07/18/18 10:27PM
Tales of Dawn [Bellchan Story Thread]
I'm having a commission drawn of this one, but wanted to have a thread to post other stories I come up with to compliment Dawn and her little world of mind control and hypnosis. I hope you all enjoy.


Leah was a senior at a liberal arts college. Her study was a mixture of music and graphic design and four years in she had finally settled in to her stride. She ended up working with the radio in her second year and stuck with it, eventually taking a 2 hour block during the evenings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She played some music, facilitated some talk and some campus news. She'd gained a reputation for being a bit of a personality, bubbly and bright. Well liked.

Today was Tuesday and she had her headphones in, ready and leaning close to the spit guard

"It's Tuesday night, it's 6pm and it's time for another night of Late on Campus with Leah. So if you're studying for that big test, taking night classes or just enjoying the facilities on campus, I'll be with you for the next few hours to keep you company, play some tunes and let you know how life on campus is treating us all. We've got a fun packed show for you all tonight, talking about the fun little events our friends in the Oasis lounge put on this week and will be planning for the next, some announcements and as always lines are open for anyone wanting to have a chat with lil' old me. Just remember, no creepers and no bummers. Those are the rules. Here's Katy Perry with Firework."

She hit the button for the tape start and leaned back. Her environment was a cluttered cupboard of a booth with hardly space to move. The desk was bare spare for the microphone, her personal cellphone at the ready to break the boredom and finally the control board with circuits ready and waiting for call ins. Rita, her helper, sat on the other side of the booth glass ready to answer the initial calls and screen them for the air. The eager assistant on the other side of the glass smiled and gave a thumbs up. It felt like an easy enough night.

The first oddity of the evening was that the switchboards were already lit up. Her show was pretty popular for an on campus thing, but she already had a good twelve people calling in. Rita had a hand to her headphones and was nodding along, talking to whoever was lucky enough to be line one. She looked overwhelmed. 12 calls during the first song? It was only natural.

In fact, the more she thought about it the less normal it seemed. The topic of the day had not even been announced on air yet. she pressed the intercom to communicate with the control room, "We're pretty busy tonight. What calls you got for me, Reet?"

The reply came fast and slow at the same time, "Oh um... i... nnnh..." through the glass she could see the mousy brown haired woman swaying on the spot, blinking magnified by her big round glasses. She'd probably been up all night studying and the amount demanded of her right now was simply too much "Uh... oh sorry I... um, we got, one girl who's calling in about the hypnosis block you're going to be doing... she says she's... a mesmerist or a mentalist or something. She was... um... i dunno." she said in an odd sleepy way. "We were talking for awhile..."

They must be well informed. Leah had, indeed, posted on the Facebook and College Page that she would be talking about the hypnosis show on campus that day. She wasn't in attendence, but she was eager to open the floor to those who were. "That's perfect. Patch them in soon, okay!"

She looked at the other girl through the glass. She was never a friend, really, but someone she was familiar with, especially through bossing her about. She didn't screw up often so she didn't have need to be a bad boss, "You been burning the midnight oil, Reet? Need to grab a coffee?"

"Y...yeah..." she said in a kind of heavy way, her voice almost slipping out from her lips. "Yeah... coffee... mmmkay... you'll be back on in thirty..." She said getting up with what looked like a yawn. As the song started to come to a close.

With a roll of her eyes, Leah took over. The song came to a close and she flipped the switches, ready to shift back into her bubbly persona, "Aaaand welcome back. For those just joining us we're going to spend a little time today talking about that "mesmerism" show in the Oasis student lounge this week, anyone who was at the show feel free to call in so we can talk about the act. And if you were part of the show, how did it feel to buckle to peer pressure and act a fool on stage for an hour. Lines are open and we actually have had a bunch of activity, so let's spark up with our first caller. This is Leah and you're on the air, caller."

"Good evening, Leah." a female's voice filled both headphone and airwaves, it was a smooth voice that was like smoke drifting over honey or the sun during an eclipse. The sort of voice rolled over you like a warm blanket on a cold day. "This is Dr. Dawn. I heard you were going to be talking about my show tonight and I do so adore feedback. We can talk about those skeptical comments of yours a little later, maybe we can hear how those in attendence regarded my little performance."

Leah felt her stomach drop several stories, she hadn't expected the person she was all but insulting to be listening, let alone calling in. "Well thank you for calling in oreven for listening in to our campus show for that matter. We here at the studio are honored to have a non-campus guest on the air." Said studio staff was of course just her and Rita, who was rocking back and forth on her chair with coffee. "so you were with the show this week. Tell our listeners a little bit about yourself.

