07/30/18 09:55PM
Are there any tabletop games like D&D more geared towards hypnosis?
I mostly delved into D&D myself and read up a few other tabletops games but i was wondering if there was any systems that made hypnosis easier for a campaign or fun storytelling?

i'm kind of seeking suggestions to make one up and maybe seek some players to play one if some are interested.
07/31/18 01:08AM
The illusion school and mind affecting spells should be your friends. Dominate Person specifically. Otherwise it's mostly just fluff.
07/31/18 01:36AM
5e Enchantment Wizards at lvl 2 gain an ability that is akin to Kaa eyes.
07/31/18 02:13AM
Not quite what you asked for, but Wield is an RPG where you are an ancient weapon, and the wielders/humans/heroes are just disposable pawns, mere meatbags that you can control.
07/31/18 02:48AM
Well, there's the good old World of Darkness, especially Vampire the Masquerade. Lots of MC in that one.
07/31/18 02:48AM
There's always World of Darkness. Both Vampire and Mage rules have entire character classes based on mind control. Vampire especially is pretty much tailored.

I'm big into WoD and my group and I were talking about folks who are diehard OWoD and won't give new systems a chance. I joked that all the Werewolf players I knew grew up to be furries, my DM shot back at me that she thought most of my friends would have been Vampire players.

Called. The. Fuck. Out.
07/31/18 02:56AM
Thinking about it Monster Hearts sort of does, The Vampire has flat out hypnosis and The Fae has a little hint of it
07/31/18 03:32AM
Blue, consider Abberrant. It has mind control in it as one of the powers it offers and some big conspiracy plots. You could also try Call of Cthulhu. People always run it straight but you could use a fertility-monstrosity like Shub-Niggurath and lewd corruption instead of normal corruption. Just give it the old "anime style cute girl version" version to have it be spookless. On that note the modern spinoff Cthulhutech already has mind control and nudist furries and even some example fertility corruption cults. It's pretty solid for mind control stuff.

The truth is that most mind control content is going to be in how you play it with others, though. You could run a mind control campaign in Battletech for goodness sakes. Casting a spell in D&D with a mind-altering effect can be played in dozens of ways and only people who enjoy the fetish too are gonna do it the way you want. Tasha's hideous laughter is a totally different spell in the hands of a tickle-fetishist, sleep and dominate person are different in ours.

bellchan said:
There's always World of Darkness. Both Vampire and Mage rules have entire character classes based on mind control. Vampire especially is pretty much tailored.

I'm big into WoD and my group and I were talking about folks who are diehard OWoD and won't give new systems a chance. I joked that all the Werewolf players I knew grew up to be furries, my DM shot back at me that she thought most of my friends would have been Vampire players.

Called. The. Fuck. Out.

So what are people that play Hunter? Because that was always my favorite. Werewolf for the furries, Vampire for the Goths. Mage for the power-tripping geeks and mummy for the ghosts (cuz no one played it). I think one thing the NWoD got a lot better is the new hunter setting. So, so much more satisfying to play.

07/31/18 03:44AM
cypress_z said:

So what are people that play Hunter? Because that was always my favorite. Werewolf for the furries, Vampire for the Goths. Mage for the power-tripping geeks and mummy for the ghosts (cuz no one played it). I think one thing the NWoD got a lot better is the new hunter setting. So, so much more satisfying to play.

CZ, I'm almost afraid to ask, but what do you think of Beast?
Also, yeah, Vigil is a big improvement over Reckoning.
07/31/18 05:15AM
cypress_z said:
The truth is that most mind control content is going to be in how you play it with others, though. You could run a mind control campaign in Battletech for goodness sakes. Casting a spell in D&D with a mind-altering effect can be played in dozens of ways and only people who enjoy the fetish too are gonna do it the way you want. Tasha's hideous laughter is a totally different spell in the hands of a tickle-fetishist, sleep and dominate person are different in ours.

I know, I kind of figured. I was just checking if anyone had more preferable systems to do so with but i like everyone suggestions so far :) it gives me new systems to look into as well.
07/31/18 08:19AM
ghost13 said:
CZ, I'm almost afraid to ask, but what do you think of Beast?
Also, yeah, Vigil is a big improvement over Reckoning.

I'd just like to interject for a moment in case anyone doesn't know what Beast is:

Time for me to bring a perspective from /tg/, which alternately mocks ERPers and desperately wants ERP to work. WALL OF TEXT INCOMING.

The biggest problem with erotic roleplaying games (as opposed to cybersex, which is what "roleplay" means to most fetishists and which causes /tg/ to recite the "I put on my robe and wizard hat" pasta almost by reflex) is that for an ERP group to really work, everyone has to have exactly the same fetishes, or near enough to make no difference. If this isn't the case then inevitably someone will say or do something that isn't arousing for anyone except them, the effect is broken and you are acutely reminded of the fact that you're just sitting in front of a computer with your dick in your hand masturbating to other people sitting in front of computers with their dicks in their hands. (Edit as appropriate for your genital situation.)

The other biggest problem with ERP, of course, is that 99% of tabletop players who have ever heard of it inextricably (and justifiably) associate it with tales of creepy assholes who constantly try to drag their fetishes into other people's games and other people's lives. These foul beasts, the dreaded That Guys, are why /tg/ hates and mocks ERP with a burning passion that only barely eclipses the nagging temptation to do it anyway in case the one girl at the table is secretly into that.

