07/11/18 08:13PM
Lewdtrix: The future game that can't exist
So some of you know me, I make adult mind control themed games. I'm also something of a futurist, I love watching shows about what will be possible in the future. Especially shows and books that talk about the future of games, because I make them. I'd love to make things you can't make with current game technology.

So let's say it's the future and a new game comes out, the Lewdtrix. Lewdtrix is like the matrix in that you go inside and it feels totally real, an accurate simulation of the world. If you so chose you could walk around a perfect replica of Earth as it is and it would be indistinguishable from reality, right down to the simulated people. A single nonsentient, nonsapient AI plays the roles of all AI actors but can pass as those people to a degree you as a human can't distinguish. Its simulation of the dead isn't perfect, but still feels like a real person, if maybe a somewhat different twin to them.

The Lewdtrix is also customizeable. Want to enjoy westworld style cowboy settings instead? The world can change. Fantasy, sci-fi, comic book heroes, or all of them at once? The system can do it. As long as it's logically consistent the world can be made to fit any novel, movie, game or so on of the past, or all of them at once in separate worlds. It auto-generates stories and quests based on the setting fitting the framework you want. If you want a fighting game, it leads you between fights. If you want an RPG it gives you story quests, etc. All of the writing is beyond human level superb content.

Finally the Lewdtrix can function as a singleplayer, multiplayer, or MMO style game. You can play alone in your own world, invite friends or play on the public servers which offer a lot of everything. You can quit whenever you want, play whenever you want, and enjoy it. Imagine the game is freely available to everyone, free of charge.

One requirement: Assuming I'm the one that gets to make something like this someday (which I probably won't) everything you made would have to have some element of hypnofetishism in it. Submissive, dominant, it's all your choice. Assume the program can alter your own mind-state while you're in there, so sub or dom stuff is all fine.

This game doesn't exist, obviously, and cannot with our current technology. That's not to say it can't ever exist though.

Assume the Lewdtrix could exist one day - how would you play? What's your ideal world? Would anyone else join you, or would you go solo?

Have fun imagining!

07/11/18 09:19PM
I pretty much fantasize about stuff like this constantly- it's either super-immersive VR like this, or a case of "I'm omnipotent even if it's only in a pocket dimension I can go to at will"

But yeah, the way I'd "play" goes somewhere along these lines

A private room somewhere with a really nice view, this is basically just the ultimate comfort-zone space to relax and de-stress, sexually compatible humans can be summoned for whatever fantasy I'm in the mood for

A decent sized city/residential area populated by NPCs (who are all programmed to be at least receptive to my attentions), where it's basically a GTA-style sandbox only with less violent crime and more people to seduce one way or another. NPCs will have something of an economy where they get points for partaking in sexual acts, so people doing naughty stuff in public will be relatively common

Similar to the above, smaller, more instanced areas with more of a theme to them- say, a japanese high school building full of girls in cosplay or a beach/island where everyone's in swimsuits

What I like to call "Pandemonium" (after something described in Kenkou Cross's monster girl encyclopedia) which is basically a massive orgy of randomized NPCs, occasionally getting shuffled/despawned/respawned after every N'th orgasm so nothing stays the same for long

as for the MC aspect, I like the idea of different kinds of hypno (and other fetish) effects being presented as a selection of spells and items- say, you've got several different styles of "hypnotic gaze" based on how you want the sub to act (such as the blissful and colorful kaa-style or the drowsy, half-asleep spiral-induced style) or a number of tools and consumables, such as a tech-control collar/visor/etc, love potion/ahegao-inducing pills that could be discretely slipped into food/drink, edibles that cause weight gain/loss, breast size changes, etc. (whatever you're into that can't be done in reality)

I could go on and on, but I've got other things to do today :P
07/11/18 11:39PM
And with this post, you've just summed up my hell. Sure, it's great for the consumer, but for any creator, it's essentially their raison d'etre just gone when something can outperform them in a fraction of the time. I know it's essentially the same for all manufacturing and production jobs, except name me a person who genuinely enjoys doing those. I'd go as far as argue that it's the imagination of people, the want for a better tomorrow, that has driven the evolution of our society and technology ever since we developed the ability for higher cognitive functions. Nothing would scare me more than for that very quality to become obsolete, and what else would it be when you have your perfect world at your fingertips? What's there to strive for anymore, when you can have it all at the snap of a finger?