The audience could hear Dawn's smile through the airwaves, "Of course. I'm a hypnotherapist by trade, hence the "doctor", I use hypnosis to heal hearts and minds and help guide people towards a better life... but sometimes, when the mood strikes me, I slip into my little tailored leotard and tailcoat jacket, paint my lips and press them to the minds of those who just want to relax, listen and subject themselves to my every little desire. A stage show is a fun and safe place for those who need to submit to indulge in a fantasy for an hour. I do so enjoy making those dreams come true. What else would someone like me do? I'm very good. at what i do. There aren't many people who don't end up well, my fun little puppet before long. In one way or another." she said in a perfectly confident way. "You sure you want to have this talk now and not in a bit? I'd love to hear your opinion on hypnosis."

Leah couldn't help feel a wave of annoyance simmer at the arrogance of her guest. With a roll of her eyes she looked back to the switchboards and waved for Rita to pay attention while she continued, "Well I think we should get a guest who was at the show to speak up before we speak directly to you, "Doctor" Dawn. I'm sure we have one on the line at this point. Though. Lipstick for hypnosis? I thought your type used pocket watches and dangling jewels--- and-" she couldn't help but laugh at her own mental picture, "I normally attribute you types as being loser old men with twirly moustaches and creeper voices."

She needed to keep momentum up for the show, she was live on air, so muted the first caller line and switched on to the second, "What's your view on the matter, caller number 2? You're on live with Leah."

Dawn kept speaking, not noticing she was cut off, "Anything works, and lipstick is just as good as any other form. I've used pocket watches. fingers. My eyes. All sorts of things. And trust me, I'll dangle all kinds of things in the way of people's minds.", as she paused she noticed the show was continuing and she was not on it. Rude.

The second caller's voice chimed in, instead, soft and nervous, "Hey Leah! Um, I was at the show. Yeah." she said with growing enthusiasm. "Wasn't everyone?"

Having a normal student online reignites her enthusiasm and her commanding bubbly tone sank right back into gear,
"I don't think the lounge can handle campus capacity, but it was pretty popular, you know it! Were you audience or duped up on stage?"

"Oh, I was du- brought up on stage.", and the fact she agreed and almost emulated Leah's insult was enough to speak to how impressionable she was. No wonder she was duped. "I was one of the people who ended up going under during her opening induction and my friend hit me and was like WAKE UP! and so she pulled me up cause i was so out of it. it seemed pretty real to me."

"Well listeners, it seems we have someone who claims to have "gone under"" and she says it in the most condescending way imaginable, "duirng one of these magic shows. First off, can our listeners get your name, caller? And Then just run us through what was going through your mind while our Dr. Dawn was using lipstick to turn our students into "puppets"" the mocking tone perhaps a little bit too rough, though Leah was confident her audience would side with her.

"Um, i'd rather not say my name..." the nervousness was sparking up again, "we'll go with uh, Dawn... wait no that was her name, damn, forget my name. Ha, she made me do it earlier, so... that's alright, isn't it? Okay so she pulled me up on stage and i start to say no, but she pulled me close and she started whispering in my ear, i don't even know what, i remember it was kinda hot and weird and then my eyes rolled back into my head like i'd been drugged, and they rolled back and saw she was holding this silver pocket watch over me and it was really bright and well... yeaaah." the longer she talked the faster and more embarrassed she sounded until that last part where the breaks were engaged. She was really into the whole puppet in public thing, it seemed.

Leah couldn't help but chuckle, "Well. Let's get our guest on the line here too, then. Dawn? You're back on air. Is our caller correct? Did you whisper "hot" things into a student's ear and coerce them into acting in your show? Do you remember this caller by their voice?"

Dr. Dawn let out a soft Hmm... either recalling or savoring the memory, "I never forget a trance." she finally said with a soft melodic laugh. "She was already half under, it didn't really matter what I said. Though, i will say that what I said was certainly heavy and heady. I like to use a lot of H's and S's in my inductions. Soft simple phrases, full of weight and supple sinking surrender. I'm not sure if I'd call them hot... though I am fond of finding the right buttons to press and tying them up with lovely little trigger phrases, like "Dusk for Dawn"." The other woman on the line let out a heavy heavy moan at that.

