07/22/18 11:09PM
Would you be okay with a brain infecting parasite takeing you over?
So I was playing a lots of plauge Inc recently. The neurax worm is a mind controling worm. Iwas thinking how bad it'd be if we were altered to just keep the parasite alive

If a neurax worm were to infecting humanity would you like to be infected?

I wouldn't
07/22/18 11:13PM
I don't think anyone would want to willingly be infected with a brain parasite.
07/22/18 11:20PM
SexyHex said:
I don't think anyone would want to willingly be infected with a brain parasite.

I mean with The whole mind control part. Since its our kink and stuff. Do you Think we'd be aroused after we find out we have a mind control parasite?
07/22/18 11:24PM
Unlucky_dude said:
I mean with The whole mind control part. Since its our kink and stuff. Do you Think we'd be aroused after we find out we have a mind control parasite?

I'm betting that the parasite would make you aroused at the thought of it so that you would help infect others.

i think i read a couple doujins with a concept like that.
07/22/18 11:24PM
Worth mentioning you may already be infected with a brain altering parasite known as Toxoplasma gondii. Thanks cats
07/22/18 11:25PM
Unlucky_dude said:
I mean with The whole mind control part. Since its our kink and stuff. Do you Think we'd be aroused after we find out we have a mind control parasite?

I'll say pass.
07/22/18 11:29PM
Azure-13 said:
Worth mentioning you may already be infected with a brain altering parasite known as Toxoplasma gondii. Thanks cats

I heard of toxoplasma gondii, but I don't Think it has that Strong effect. We are not sure what it does actualy. I mean yea it puts cysts in your brain that does some wacky stuff but it doesn't make you do too out of ordenary things
07/22/18 11:38PM
SexyHex said:
I don't think anyone would want to willingly be infected with a brain parasite.

07/22/18 11:38PM
Unlucky_dude said:
I heard of toxoplasma gondii, but I don't Think it has that Strong effect. We are not sure what it does actualy. I mean yea it puts cysts in your brain that does some wacky stuff but it doesn't make you do too out of ordenary things

On wikipedia it say those with Toxoplasma gondii might show signs similar to schizophrenia and bybolar disorder.
07/22/18 11:40PM
Toxoplasma is meant to affect the behavior of mice. In humans, it's not so much controlling or manipulating you so much as it's just screwing around up there blindly with no sense of what it's actually doing.
07/22/18 11:41PM
I wouldn't be willingly infected, but perhaps if I was the origin, I'd be alright with that.

Pinkanator said:

Pink never fails to appear.
07/22/18 11:41PM
Argonis said:
On wikipedia it say those with Toxoplasma gondii might show signs similar to schizophrenia and bybolar disorder.

Yea., But the other syntoms are minor things, like being suspicious about people, easily angered, carelesness, paranoia etc schitcophrenic syntoms are rather rare
07/23/18 12:12AM
Guess that depends: Are they friendly or violently hostile? If they're the latter, then no fucking way.
07/23/18 12:14AM
I've read enough KA Applegate to know where this is going.
07/23/18 12:48AM
Why yes sir, I'd willingly sell my soul to an invading, mind-controlling alien race...

...if I can do the mind-controlling and transmitting of the parasite, of course. If it's just to play with my dick in a boring pod forevermore, I'd rather pass.
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