Sorry to be a debbie downer, but I just can't help but think that something like this "Lewdtrix" would utterly and irreparably kill the human spirit, turn them into nothing more than mindless consumers, cattle grazing the field.

07/12/18 12:33AM
TheKinkyFinn said:
And with this post, you've just summed up my hell. Sure, it's great for the consumer, but for any creator, it's essentially their raison d'etre just gone when something can outperform them in a fraction of the time. I know it's essentially the same for all manufacturing and production jobs, except name me a person who genuinely enjoys doing those. I'd go as far as argue that it's the imagination of people, the want for a better tomorrow, that has driven the evolution of our society and technology ever since we developed the ability for higher cognitive functions. Nothing would scare me more than for that very quality to become obsolete, and what else would it be when you have your perfect world at your fingertips? What's there to strive for anymore, when you can have it all at the snap of a finger?

Sorry to be a debbie downer, but I just can't help but think that something like this "Lewdtrix" would utterly and irreparably kill the human spirit, turn them into nothing more than mindless consumers, cattle grazing the field.

As a creator I'll tell you - I make games I want to play because nobody else will. While the lewdtrix could be the end of human movement I don't think it would be - it's a game, after all. By the point that creative people's jobs are gone ALL the jobs will be gone. We'll be the last ones to go, but I'm not suffering under the illusion that we won't. There will be a machine that can do better than me at the press of a button someday. Rather than mourn, I'll just get to enjoy all the games I always wanted that no one could make for me while we all live off of universal basic income. Well, that or all humans will be put in the human pits and buried. I'm looking at the better future, honestly. Because while it could be an end, it'd likely be a bit more like holodecks on Star Trek. Fun, but not your entire life. There'd still be something to do outside of it, but look at it as a portal to all your best fantasies come true. The real world still matters because you still live and die there. If there's a way to better your condition, like tiered UBI based on education level, you'd have real world stuff to do too.

Personally I'd want to work education into mine. Even if I could never work again it'd also mean I never had to - so I'd be free to learn all day every day whilst building a virtual harem across virtual worlds. I'd just keep my real friends and family out of every simulation so I'd want to leave to visit them regularly.
07/12/18 01:15AM
I'd play solo, as for what the world would be, I'd probably just make world's out of hypnofetish stories and live in them for a set period of time then delete it and watch it burn...then get bored and do it again with another world.
By the way, will we be able to save within this Lewdtrix, and if so how many slots?
07/12/18 03:04AM
Hypnosis-guy said:
I'd play solo, as for what the world would be, I'd probably just make world's out of hypnofetish stories and live in them for a set period of time then delete it and watch it burn...then get bored and do it again with another world.
By the way, will we be able to save within this Lewdtrix, and if so how many slots?

You can make save states and load them, yes. That's pretty standard in a lot of modern games and should survive into this hypothetical future super game's time.
07/12/18 03:51AM
are you saying I can do as much sneak attack damage as I want and have all of the d6s rolled in front of me in vr

that, my good sir, is a dangerous power to give someone

EDIT: also if this ai isn't called rnjesus then I will start riots
07/12/18 04:12AM
Benevolent God with a Clone Harem of ladies and boys I find attractive. (So I don’t enslave the original.) + everyone from my post on the Harem thread.

I’d also have a simulation where i Clone every despot in this world, bring said clones to an island, give them all 5$ bucks, and a 5 day head start until they are hunted down by my personal Army of Hand Selected SPARTAN-IV’s and Guardians, Titans Mechs, Specter combat robots, Mobiles Suits and Mobile Armor.

When they are found I execute them with the cursed sword Soul Edge, and their Skull mounted on a wall.
07/12/18 04:21AM
Could something like this be done with modbox?
07/12/18 05:05AM
Earth_is_fucked said:
are you saying I can do as much sneak attack damage as I want and have all of the d6s rolled in front of me in vr

that, my good sir, is a dangerous power to give someone

EDIT: also if this ai isn't called rnjesus then I will start riots

Go look up VR Tabletop simulator. You can already roll dice in VR. Super future games don't even need to add that. There's also a few fantasy style VR games out already.

