07/05/18 05:10PM
Question About Commissions
Hey all, I've not been too active here for quite a while, so I had a few questions, if that's alright ^^
Is it okay to advertise commissions here? And would anyone be interested in story commissions? ; v;
07/05/18 06:27PM
I haven't seen anything against it, heck I've advertised opening commissions in general or for specific themes multiple times here in the past.
07/05/18 07:02PM
Well that's good to know! :D
I might do up a little thing, then, thanks for your response.
07/05/18 11:37PM
I'm a mod and I offer story commissions myself. Sp yeah it;s fine
07/06/18 01:59AM
Imasuky said:
I'm a mod and I offer story commissions myself. Sp yeah it;s fine

Rad, thank you! :3
07/06/18 02:04AM
Capulus said:
Rad, thank you! :3

Hope you get some work. And look forward to what you do
07/06/18 02:28AM
Imasuky said:
Hope you get some work. And look forward to what you do

Aww, you're too kind ; v;
I hope so, too >:3c I'll make a post soon, probably. Thanks for your help!~ ^^

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