08/01/18 08:01PM
Hypnosis-Related Tropes and Archetypes. Any Favorites?
Has anyone else ever considered the various tropes and archetypes that appear from time to time? I know there are none associated with hypnotism that are as popular as something along the lines of "tsundere" but I was wondering if people would be willing to share any of their known or preferred hypnosis-themed archetypes or tropes. : )

I feel like a lot of people's standard favorite would be the "non-believer goes under" trope. In that family we also have the "turning the tables" or "role-reversal" type trope along with the "indomitable will is subverted" trope.

HypnoHub is good for something like a "hypno-lovers will be hypno-lovers" type of trope where those who love hypnotism will find a way to go under. All of this also makes make think of something like a "tsun-saime", that might be like a person who is actively against hypnotism but secretly loves it.

I was wondering if there were anymore that people here might be willing to think up.

08/02/18 01:32AM
I really like the gently struggling sub, like they're a little weird about it but then it's so good they lose their minds to it happily~ Romantic stuff is good too.

Strangely enough I also like the typical "less attractive guy" that gets the "really pretty girl" trope, though I've only seen that in hentai. Especially if he has a bit of a belly and round cheeks! Maybe they seem less threatening that way?
08/02/18 09:24PM
my taste changed throughout the years if I must say, been from the very start of this trend on the internet (not counting Kaa as he was before internet at that time, and my English was not so good either so tough luck for me), must be from 2008 - 2009 or earlier with very just a couple of silly clips (those of hypnovideo and hypnotang) and tv shows cutscenes on youtube, back then my type was not so much in shape and mostly relied on what I can scavenge, so the mos popular one then was "total control" which magically droned out the victim I think.

Later in 2010 was the time of deviantart and girlsgonehypnotized with DA-Entranced group which is still active, more stuff comes with Jimryu and Rosvo and ChaosCroc and, yeah, all the badly photoshoped spiral eyes stuff, and then there's Sue-chan too, so the genre got diversity real fast, "drone", "happy trance", "original hypnosis", "robotizing" ... All the stuff, but still I feel a bit unsatisfied, the genre was pretty much the same, basically "wipe out the personality and put a slave in instead". I mean, it's cool and all, a perfect slave is a toy to be played with indefinitely without worry, but it's like drinking coffee without cream, there's no person to play with, only a doll, an advance one which can response to stuff, but still a doll.

That taste, to be honest, even though is not my primary favorite anymore, still exist in me till this day. The first place was taken in 2012 when Staffing release Saimin Yuugi, it's also the first time I read Visual Novel also, and it excited me. "Subdue control on the victim, slowly changing their perception, turning them on and off without their notice, and make them addicted to the aftertaste" , it was brilliant, and on top of that, although I understand their fiction-ess, their works still has the most realistic hypno theme till this day, not some role play, not some instant slavery or convert, but slow and convincing luring, tangling the victim to your grasp. The feeling when playing the after game was so satisfying that I feel i would die for real if that happen to me in real life.

But yeah, after that ,there was not much excitement to be compared with, so I fall back to the "doll" genre and have anything else as side dishes. The most recent doll-inducing piece that I really like was from this guy:, hope anyone could check him out.
08/02/18 10:07PM
laststand0810 said:
-saimin yuugi appreciation-

I wish more people could appreciate content like Saimin Yuugi.

It seems to be popular in this community but there should be more content like this out there.
08/02/18 10:21PM
I love instant hypnosis. Girl goes about her business then suddenly shes standing at attention. Hypno guns, hypno smartphones. Love that shit.

I also like when a complete stranger goes after a girl and enslaves her. Just the thought of her being completely ripped away from her life just to become a sex slave for a person she doesn't even know. Bonus points if she has a boy friend, though I fucking hate when they do the common ntr thing and makes him watch them having sex.
08/03/18 10:59AM
I'm a big fan of a few different archetypes myself:

First, where a therapist hypnotizes his patients to slowly condition them into his obedient slaves. Especially if he then has them go and find more patients for his practice.

Then there are the girls that refuse to believe they've been hypnotized, no matter how much control you have over them. Especially when they rationalize everything they are doing: "I'm naked? Clearly, I'm a nudist at heart. I'm obeying your every command? I've always fantasized about being dominated, duh. I'm having crazy sex with you? Can't you tell I like you, stupid."