Current real VR feels like you're "in the room", so to speak (if well done) but you don't really feel anything, no feedback beyond controller vibration, scents, etc, just sight and sound.

LillyTank said:
Could something like this be done with modbox?

There's no magic AI to make content for you and modern VR isn't full immersion, but you can get surprisingly close with modern VR and a sandbox game like that.

Honestly I'm only waiting for more people to get VR. I want to know what hypnohub will be like on VR chat, haha.
07/12/18 05:57AM
I would just want to recreate my own CYOA of Lustful Lesbian Labyrinthine, just all sorts of random monster girl trying to turn me into their slave, with the option turning it back on them.

I really need to get back to the last update for it.
07/12/18 01:14PM
So, a whole world I can shape to my will, however I want, whenever I want, while at the same time being autonomous and coherent ? Perfect constant lucid dreaming ? That's the stuff I would dream of.

However, that's also the kind of stuff I would likely become completely addicted to, especially if I keep somewhat "normal" settings for light experimentation (for example : a Stepford simulation). I mean, I can become a literal god in a world that can give me sensations and feelings so close to genuine ones, I wouldn't even feel the différence. So, why bother go back to reality ?

Putting that aside, the possibilities would be endless. I don't really know if I would like to use the MMO aspect too much. I mean : if I play a game (that isn't a realistic simulation, at least), I would like my character to be "special" in this universe, I would like his actions to have weight. This works if there are a handful of players for a small zone, or a few dozens for a town or a country. But, several millions like this ? Fuck, that would become chaotic very quickly.

So, what if I play with a group. Well, if it's possible , I would use it as a super-tool for tabletop RPG with my friends. As a player, that would be awesome. As a DM, I usually think in scenes, in moments, but I'm usually too bored to build strong links between them. If I could input a scenario, general ideas and lore, and let it grow, it would be awesome.

As for the "kinky" stuff... I don't really know. I would most likely go there solo, except if I had a very understanding SO I could trust blindly (also, would help if we had common fetishes, but that'd be a bonus).
But, other than that... No idea, really. If you've seen my manips (or, at least, the ugly text walls stapled next to it), you may have realised I'm more interested in the relationship and the hypno before the act, than in the sexual act itself. That viewpoint will certainly change with time, but I'm not there yet.

I'd most likely do stuff I could only do in the matrix. Genderbend, otherworldly species and races (succubus, lamia...) or fictional characters (FF6 Barb-E, for instance), but nothing too excentric, really.

Also, I would replay the "Rosalina princessifies the multiverse" commissioned by Shiro to oo_sebastian_oo, but that's just me.
07/12/18 04:57PM
cypress_z said:
You can already roll dice in VR. Super future games don't even need to add that.

but then how would I get my fix of dice rolling sound

cypress_z also said:
I want to know what hypnohub will be like on VR chat, haha.

you ask of the gods a terrible fate
07/13/18 01:22AM
TheKinkyFinn said:
And with this post, you've just summed up my hell. Sure, it's great for the consumer, but for any creator, it's essentially their raison d'etre just gone when something can outperform them in a fraction of the time. I know it's essentially the same for all manufacturing and production jobs, except name me a person who genuinely enjoys doing those. I'd go as far as argue that it's the imagination of people, the want for a better tomorrow, that has driven the evolution of our society and technology ever since we developed the ability for higher cognitive functions. Nothing would scare me more than for that very quality to become obsolete, and what else would it be when you have your perfect world at your fingertips? What's there to strive for anymore, when you can have it all at the snap of a finger?

Is it impossible to create, if one is driven to do so, without recognition? Just because this hypothetical technology could outperform humans, how does that stop humans performing the task anyway?

If your only goal for creating is to get paid or get famous, is the act of creation really your reason for living? Or is it just your means of living?

Anyways, having the ability to influence or even whole-cloth craft entire experiences and worlds, that is basically the deepest creation. The ultimate medium. That would be my paradise. Not just living in a bespoke universe but being able to create my own. Of course, sharing those worlds with others would be cool. But if I couldn't] share those worlds with others, I would create them anyway.

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