07/25/18 09:41AM
If you had everyone you ever fantasied about, and would have to Tell them how big troble would you be in?
I'd probably be in a huge one. Is there even a big enough room to fit that much girls In it?

Some of you probably would have like a sister or someone thinking what is common between her and the others until you don't Tell them
07/25/18 10:06AM
>a sister

I would so love to be a fly on the wall in that room
07/25/18 10:34AM
None, because none of them are real.
07/25/18 10:53AM
Very little trouble, as they're all (like, 3-4 women) either ex-girlfriends or someone I've already talked to about it. So I'm grateful for a largely clean conscience on that one. Now if I had to tell them WHAT I fantasized about DOING with them, different story.
Luckily, my current GF is also in that room, because fucking duh, lol... she's cool with my imagination and such, especially since it's all from before her, so she'd back me up and at least help me clarify things to others. That I know and take solace in.
07/25/18 02:39PM
I make up women, so probably not because they're not real and even if they came into existence for me to tell them, then they have the personality I gave them to whatever fantasy I was having when I made them up.
I'm only seeing positives here.
07/25/18 04:26PM
The only real life people I've imagined doing lewd things with are celebrities so I actually wouldn't mind having them all appear in a room so I can get their autograph and a photo before embarrassing myself by telling them my fantasies.
07/25/18 04:48PM
GrandDad said:
>a sister

I would so love to be a fly on the wall in that room

I mean, as long as someone throws a shoe I'm game
07/25/18 05:05PM
I have told every person I've fantasised about, except one or two high school crushes. I guess those would mostly be awkward because "hey we haven't spoken in over 10 years, but I used to fantasise about kissing you, anyway, how are the kids?"

Every time I've told someone I fantasised about them though, it's like... they became glue. Stuck to me, asking me every day afterwards "did you fantasise about me more???" like no dude, today I fantasised about chocolate fondue and parasailing. Chill, it's just a fantasy.

In a sense, I think it's a great compliment to be fantasised about. If my sister was like me and couldn't keep her mouth shut, and told me she'd fantasised about doing stuff with me, I would probably not be as weirded out as I "should" be? She's into some kinky stuff, plus relationships like that require a lot of trust. Not sure I'd ever do it, but hey, nothing's illegal in fantasies :)
07/25/18 05:21PM
...Huge trouble. Like...Titanic trouble...
07/25/18 11:25PM
Probably wouldn't be in much trouble, as I'm pretty open about things as a whole already.
I still would feel pretty darn embarrassed admitting some of my dirtier fantasies, though ^^;
07/26/18 01:27AM
Only trouble.
07/27/18 10:03PM
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
07/28/18 01:31AM
I read that title like 3 times and i still couldnt make sense of it

liquidhobo said:
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

07/28/18 04:20AM
Kachopper9 said:
None, because none of them are real.

But what if they became real in order for this to work? What if they became real and still had their powers :O

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