07/20/18 08:50PM
Question for users on the Autistic spectrum: How's your sex life?
So, I'm a relatively high-functioning autistic myself (like, I can pass for normal on the street, but have trouble with a lot of things otherwise), and I had a weird epiphany/shower thought the other day:

Do those on the spectrum have more difficulty with sex?

Now, for background, my sex life hasn't been the best- by the standards of most "nerdy" people out there I've been blessed with the occasional girlfriend, but sex has always been a challenge for me when it has a chance to happen (and it happens less than you'd think, even in past/ended relationships I've had)- I'd rather not go into the whole vent-room pity-party description, but basically, anxiety plus inexperience and probably a few other factors i'm trying to nail down means I have trouble performing, to the point that I worry I'm going to need viagra before I'm 40- nothing's wrong with me when I'm alone with porn, but when i'm with another person, the flow is different enough that it always leads to aborted coitus and wasted condoms

Now, I can't ignore the possibility that this is all me and something I need to work out alone, but going back to my original epiphany, I think it's very possible that sex issues like above could be an autism-issue that doesn't get talked about much- I've gone to plenty of support groups, but the thing about those is that most attendees are concerned parents speaking for their autistic (teens-to-adult) children in their search for things like employment or independence (so sex isn't going to be a conversation topic), and based on most of the adults with autism I've talked to in the past, it's more likely they'll be single than dating someone, so it could very easily be an "unknown unknown" issue

So, if you're on the spectrum, do you have any insights? The fact that we're all here means we share the same fetish, so has that helped/hindered you with a partner?
07/20/18 09:20PM
I’ve only ever had sex twice...the second time it didn’t turn out so well afterwards...Both times it was with girls who were also on the spectrum and high functioning, but that never really effected the experience. What did was that the first was a girlfriend, the second was a one night stand. (I’m a cheap slut I know)

I never had tried out my fetish on either of the girls I slept with because they didn’t know I had it. (I don’t think I’ll ever end up telling any of my partners about it...)

It was very passionate both times, and I was more about what she wanted than what I wanted. I always did my best to please my partner and would always tell them that they could do whatever they wanted to me.

The first girl let me have my way with her, but I still did it with her in mind. We ended up getting pizza afterwards, and it was really nice... her bed wasn’t big enough for her to ride on top of me like we wanted, so I ended up doing Missionary position with her.

The other girl did ride me, but it was more like grinding than riding. He gave an incredibly rough handjob and made me do missionary with her. I tried to convince her to do oral and have me do so in return but it didn’t play out. That time, things went south’s a long story.

Ever since I’ve been trying to find a new girlfriend/soft boyfriend, but no luck. I’m not really the lovable type I don’t think...
07/20/18 10:41PM
I think autism can affect sex in that usually sex is a spontaneous thing, and autistic people are more comfortable with things that are routine or that they have control over. If they're the ones initiating sex, it's probably less likely that there will be anxiety/performance issues involved, but ultimately anxiety can still happen, because it can be hard for autistic people to go with the flow--the unexpected is just not something they can handle that well. With enough patience and practice I think it's possible to get over it, though.

You probably can handle porn just fine because there's just you involved---you control how fast, how hard, etc. With another person you have to accommodate for that person doing things and that person's pleasure, and that can cause anxiety. Communication beforehand/during is most likely the best solution.
07/20/18 11:05PM
07/20/18 11:18PM
I'm on the spectrum and I had sex a few know I could only think of The Room quote from the title XD
07/21/18 01:32AM
Zero and I don't really care to try

Also, Alot more people here are autistic then I realized 0_o
07/21/18 01:46AM
I've got my wuvvly luvvly gf Sophia, but we've only ever text fuckled, done a few cam stuff, that kinda thing, but it's nice and stuff, she's the bestest ^///^
07/21/18 02:07AM
Oh hai doggy.

Contorted said:

Yeah, that. Talking to people online? No problem. Going outside and seeing people face to face? Noooooot a fan.

I should note for disclosure that I have not been officially diagnosed as either autistic or aspergic(?), but all signs and tests I've taken have pointed to one or the other being a very likely possibility.
07/21/18 02:17AM
Mindwipe said:
Oh hai doggy.

Yeah, that. Talking to people online? No problem. Going outside and seeing people face to face? Noooooot a fan.

I should note for disclosure that I have not been officially diagnosed as either autistic or aspergic(?), but all signs and tests I've taken have pointed to one or the other being a very likely possibility.

All of that is the same for me
07/21/18 02:22AM
Mindwipe said:
Oh hai doggy.

Yeah, that. Talking to people online? No problem. Going outside and seeing people face to face? Noooooot a fan.

I should note for disclosure that I have not been officially diagnosed as either autistic or aspergic(?), but all signs and tests I've taken have pointed to one or the other being a very likely possibility.

07/21/18 02:31AM
Contorted said:

Sadly this... I'm a sucker talking with others...
07/21/18 03:27AM
Does it bother me? Sometimes, but it's not enough for me to go through the hassle of finding a girl, getting to know her, and maintain a serious relationship just for sex.
07/21/18 11:50AM
Contorted said:

Kachopper9 said:
Zero and I don't really care to try

Also, Alot more people here are autistic then I realized 0_o

Pretty much these lol.

And yeah, there's a lot of us here indeed :P
07/21/18 05:08PM
I’m also high functioning and I got to say if it’s just me looking at porn I’m fine but with another person have no interest I am curently in a relationship and both me and my partner have no desire for sex so I guess it works out but if I ever did end up having sex I do admit I wouldn’t even know how to go about it so I would have anxiety about it but since I don’t really care much about it I’m not fine with that regard
07/22/18 05:42AM
Not really sure I qualify, never having been diagnosed, and what requirements I do meet could just be an amalgamation of general traits such as high introversion and low agreeableness, but to answer the OP's question; zero and not looking to change that.
Never understood the purpose of the whole dating thing beyond it being part of the reproductive instinct. If anything, the knowledge of your biology having to deceive you into procreating through happy hormones seems to take away all possible enjoyment from the whole thing for me. Good thing I'm the hermit type I guess.

Kachopper9 said:
Also, Alot more people here are autistic then I realized 0_o

A bit of armchair psych suggests such folks would be more comfortable in such a fetish, seeing as it often involves disregarding a fair bit of that pesky courtship that those on the spectrum tend to have a poor grasp of.

ShadowSeraphim said:
[...] I have trouble performing, to the point that I worry I'm going to need viagra before I'm 40- nothing's wrong with me when I'm alone with porn, but when i'm with another person, the flow is different enough that it always leads to aborted coitus and wasted condoms

Sounds like it's not something viagra is likely to help with btw, all that stuff does is basically expand blood veins in the genital region, improving blood flow and thus making it easier to achieve and maintain an erection. It's purely mechanical, and no aphrodisiac. I guess you could try a little ethanol-based self-medication, or consult a sex therapist of some manner.
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