07/24/18 09:34PM
Hypothetical: You have been granted the ability of mind control however you can only use it to control people to do your least favourite kink.
So I was thinking about a hypothetical where you are granted the power of MC however you can only use it to enact your least favourite kink. So for example let's say your least favourite kink is scat. If you accept the ability of mind control the only thing you can do is control people into shitting themselves. Would you still take the ability to control people even if it's limited to something you don't like?

07/24/18 09:59PM
Well put up an interesting scenario...I hate a lot of stuff...haigure, guro..whatever the hell Kobi does with transformation...but urination and scat are pretty up there. As much as I love MC, I would have to turn it down if that's the cost...
07/24/18 10:00PM
Sleepyhead97 said:
So I was thinking about a hypothetical where you are granted the power of MC however you can only use it to enact your least favourite kink. So for example let's say your least favourite kink is scat. If you accept the ability of mind control the only thing you can do is control people into shitting themselves. Would you still take the ability to control people even if it's limited to something you don't like?

It's not like there's much of a point to that, unless you either want people to humiliate or hurt themselves. Like what would vore entail? Or gore? Or lobotomy? You get the idea.

I think it would be better to establish like 3-4 options to choose from for outlandish fetishes, and then see which ones people pick if they want the powers. Basically like choosing the lesser evil.

Some suggestions I'd make:
>Age Regression
>Transformation into outlandish object (such as a pool toy) or persona (such as clown).
07/24/18 10:01PM
Important question: By least favorite kink, do you mean a kink that you have, which ranks the lowest on your favorites list, or do you mean any kink anyone could have, which you hate the most?
07/24/18 10:16PM
Changer said:
Important question: By least favorite kink, do you mean a kink that you have, which ranks the lowest on your favorites list, or do you mean any kink anyone could have, which you hate the most?

Good point. Like, I'm not a fan of zombie walking, but if that's the choice I had, I'd take it over scat or dick growth any day.
07/24/18 10:50PM
Changer said:
Important question: By least favorite kink, do you mean a kink that you have, which ranks the lowest on your favorites list, or do you mean any kink anyone could have, which you hate the most?

Any kink anyone could have that you hate the most.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
It's not like there's much of a point to that, unless you either want people to humiliate or hurt themselves. Like what would vore entail? Or gore? Or lobotomy? You get the idea.

I think it would be better to establish like 3-4 options to choose from for outlandish fetishes, and then see which ones people pick if they want the powers. Basically like choosing the lesser evil.

Some suggestions I'd make:
>Age Regression
>Transformation into outlandish object (such as a pool toy) or persona (such as clown).

Hmmm yeah I guess that would've been a more organised way to discuss the hypothetical but people have a variety of tastes so I was interested to see what people personally chosen as their worst one and see how they would envision a situation where they used it.
07/24/18 11:03PM
Can't be disappointed if your into everything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
07/24/18 11:05PM
Yeah, if its going to have be from the list of existing kinks that I don't like then I'd have to pass. I mean ignoring ones that would require extra powers, like turning a person literally into a lamp like you'd find at Walmart, it would just leave too many horribly mangled and dead bodies.
07/24/18 11:31PM
So you are saying everyone's gonna die from mutilation and all the fault is on me? D:
07/24/18 11:45PM
Hm, I can see three possible outcomes then. Either do nothing, because you have no desire to make them do the thing you can make them do, use the power not for sexual gratification but to punish people whom you hate, or manipulate people into doing things you do find sexy by using your power to make them do something awful as motivation.
07/25/18 01:06AM
This sounds stupid and I'll turn it down... Also...

TheMadPrince said:
I'm not a fan of zombie walking

I will fight you. I'm joking... or am I?
07/25/18 01:18AM
someguy231 said:
I will fight you. I'm joking... or am I?

Pls no I have crippling fear of outstretched arms

nah, jk, I really have nothing against zombie walking, it's just not high on my fetish list is all
07/25/18 01:21AM
TheMadPrince said:
Pls no I have crippling fear of outstretched arms

nah, jk, I really have nothing against zombie walking, it's just not high on my fetish list is all

the arms stretch out even further

it's all cool fam
07/25/18 01:35AM
tbf if gore is your least favourite fetish it would be quite good in a fight
you're basically casting inflict wounds
07/25/18 03:24AM
Another thought occurs to me; if you discover some previously unknown fetish that you hate even more than the one you used to hate most, does your power change such that the new fetish becomes the only thing you can make people do, or do you stick with the one specific thing that you hate most at the time you were gifted?
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