Leah panicked to action, muting Line 2, "Okay, okay, this is a family friendly broadcast. And that show was family friendly too. We'll have you blacklisted from this school if you keep insisting a "kinky" nature to your pantomime gig.

"I only said some innocent words. I don't think "Dusk For Dawn"." a softer whimper played on the second line, though only Leah and Rita could hear it this time, "Besides I wanted an opportunity to show off. Other caller, please tell Late with Leah what happened when you heard me speak those words."

Against her better judgment, Leah let the audience listen in again "My mind is asleep until the Dawn lets me rise." a slow heavy montone voice slurred into the phone.

Leah pinched her brow, not knowing what to have expected, "Thank you, caller. We'll be back right after a quick musical break. This is Daft Punk's Get Lucky." with a hit of her controls the music started. Rita was clearly too busy with all the calls to be of help. "Okay. Look. Dr. Dawn? This is a nice thing you're doing, interviewing after your gig, but you cannot have a student moan out in ectasy and announce their submission on air. I know what this is. It's probably a plant, which is why they're not saying their name. But our listeners think this is a student and that is completely inappropriate. Another sleight like that and I'll drop the call. I am not kidding around."

Dawn, still on line and confident "It was just a delighted murmer, a lot of people find it so enjoyable to just stop struggling against deadlines and test scores and worries and stress... you have no idea how nice it is to just let go and let everything that doesn't matter evaporate into my will. As for the devotion, that's just part of the mantra for the stage. Though, if you want I could have her show you and your listeners some true devotion..." a soft mmm... filled the line as Dawn thought about just what that example could be, "Well, I'll hang back and speak with Rita for a bit. Don't worry, all your calls are already lined up. Reet reet, could you switch me back over?"

"...uh huh..." said a heavy voiced Rita as Dawn's light flicked off, leaving her with just the other lights and the heavily breathing caller.

"...what the hell..." she sighed in resignation, "Okay. Fine. Let's just keep the show rolling, I suppose." Through the glass she peered at Rita, perplexed by the nerdy looking girl. She kept her brown hair tied up with chopsticks, and it wasn't like she was Asian or anything, those freckles and white skin were enough proof against that, and a heavy purple turtleneck and jeans. She was a mess at the best of times but right now she's a mess who looks completely asleep while doing her job. Figures she'd want to impress the magic lady and pretend to be a zombie for her.

The song was done all too soon and Leah returned to performer voice, "And that was Get Lucky. Now let's see if any of our other callers tonight "got lucky" this week with our topic this week, the Dr. Dawn show that took place in the student lounge earlier this week. Caller, you're on the air. What's your name and were you at the show?"

Rita's head was moving around in a lost circle, and her lips were moving softly like she was repeating something, one of her hands was on the desk, but the other one couldn't be seen, as her eyes were half shut, in a sleepy looking way. Lost. like she was sinking away. Leah pulled the line herself.

"I'm Sandra Simpleton, and i was at the show and you're totally right, it's complete bunk." Said a naisly voice on the other end. "and that girl who was on before is faking it. she didn't go under. Hypnosis doesnt' even work like that! Was it an R rated show or something?"

Leah brightened up for the solidarity and used it to feed into her own energy "Nope, not at this college anyway. I think she must do those "pervert" shows elsewhere for exhibitionists who just want to act like idiots on stage. Curious though. You said "like that", are you telling our listeners that it sometimes does work? How is Dr. Dawn wrong? Tell us everything Sandra."

"Oh, well a real clinical institutional hypnosis is about real long and medical purposes. You can sometimes even use it for surgery and things of that nature. But you can't just make someone do whatever you want. someone has to want to do it, it doesn't change anything, it just lets you talk to the subconcious. peer prssure is powerful though. I mean, really it's kind of like most..." Leah was distracted as she peered through the window and saw Rita's eyes rolled up into her head, she was panting, a heavy blush on her cheeks awas she drooling on herself?!

Leah's stomach clamped with how trapped she felt. When the next song comes on she'd pull Rita's headphones off and yell at her. This was both unprofessional and embarrassing, but for now the show compelled her to continue, "There you have it, listeners. People just doing what they would normally do but with a little showmanship thrown in!"

She quickly hit the comms receiver, "Rita, do we have another caller lined up?" hopefully startling her would get her out of this... situation.

