07/30/18 05:52AM
.hack IMOQ remaster? Let Bamco know if you want it!
So, a day ago I found this post on facebook:

Essentially, It's CyberConnect2 telling everyone that wants more dot hack to let bamco know directly and I think it's a stellar idea. Twitter and facebook pages are easy enough to find but their direct email is [email protected]. It's a long shot, I know, but so was a GU HD remaster.

While we're on the subject, what would you guys like to see in an IMOQ remaster? Unlike GU which was fairly modern to begin with, IMOQ is rather...Clunky by todays standards and I think that, for it to be successful, they'd really have to overhaul certain gameplay elements.

The most important thing for me is the overhaul the bracelet. While a cool ability, data drain didn't serve much of a purpose beyond the main story and I feel they can do more with it. For starters, maybe use virus cores to upgrade the bracelet in different ways, adding a skill tree and whatnot. It would make the data drain mechanic more interesting and let the virus cores do more than take up space when you beat the game.

I'd also like to add a hotkey/loadout option to the combat system to reduce menu scrolling. The fact that the game encouraged different weapon use beyond base stat improvements was a fairly unique aspect of the game and I think having an easier way to switch between them would help make the combat a lot faster.

that's just me though, what about you guys?
07/30/18 05:58AM
I have only played the first game [and haven't even beaten it at that] and i can say yeah it really does need a complete overhaul in gameplay mechanics may perhaps use the same engine as GU.
07/30/18 09:09AM
Which was IMOQ?
07/30/18 09:11AM
nalak said:
Which was IMOQ?

Dot hack

Infection Mutation

I forget the O

and i think the Q is Quarantine.
07/30/18 09:21AM
Argonis said:
Dot hack

Infection Mutation

I forget the O

and i think the Q is Quarantine.

Oh the one's with Kite, got it. I don't think I got past the second part of those.
07/30/18 12:24PM
Argonis said:
Dot hack

Infection Mutation

I forget the O

and i think the Q is Quarantine.

Infection Mutation Outbreak Quarantine

And I dunno. I feel like a remaster wouldn't be enough. You'd need a full blown remake with a new battle system, better visuals, presumably new voice acting, the whole shebang.
07/31/18 08:33AM
Mindwipe said:
Infection Mutation Outbreak Quarantine

And I dunno. I feel like a remaster wouldn't be enough. You'd need a full blown remake with a new battle system, better visuals, presumably new voice acting, the whole shebang.

Yeah, I hear ya. I didn't really go too much into it at the start but the game really does need a whole lot of modernizing to keep up with todays market. Honestly, even back then, a lot of stuff was pretty dated. Making the wavemaster AI less stupid would do wonders about the combat on it's own.

I also think they could do more to flesh out a lot of the "optional" characters like Nuke Usagimaru or Sanjuro. While the overarching story was pretty good, the individual characters sort of suffered outside the core cast. They all seemed pretty one note whereas everyone in gu had a very clear, if occasionally hammy, character arc.
07/31/18 08:59AM
Yeah, I don't think I finished it either. It was okay for the first game, but buying several games that play exactly the same for full retail price just didn't fit my budget at the time. Actually thinking back on it, it was kinda scummy a practice to split a game into four parts and sell them all at full price. Wasn't like they were sequels to each other, they were literally the same game, with the same story, same mechanics, same characters, and same inventory/stats, just chopped up and sold in parts and you had to buy them all just to get to play the whole story.
07/31/18 09:15AM
Changer said:
Yeah, I don't think I finished it either. It was okay for the first game, but buying several games that play exactly the same for full retail price just didn't fit my budget at the time. Actually thinking back on it, it was kinda scummy a practice to split a game into four parts and sell them all at full price. Wasn't like they were sequels to each other, they were literally the same game, with the same story, same mechanics, same characters, and same inventory/stats, just chopped up and sold in parts and you had to buy them all just to get to play the whole story.

pokemon has been doing that for years but its fun so we buy it.

If they were to remaster it i would like for them to add more content to it like maybe retool the leveling system so that your max level is increased and you have more spells and equipment to work with.
07/31/18 10:25AM
Argonis said:
pokemon has been doing that for years but its fun so we buy it.

If they were to remaster it i would like for them to add more content to it like maybe retool the leveling system so that your max level is increased and you have more spells and equipment to work with.

There is a difference though? In Pokemon, they release three versions, but you can complete the main quest, which is to beat all the gyms and defeat the elite four. "catching them all" might require multiple games if you don't have any friends, but that's only really for people who NEED to 100% complete things. For normal players, one game is enough.

For .hack//infection though, you cannot complete the main story in one game. You can completely a quarter of the story, then you get left on a cliffhanger, and need to keep buying more games just to reach the end of the main quest.
07/31/18 01:35PM
I would love a remake of dothack games.
Its what actually got me into anime and gaming in the first place.

I still have 3 of the four games ( missing the third one, Outbreak) but i have the rest.

While the anime was slow and a bit plain, i did enjoy the games, very lovely story and music.

The music itself made the games worth playing, and the battle system was decent for its time i would say.

Beat the whole series, it was a bit long but really enjoyed it.

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