I also really like when the girls are get reprogrammed such that they behave like their old selves whilst still being a obedient slave. There is something oddly arousing to me about a slave with personality and intelligence...
08/03/18 11:03AM
I'm fine with lots of stuff, when I just want quick and thoughtless then instant is good. But I also enjoy long form induction with lots of detail
08/03/18 11:41AM
My favourite trope that's prominent in kids action cartoons is the hero/heroine getting hypnotized to put themselves in danger to then be snapped out and saved at the last moment. It's not really sexually arousing to me but I always liked those situations in those shows as a kid and I think it's a pretty notable trope.
08/03/18 02:05PM
GrandDad said:
I love instant hypnosis. Girl goes about her business then suddenly shes standing at attention. Hypno guns, hypno smartphones. Love that shit.

I also like when a complete stranger goes after a girl and enslaves her. Just the thought of her being completely ripped away from her life just to become a sex slave for a person she doesn't even know. Bonus points if she has a boy friend, though I fucking hate when they do the common ntr thing and makes him watch them having sex.

"Instant hypnosis", "life being ripped away"; Yes, you've nailed it dude
08/06/18 07:57AM
I like soft joyful stuff, where it seems like the subject is better or happier with the result. Even if they have been completely changed in mind and soul.

I've only ever done one complete ego death thing in my art, and even then I made them happier. I don't really think I'd go for that stuff again.
08/08/18 11:03AM
CosmoGreen said:
I like soft joyful stuff, where it seems like the subject is better or happier with the result. Even if they have been completely changed in mind and soul.

I've only ever done one complete ego death thing in my art, and even then I made them happier. I don't really think I'd go for that stuff again.

I'm a sucker for happy endings, too, but while I like romantic/consensual stories and art, I also like to have my cake and eat it too with a 'rescue' story.

In the first half of the story, the victim (femsub preferred) gets brainwashed by a villain (male or female). It's kind of fun to have her kidnapped and tied to a chair while a helmet or screen conditions her into loving servitude, but I also like the subtle approach where the villain hacks her smartphone or sets up subliminal messages (or chemicals, or a hypnotic ring, or whatever) in a perfectly ordinary place, like her office or a shopping mall. She's totally unaware that anything's changed (although maybe some of her behavior has changed subtly, like how she dresses) until her Master (or Mistress) gives a command phrase and she falls into a trance, ready to serve. At another command, she wakes up and returns to her normal life, with no memory of her service. (Or sometimes she is allowed to remember for a moment, to experience some horror at her situation, but is commanded to forget again.)

In Part 2, the hero (male or female, may not exactly be "heroic" per se) discovers the victim's situation and defeats the villain (perhaps directly, if he/she can, or maybe indirectly by using the victim as a Trojan horse). "Unfortunately", the villain's brainwashing cannot simply be undone; commands may be modified slightly, but not removed, any more than one can "un-write" a sheet of paper, at least not without spending at least as much time being un-brainwashed as was spent on the original programming, and it may pose extra risk for the victim. (I guess this is the opposite of the "instant hypnosis" trope that people mentioned above; you might call it "hypnotic inertia".) And so the hero becomes the victim's master/mistress, and a much happier (if not exactly conventional) relationship ensues. The end!

"Deprogramming" and "Purple Frog" are great examples:

To get at 'archetypes' more specifically, there's the one where a character discovers his/her neighbor (or roommate, classmate, colleague, stranger met by happenstance) has been brainwashed into having certain commands.
08/08/18 07:27PM
Induction, thats why i kinda dislike most instahypno nowadays.

Programming, the best part of hypno, embeding or placing a program, trigger without their knowledge.

Multiple personality through hypnosis, while doesnt remove the original ones.

And of course the consensual or romantic kind of hypno.
08/08/18 09:12PM
theratofapocalypse said:
Induction, thats why i kinda dislike most instahypno nowadays.

Programming, the best part of hypno, embeding or placing a program, trigger without their knowledge.

Multiple personality through hypnosis, while doesnt remove the original ones.

And of course the consensual or romantic kind of hypno.

you sir, have the taste, my compliment to you. *insert le gentleman meme here*

mcfantastic said:

"Deprogramming" and "Purple Frog" are great examples:

love the 2 stories man, I really like stuffs on mcstories, just that sometimes it's kind of lost when I try to skim through them to find what I like. Anything like that Purple Frog above is super for me.
08/09/18 01:21PM
Just saw a video on this:
08/23/18 10:33AM
Bimbofication for superheroes or law enforcement. If they still act all proud after being turned into giggling nympho sluts, that's even better.

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