The other other biggest problem with ERP is that when most people think of steamy collaborative fiction, combat tactics and rolling dice aren't exactly at the forefront of their minds. I'm always a little surprised when people suggest doing sexgames in D&D when something rules-light would significantly reduce the amount of mindshare you have to devote to the non-porn portion of the experience.

All that said, I think that you can make it work. If the group is sufficiently jaded that they can fap to anything the former issue becomes moot; I know one dev makes bank selling an RPG with rules for every fetish under the sun to furaffinity based on just that principle. A GM who privately gathers ground rules from everybody and recruits within a very narrow niche (like, say, this website) can further mitigate the risk of TPG (Total Party Gross-out.) The second is again mitigated with careful group selection, and the third can be evaded by picking a rules-light system like Risus or PDQ.

And for the obligatory Squid Ops RPG plug, I plan on handling the ERP issue by not even risking it and just describing a detailed setting that's good for having adventures in. If you just want to have cool elf adventures you'll have plenty of material to draw from, and if you want things to get spicy you'll have a solid foundation to fill in with your group's personal kinks and turn into something everyone can enjoy, without having to write around my own sexual deviancy. (I've also toyed with the idea of releasing a separate PDF in the vein of Maid RPG's "Nun-Approved File" for all the NSFW ideas we come up with that would otherwise be left on the cutting-room floor.)
07/31/18 08:26AM
cypress_z said:
On that note the modern spinoff Cthulhutech already has mind control and nudist furries and even some example fertility corruption cults. It's pretty solid for mind control stuff.

Nothing says cosmic horror like the GM describing how much you love getting raped by a totally hot furry chick.

So what are people that play Hunter? Because that was always my favorite. Werewolf for the furries, Vampire for the Goths. Mage for the power-tripping geeks and mummy for the ghosts (cuz no one played it). I think one thing the NWoD got a lot better is the new hunter setting. So, so much more satisfying to play.

nHunter is indeed quite nice. One of the biggest problems with oWoD was that every single event in the history of the world that wasn't the Holocaust was the result of some supernatural or another being a dick. nHunter is the antithesis of that concept, which I think is why people who normally dump on White Wolf at every opportunity will give nHunter some respect.
07/31/18 09:45AM
Check out... Pathfinder!

Mesmerist *is a class*. With *Hypnotic Stare*.

More mc spells too.
07/31/18 10:21AM
ghost13 said:
CZ, I'm almost afraid to ask, but what do you think of Beast?
Also, yeah, Vigil is a big improvement over Reckoning.

Beasts always felt more like it was for the guys that aren't quite into what their buds are into but are alright enough to go with it anyway. IE something like, "Well I'm not a furry, but I mean I won't turn down a cutie just because they have cat ears."

As for the thread here, I'll always advocate Strange since its really easy to handle all the stuff and well there is literally a mental pool.
07/31/18 11:25AM
ghost13 said:
CZ, I'm almost afraid to ask, but what do you think of Beast?
Also, yeah, Vigil is a big improvement over Reckoning.

Here's a typical player:
"It's the best game I can find no one else to play".
Mostly because it's more fun to read than actually run it.

PhaseTwo said:
I'd just like to interject for a moment in case anyone doesn't know what Beast is:

Time for me to bring a perspective from /tg/, which alternately mocks ERPers and desperately wants ERP to work. WALL OF TEXT INCOMING.

You'll find them through fetish sites. I don't really enjoy it because I'm straight and if I wanna do something lewd with others I want it to be with a group of cute girls. That will of course never happen. If it did it probably wouldn't be very fun in reality, either. So I make games instead that are about being surrounded by cute girls.

PhaseTwo said:
Nothing says cosmic horror like the GM describing how much you love getting raped by a totally hot furry chick.

nHunter is indeed quite nice. One of the biggest problems with oWoD was that every single event in the history of the world that wasn't the Holocaust was the result of some supernatural or another being a dick. nHunter is the antithesis of that concept, which I think is why people who normally dump on White Wolf at every opportunity will give nHunter some respect.

Cthulhutech gets a lot of shit for its fetish fuel nonsense and deservedly so, I'd say. But hey - if you're among other people into it then it's not being tha/tg/uy. That's just normal good old fashioned ERP.

I liked OWoD for using various Christian mythological influences, which was relatively new for a game at the time. Overwhored 2 is about heaven and has a lot of mythological influence in its depiction. Arguably oldschool vampire is a big part of why I'm fond of the idea.

Also the big difference between old hunter and new hunter is that old hunters were always pawns of something else and had their own supernatural powers. New hunters might get access to powers but most are just normal Joe Schmoes trying to deal with supernatural horror. They're particularly fun when you do VASCU X-Files with slashers.

I also wrote that forever ago, for whatever it's worth. I realized everything they did was city-related and created some stuff for Idaho. Not lewd, though.

nalak said:
Beasts always felt more like it was for the guys that aren't quite into what their buds are into but are alright enough to go with it anyway. IE something like, "Well I'm not a furry, but I mean I won't turn down a cutie just because they have cat ears."

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