07/12/18 07:34PM
Appeal against manips being removed?
Hey, so I tried getting into manips a while ago- but when I came back I found my posts had been taken down for "image quality"... I want to keep writing, but I also really like using my own art. In both pics, it's clear some people didn't think there was an issue with quality- so why were they taken down? And how can I stop them being taken down in future? Can I appeal to have them unremoved? :x


Thanks in advance!
07/16/18 10:08PM
lekoun said:
Hey, so I tried getting into manips a while ago- but when I came back I found my posts had been taken down for "image quality"... I want to keep writing, but I also really like using my own art. In both pics, it's clear some people didn't think there was an issue with quality- so why were they taken down? And how can I stop them being taken down in future? Can I appeal to have them unremoved? :x


Thanks in advance!

could you upload your images to a third party site and link them here? I would like to see them
07/16/18 10:57PM
hypnoahegao said:
could you upload your images to a third party site and link them here? I would like to see them

image preview enabled allows you to see any linked image on'ere
07/17/18 04:11AM
hypnoahegao said:
could you upload your images to a third party site and link them here? I would like to see them

sure thing
07/17/18 05:44AM
Text aside, it looks like these pictures were slapped together in no more than 10 minutes, maximum. There are some basic shapes and you can discern what's what for the most part, but it honestly looks like you made it in Paint. The hub has some higher standards for quality. It is a picture site after all, and not a text site.

Maybe you weren't here back then, but there was a whole thing about shota things with tiny pencil dicks that looked like they had been slapped on there with paint. Granted, that was a lot sillier than this, but the artist kept uploading and uploading and I think got banned in the end because so many people were frustrated with it? Anyway...

○ Firstly, don't do such sketchy lines to show where stuff like arms and such go, especially something as detailed and important as the face. It makes it look all scratchy and hard to figure out where everything is at times. Like, are her breasts really blushy over there, or is that her top bleeding into her skin?
○ Secondly, if you're going to shade and put details in, do so consistently with a same level of detail everywhere. For an exaggerated example, try to draw a smiley face -- then spend 20 odd minutes on the eyes alone, making them beautiful anime eyes. It's creepy. While the effect isn't that great here, the basis for it is there. (I'm guilty of this too at times.)
○ Third... If you're having trouble going immediately digital, try drawing it all traditionally, taking a picture with your phone and then tracing over it in a digital program. There are some great free programs out there that aren't Paint.

And, if you feel absolutely terrible about your drawing abilities, perhaps you'd be more comfortable either collaborating with artists, or simply adding text to already existing pictures. I'm sure the rule34 site or others have a plethora of inspiration for both of these stories. The stories I'm sure everyone will agree are great! Just... shooting yourself in the foot there by using that art which doesn't seem to have gotten half as much love from you as the story did :T I could be wrong about that, I guess. But yeah...
07/17/18 06:33AM
Friye said:
A lot

Yea, I'm gonna have to agree
07/17/18 06:17PM
I just want to chime in here to say that I think your art is very nice! It's quite different from a lot of the work we normally see here, which may be why it stood out too much for some people's liking. But, I think with just a bit more polish, you'll have something that a lot of people love~. Personally I'd suggest trying to integrate the text a bit more naturally, instead of confining it to a big box. The paintings could be refined more to lose some of their sketchiness, or perhaps placed on a nicer background than a plain white field.
Good luck! Looking forward to seeing what else you do~.

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