07/15/18 03:34AM
If you were granted hub-powers for a week what would you do?
By hub-powers I mean hypnosis by a snap of fingers, wich let's you completely take over, no matter the victim wants it or not, you can change the personality, the Way of thinking etc, can command them in-and out of trance.

The change, and the power to contol those who you put into trance Will be active even after the week

I would Go to an airport, snap my Way through the security, Go to moscow. Snap my Way into the place where the commentator is, make everyone there, and át home watching my slavery, As I snap. Go home, profit

07/15/18 03:43AM
double threads removed.
07/15/18 05:39AM
Snap my fingers, make every despot shoot themselves in the mouth and have everyone one in the world agree not to wage war and utilize democratic socialism.

The end. (Honestly, Nothing sexual. Not without being able to clone them, take the Clone for myself and leave the original to leave their lives with no knowledge of said Clone.)
07/15/18 05:53AM
Get just a few people as slaves. Average people; no world leaders, rich people, etc.
Might be pretty simple, but hey, whatever works.

Defcon7 said:
Snap my fingers, make every despot shoot themselves in the mouth and have everyone one in the world agree not to wage war and utilize democratic socialism.

A noble goal, but you would remove the free will and nature of people in an attempt to gain a utopia of sorts.
07/15/18 05:55AM
Can i just go into a room full of people snap my fingers and everyone just shit themselves?
07/15/18 06:02AM
Argonis said:
Can i just go into a room full of people snap my fingers and everyone just shit themselves?

Yes, Pat. You can do that.
07/15/18 06:04AM
TalahDarkfang said:
A noble goal, but you would remove the free will and nature of people in an attempt to gain a utopia of sorts.

That prospect would be difficult to resist I admit...why not? Literal king of the world who obey my every command including the no war thing? Pretty much everyone in the world lusting after me and I can create the harem of my dreams? Why the hell not! Morals be damned, it’s fantasy!
07/15/18 06:16AM
Defcon7 said:
That prospect would be difficult to resist I admit...why not? Literal king of the world who obey my every command including the no war thing? Pretty much everyone in the world lusting after me and I can create the harem of my dreams? Why the hell not! Morals be damned, it’s fantasy!

For me I guess it depends on if you can change things down to a genetic level. Otherwise the utopia would only last a generation or two.

Otherwise the idea would make me feel beyond guilty, even if no one cared anymore.
07/15/18 07:36AM
I'll be honest, the first thing I would do is go to the coworker I hate and force her to quit. Fuck you Jen.

After that I would use my powers to help my friends and family. Get my brothers and I stabilized financially and help my parents retire. I would just like to be that unseen force that would help random people if they're having trouble. Or punish some jerk who does what he wants without thinking of the people around him/her.

Though I would eventually make my way to Congress and make some major changes. Finally get things under control.

Other than that I don't think I would use my powers to take advantage of people. I would feel too guilty if I did stuff like that. I like the idea of using these powers to help people, like helping them overcome addictions or phobias.
07/15/18 09:18AM
snap my finger, the whole universe gone, take that Thanos, my plan is double of yours
07/15/18 10:27AM
I would probably use it to make my professors give me all A's in my classes.

Defcon7 said:
Yes, Pat. You can do that.

im sure pat would make scientists pursue the noble goal of turning him an immortal toilet
07/15/18 01:03PM
Man, robbing a bank would be so easy, snap my fingers, get money, make them forget.
07/15/18 09:31PM
CorruptionPrincess said:
I would probably use it to make my professors give me all A's in my classes.

im sure pat would make scientists pursue the noble goal of turning him an immortal toilet

I like that idea. Sexy student getting A's is a fun idea!
07/15/18 09:32PM
Get the money. Get the women. Brainwash permanently.

Enjoy the good life.
07/16/18 01:07AM
Just money probably
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