It was Dawn's voice who responded, however, "Rita's a bit busy right now, but yes. There's me. And then there's Cynthia on line five who disagrees that hypnosis is even real if you want to talk to her." Rita was sliding down her chair, tangled up in her headphone cord, both hands were under her line of sight now. The facial expression was a quivering mouth and eyes still rolled up. No one was coming to check on them and Leah couldn't escape while on air. Watching her assistant act this way without the ability to stop her was infuriating. And yet she could not look away.

Unable to break character on air, and thankful the listeners could only hear her side of any given conversation, she decided it best to play along until the next song, "Well thank you very much, Sandra. Next we have line five. Cynthia? You're on air. Were you at the Dawn show?

"I was, and it's all completly bunk. Just bunk. Dumbest stuff ever! Hypnosis? It's not real. It's not even fake real. It's less real then ghosts aliens and angels and those things are pretty unreal. It was so lame. I know all those people that went up, attention whores, all of them!"

"Frauds, charlatans and fools, the lot of them. I mean who would want to willingly go up and do all that "Asleep until Dawn" zombie crap anyway?"

"Clearly someone with low self esteem. Honestly, what's up with the whole submission and no thinking kink anyway, you're throwing all the emotional labor off on another person and shirking responsibility and acting so entitled!" Said the girl, going on a bit of a rant.

Leah lets them go off on their rant fine enough, eyes still focused on Rita's third or fourth orgasm. Right now she would be happy never to hear hypnosis ever again, "Well that is certainly a mouthful, but is quite right. Thank you again Cynthia. Was there anything else you wanted to say before our next song?"

"Grow some balls and make your own damned decisions!" that was weird, but honestly welcome. Through the window Rita's was rocking back and forth, still chanting something to herself.

Leah quickly set the next song to play and rushed out to the other side of the sound booth where her assistant sat, jeans down to her ankles "...Rita? What the HELL do you think you're doing?! Can you play with yourself on your own time! We have a show to put on. I can't keep putting on these distractions and the switchboard needs your attention!"

Rita didn't respond, she just kept chanting. "Dusk For Dawn. Dusk for Dawn." over and over. Shaking her did nothing and her 3 minute window was evaporating. Fueled with panic she returned to her station and put on her headphones "So, are you still talking to me through this or what, creepo-guest?"

"Welcome back," Dr. Dawn's sultry voice all but whispered, "it's just you and me at the moment. I think you might start coming around to my way of thinking soon. In being hypnotized. In falling asleep. I mean you have heard of highway hypnosis, with the long straight lines and getting tired? You can clearly see that Rita sure seems to belive in hypnosis. Why don't you? Do you think your mind is to strong, it'll never swirl, melt, drip away?"

The song has enough time for her to cover an answer for now, but she was running low, "I just think it's ridiculous. It's not even a matter of strong or weak minds it's just I'm not gullible enough to believe all that crap you people try to do on stage. There's a difference between zoning out and strutting around thinking you're naked or some shit like that. Like. It's not even in the same category, and yet your kind say they're the exact same thing, it's stupid."

"It's hardly stupid. In fact, it's quite freeing. To take the time to listen and stop trying to control everything. When things compound and pile up and become stressful I find most people get a white noise, a fuzz in their head. A mind cannot process too many things at once, did you know that, Late with Leah? They simply cannot handle the demands of one distraction after another after another, late night homework, family needing time with you, your assistant not helping out, how much time left, how many calls do you have, have they all been spoken to? So many demands, that when someone can swoop in and suggest that you don't need to worry anymore, that you can just take a soft slow and deep breath and let things organize themselves, one by one, bit by bit. You can ignore the flickering lights, you can ignore those emotions swirling up inside you and you can focus on the only thing that needs focus right now. Not the song, not Rita, not the alpha wave tone Rita hooked in to the 4th channel that anchors you and your listeners to become more suseptible to my voice, just the voice itself, all you need to do is focus on that and you'll find this evening will become so much less stressful. The show will go on and tonight you will find your way to bed and then you can sleep until Dawn, or if you want, right now, right this second, you could Sleep For Dawn and let me worry about this radio show. I'm a performer, my dear, I can handle things. Will you trust me? Will you let yourself become so calm, so soft, so relaxed, so eager to perform with me tonight?"

Leah kept trying to interupt her but she is too swift, too confident, as if her words pushed her back down to her seat every time she tried to stand up. All she could do was look at the counter on the song, wait for it to track down to zero so she could come up for air on live radio where Dawn wouldn't try any of this hocus pocus. "...So- So what? So fake and infatuated? As the girl before said, it only works if you want it to and even then it's just "playing along" and I'm not playing along, lady."

