot.de/201...u.html?zx=2d2c924beeb859e

Geez, Lamuros was one of my most eagerly awaited MC doujinji and it was a real shame when the first translation attempt came to a halt 3 years ago, someone else picked it up, translated another chapter and suddenly stopped as well. Happens quite often to SK MC doujinji sad as it is. Seeing it fully translated and finished really makes my week :).
01/14/14 09:38AM
You found this.

Make love to me.
01/14/14 12:13PM
Henry-killenger said:
You found this.

Make love to me.

A word of warning, Dantus. Making love to Cthulhu is known to be rather dangerous. He's a frisky lover covered with chintacles and has a tendency to randomly feed on your mind throughout the sexing.

On topic: I do vaguely recall seeing a few translated chapters of this. I also recall being at least mildly interested. I'll give it a read when I get a chance.
01/14/14 05:56PM
Vanndril said:
A word of warning, Dantus. Making love to Cthulhu is known to be rather dangerous. He's a frisky lover covered with chintacles and has a tendency to randomly feed on your mind throughout the sexing.

Fear not, for I am under the protection of the holy God-Emperor of Mankind and I shall not let the demon corrupt my pure soul shining with faith ;P!

On topic: I do vaguely recall seeing a few translated chapters of this. I also recall being at least mildly interested. I'll give it a read when I get a chance.

Well, it's one of Sanbun's best doujini so far, especially when it comes to the plot. SK's manga tend to have a pretty solid above average plot (compared to other porn) but this is something else. Pretty much a 700+ page juggernaut (only the first 150 pages had been translated in the past) of epic fantasy storyline involving solid characters with some depth to them, nice plot twists and tons of hypnosis and corruption. You'll definitely keep on reading even after you've finished fapping because the plot is just that good. Haven't read the last two folders yet but chances are that the story will have a final plot twist and a somewhat happy ending instead of the obligatory mainstream depressing bad end (just like with "Readiness"). The porn content is awesome as well.
I'd say it's the best Sabun Kyouden MC doujinji together with "Readiness".
Definitely worth a read, you'll really miss out if you don't read it.
01/15/14 12:21AM
Dantus said:
Fear not, for I am under the protection of the holy God-Emperor of Mankind and I shall not let the demon corrupt my pure soul shining with faith ;P!

Odd, I don't recall giving you my blessing, only my warning. :P

Dantus said:
Definitely worth a read, you'll really miss out if you don't read it.

Yeah, from what I remember, it's pretty deep for a porn plot. Seems interesting, but I'm gonna have to wait until I'm sure I have tons and tons of free time, because I do tend to end up reading my porn manga after I finish fapping for plots, and this one is HUGE. XD
01/15/14 02:06AM
Vanndril said:
Odd, I don't recall giving you my blessing, only my warning. :P

*Not sure if Vanndril is the God-Emperor in disguise or actually the Slaanesh of MC porn*
*Note to self: Needs to do moar Warhammer 40k references on Hypnobooru*

Yeah, from what I remember, it's pretty deep for a porn plot. Seems interesting, but I'm gonna have to wait until I'm sure I have tons and tons of free time, because I do tend to end up reading my porn manga after I finish fapping for plots, and this one is HUGE. XD

Yeah, it's like the Lord of the Rings of Mind Control porn xD!

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