07/14/18 07:30AM
Skype Hypnosis Sessions with MEEEEEE o:
Hey guys and gals,

I recently decided "you know what? I like my kink, so I'm gonna learn it". As such, I've been practicing hypnotizing people for about 5 months now, hypnotized a fair amount of people.

Would love to practice on some of the lovely members here, it'd also be very helpful to me to get to practice.

Looking for girls primarily, sorry my guy friends. :(
I'm open to doing whatever type of session. Just comment if interested or skype at mrdbznarutofan1.
07/14/18 11:18AM haven't switched over to discord??
07/14/18 02:03PM
skullman2033 said: haven't switched over to discord??

<<|friendship ended with skype; now discord is my best friend>>

you know what's even worse? "female-only" tists
"yea i do sessions but only femsub" ehhhhhh is gonna scare off more gals rather than catchin their interests if ya ask me
07/14/18 02:12PM
Sophia said:
<<|friendship ended with skype; now discord is my best friend>>

you know what's even worse? "female-only" tists
"yea i do sessions but only femsub" ehhhhhh is gonna scare off more gals rather than catchin their interests if ya ask me

I encountered one of those the other night who assumed I was a chick. Can say I was disappointed he didn't want to go through it despite me not being a girl.
07/14/18 02:14PM
Yeah these ads like this pretty much just flag you as someone that most people won't want anything to do with.

Better method is to go to discord and talk normally and if a sub wants a session they'll let you know or you can offer after you've talked with them a bit.
07/14/18 02:15PM
Imasuky said:
Yeah these ads like this pretty much just flag you as someone that most people won't want anything to do with.

Better method is to go to discord and talk normally and if a sub wants a session they'll let you know or you can offer after you've talked with them a bit.

I would like to be on the hub's discord myself but despite having read the rules, no one has got back to me on actually joining it goddammit.
07/14/18 04:28PM
Contorted said:
I would like to be on the hub's discord myself but despite having read the rules, no one has got back to me on actually joining it goddammit.

You don't need to wait for anybody. Just go back to the server and type in #agree.

I'm pretty sure that's how I got on.. for like... the third time.
07/15/18 12:56AM
LillyTank said:
You don't need to wait for anybody. Just go back to the server and type in #agree.

I'm pretty sure that's how I got on.. for like... the third time.

I did and it ain't fucking working. Who the fuck designed this to be a nightmare to join?
07/15/18 01:57AM
Contorted said:
I did and it ain't fucking working. Who the fuck designed this to be a nightmare to join?

My bad, it's actually "!agree". No quotes.
07/15/18 02:01AM
LillyTank said:
My bad, it's actually "!agree". No quotes.

You are a patron saint.
07/15/18 04:46AM
You've all made your point. I don't want to be a creepy dude. As such I'm just going to open it up to everybody, and probably delete this post in a couple of hours unless you guys think that that's a bad idea. I guess my thought was that because this is a fetish site you should be more open about what you're most interested in.
07/15/18 07:25AM
mrdbznautofan1 said:
You've all made your point. I don't want to be a creepy dude. As such I'm just going to open it up to everybody, and probably delete this post in a couple of hours unless you guys think that that's a bad idea. I guess my thought was that because this is a fetish site you should be more open about what you're most interested in.

sleepcap said:
They're just being ridiculous. Having a preference is fine and not creepy. Keep your post!

I wasnt even trying to sound mean, i was genuinely surprised someone still used skype.

But seriously though switch to discord, its a FAR superior means of chatting
07/15/18 09:30AM
sleepcap said:
They're just being ridiculous. Having a preference is fine and not creepy. Keep your post!

Yeah, don't get why it's suddenly creepy to not want to have sessions with guys, I mean I'll do either, but come on. This is primarily a fetish site, god-forbid someone want to partake in their fetish exclusively with the gender they're attracted to.
07/15/18 10:44AM
I mean I think it's exactly bc it's a fetish site a lot of girls are going to be afraid/worried. You know how many creepy guys are out there? Lots of unscrupulous ones too that will happily try to take advantage of someone in a vulnerable state. There's stories of people trying to hypnotize to get nudes or sensitive personal information, or to implant malicious triggers/etc.

Don't shame girls just for trying to protect themselves. (Not that I'm saying the guy would, but? "female-only" absolutely throws up a red flag, just because it means there's likely a sexual intent behind it.)
07/15/18 01:14PM
Auri said:
I mean I think it's exactly bc it's a fetish site a lot of girls are going to be afraid/worried. You know how many creepy guys are out there? Lots of unscrupulous ones too that will happily try to take advantage of someone in a vulnerable state. There's stories of people trying to hypnotize to get nudes or sensitive personal information, or to implant malicious triggers/etc.

Don't shame girls just for trying to protect themselves. (Not that I'm saying the guy would, but? "female-only" absolutely throws up a red flag, just because it means there's likely a sexual intent behind it.)


Check the Hypnosis Sessions thread, I believe there are some examples of this in there.
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