A heavy inhale filled a pause. 132 seconds left. "No, it's not like that. you end up helpless, ensared, sticky web that sticks from your mind to your lips to between your legs, it wraps around your nipples and your fingers and pulls you taunt sexual and used. like Rita over there, look at her, lost in a world of my voice, obeying and submitting, like someting out of a cartoon, like you, spiraling around and not even knowing it feeling dizzy and plying it off, not thinking, never thinking, it's about just acting, that sbuconcious part of you that calls the shots, i'm talking to her and she likes me, she likes that I whisper right to her, and let her relax on a far away beach and feel the sun on her naked body, she likes that she gets to nap and dream and drift, she's nice, I'm talking to her, and she's heavy and tired and her eyes want to roll back in her head just like her friends." heavy full voice just never stopping and continuing to go, shaping words and phrases and odd descriptive things all with the ever present humming that Leah could only just notice behind everything else.

She shuddered in her chair, if she had the ability to cut her off she would have. She's violated the no-adult-talk policy. But the audience can't hear her and she's trapped in the show, so she growls with no fangs, eyes locked on the timer, 45... "Can you stop that, please? I'm on air again in a few seconds."

"How many seconds? why don't we count them down together. the exact number. There's a clock you can stare at, and see them tick away, see the time fall away one second and thought at a moment. Just a heavy thought falling away, it's time, the way things happen, and you can't stop them, steady and rythimc and impossibly dizzying. moving one tick and tock at a time, downwords, into the sand, the heat, the stickyness the waves, washing over you, cleaning you out... how many seconds left?"

She narrows her eyes as the words chip away at her, there were 26 seconds left of the song, the number ticking down sequentially, "Twenty six... so you have less than a minute to stop this."

"count down in your head. backwards. like a metronome you can't not count now that I've brought it your attention, numbers ticking away, it's a simple thing, like falling, something that has to happen, it's heavy and complete and you know the numbers go down, and with each number you're going to feel it, light and sticky tightening, strands of web from nipples to sex to brain, threads of thoughtlessness that pull your eyes back into your head..."

Dawn's voice so heavy and thick, it just kept going, it was weird how voice could have weight, and seem to draw lines, and it was odd to find the weird fantasies bumping into one another, webbing and the beach and the clock ticking and counting down and feeling oddly heaavy there in the chair. "Feeling it in you feet, far too heavy to lift, and becoming thoughtless empty feet, and your thighs and legs the same way as the spread, and your hips..."

Leah's eyes hood for a second and she becomes acutely aware of the weight of her headphones, her feet on the floor and the weight of the remaining airtime. But nothing that any stupid hypno-mumbojumbo could cause. 12 seconds left, 10, 9... she softly slurred a whispered responce, "Are you done yet?"

"up, your ass, your ass is so heavy, and your hips, sinking into the sand, feleing those strands between your legs, and then your midriff, your tummy, warm and heavy, feeling so weighted down, pulling down, relaxing, all those long muscles in your back, and your breasts, sooo heavy, sinking into the table, unable to keep them up, slumping, weak and simple and dumb..." as she just kept talking and talking in that smokey thick voice with painted lips.

She shuffles and pulls her microphone in close, her ass digging in to the not-uncomfortable chair, her chest pressed up to the wooden table, eyes blinking rapidly, the pulsing tone vibrating in her mind. 5 seconds... 4... 3... her voice so small, carrying barely above the rhythm of her slow and steady breathing.

"feeling it in your arms, and your fingers, so heavy and deep, toughtless, thoughtless breasts, thoughtless ass, your neck, in your face, your mouth feeling so limp, hard to do anything with it, thoughtless lips, just a nice thoughtless body... bodies don't think, they just get heavy and sink." As the timer kept counting down and she just kept talking and talking...."

Chin sinking onto the table now, lulling to the side before 1! The song ended, her eyes blink down hard and she tries to lead out the gate but the effort is too much, "That was--- uh.... It was heavy si--- um?" She lulled her head to see the track list, "Bruno Mars... and ---we're back?" the tone was still playing, Dawn's voice was still droning in her ears. So hard to concentrate with that going on... wish she'd stop telling her to relax and feel heavy and hard to speak hard to think... so slow and mindless.

"Now, your head, what would happen if your head becomes as mindless as the rest of you? I think you need a few more seconds, five. five seconds before your head is as empty and thoughtless as the rest of you... five..." She said slowly. this was on the air... anyone could hear this part.

Trying to stay in character and reach to her control deck, so far away while her body is sunk into the table, "I think we have another caller...? on... line, four? No three...?"

"Four. we're on four, and you're about to be hypnotized... now three... twooooo... your head is about to be as empty and thoughtless as your breasts." Said those lips over the line, anyone could hear, mocking her.

'Thoughtless as breasts? That doesn't make sense?' she slowly thought, too heavy and too slow. It was dead air. Silence. She had no idea what was even happening?

"One... and now your thoughts are done. Your head is as empty and thoughtless as the rest of you. just letting your eyes roll back into your head, just like Rita, she looked so nice, and that's you now." She said simply and it was true. Leah could not see herself and her audience had no visual reference either, but her head was too heavy to move, she was drained and done. Empty and asleep. The audience hear only a soft thud as her arm collides with her chair as it slides off of the desk, heavy and almost glued to the work station, breathing rhythmically and listening through those bulky headphones. It didn't matter how she was ensnared so effortlessly. She was deep within Dawn's web.

"You're hypnotized, dear. Why don't you tell your audience that. Let them know you're hypnotized. say it. Say I'm hypnotized right into the microphone. Tell everyone how you're under the power of the very thing you don't belive in." Dawn's voice filled with delight and amusement. The tone she had Rita install was humming for the campus to hear now.

She lets out a soft murmer before leaning towards the microphone, her breathy whisper husking out only two words* I'm hypnotized.

"That's right. you're hypnotized. Why don't you tell everyone what kind of underwear you wear. Just so they can know for sure it's true." The voice continued.

With a blank expression, soft and placid, her eyelids flicker, starring through the spit-guard. "Striped white and blue panties."

"Oh... interesting. See, ladies and gentlemen? Even the most harsh non-believers can be brought away to seeing things my way... So, what do you think of hypnosis, now, dear?" Asked the voice confidently on the other line.

Leah can barely think of anything to say or think. If there was a trick to it she did not know what it was. "Dr. Dawn is the real deal."

Satisfied, Dawn let out a pleased hmm, "Oh, there's so much more to talk about... Rita would be kind enough to turn up the voume for me now..."

The light tone flooded the headphones and airwaves, it was a heavy pulse, and it became monolith, drawing every ear and mind into it and focusing all possible attention. In a heartbeat Leah froze up and felt a ripcord in her head slip away which just left everything freefall. A whimper is all the audience get to hear that she has glazed her eyes to look emptily out and sink entirely her chair, gone to oblivion. An empty and open mind slut ready to listen to her mistress.

"That's right. You're hypnotized. Completly hypnotized. Tell them again just how hypnotized you are." she said with a sort of giggle.

She stiffly pulled herself forward and in a monotone voice droned "I am entirely under Dr. Dawn's command."

"Good girl... and now to my dear listeners, as Leah finds every word and thought of what I am about to say and do the most sensual, erotic and pleasing experience of her life, I need you all to pay close attention and listen..."

(Special thank you to Gojulas for drawing an image for this story: )

(Sorry for necroing, was doing some edits and didn't realize the script would bump it)
07/19/18 01:13AM
Very good stuff. you have a real talent
07/19/18 03:57PM
Imasuky said:
Very good stuff. you have a real talent

Ditto. Great work, Bellchan. Hope to see and read more.
07/23/18 07:43AM
I really enjoyed reading this it was very hot lol >////< you're a very good writer. The way you described everything that was going on in the story I could visualize everything and that's how I can tell when someone is a great writer : ) can't wait to read more of your stuff <33
07/29/18 12:12PM
this was amazing! I would give pretty much anything for an experience like this!
07/30/18 08:05AM
wonderful read

Sandra Simpleton... either she has an unfortunate last name or someone is a hypno fool, makes me wonder what Cynthia's last name is?

and the unnamed caller, I'm just going to keep my headcanon that it's Makoto from picture 66545 and said picture took place just before the story
07/30/18 10:19AM
godzillahomer said:
wonderful read

Sandra Simpleton... either she has an unfortunate last name or someone is a hypno fool, makes me wonder what Cynthia's last name is?

and the unnamed caller, I'm just going to keep my headcanon that it's Makoto from picture 66545 and said picture took place just before the story

Headcanon accepted! :D
08/05/18 07:41AM
This is pretty awesome and hot! Thanks for this great story!

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