08/02/18 07:43PM
recent deletions rant
How is this pool not hypno enough? hypnohub.net/pool/show/1981

It's clearly mind break / corruption. That's definitely hypno enough to not be deleted. It was enough that it wasn't deleted for 10 months until it was arbitrarily removed now..

Some of the stuff that's been getting deleted is absurd, it's not like everything needs empty eyes / spiral eyes to fit here.

There's so much stuff that feels like it's randomly picked for deletion. Like bimbofication isn't allowed here hypnohub.net/post/show/67495 but it's allowed in the other 1632 pictures of it? Body control isn't allowed here hypnohub.net/post/show/66581 but it's perfectly fine on the other 429 pictures? Including one that's basically the same concept? hypnohub.net/post/show/22039

Have to stop being so anal about stuff like that, it's all (generally speaking) part of the same sort of fetish here.
08/02/18 09:29PM
Timo4545 said:
How is this pool not hypno enough? hypnohub.net/pool/show/1981

It's clearly mind break / corruption. That's definitely hypno enough to not be deleted. It was enough that it wasn't deleted for 10 months until it was arbitrarily removed now..

Some of the stuff that's been getting deleted is absurd, it's not like everything needs empty eyes / spiral eyes to fit here.

There's so much stuff that feels like it's randomly picked for deletion. Like bimbofication isn't allowed here hypnohub.net/post/show/67495 but it's allowed in the other 1632 pictures of it? Body control isn't allowed here hypnohub.net/post/show/66581 but it's perfectly fine on the other 429 pictures? Including one that's basically the same concept? hypnohub.net/post/show/22039

Have to stop being so anal about stuff like that, it's all (generally speaking) part of the same sort of fetish here.

Not meaning to argue or state anything concrete, just what I think happened with these.

The first one (the pool) is just mind break. That's not mind control or corruption alone.
The bimbofication doesn't show her being bimbofied or show any signs that she was made into that and wasn't like that naturally. The character is a bimbo version, but that's not necessarily mind control. It's also possible that if the others aren't flagged, they just won't be looked into too much.
And the body control one, I have no idea whatsoever. Maybe it's just the other body control pics affect the mind too, while bloodbending just controls the body alone.
08/03/18 06:12AM
TalahDarkfang said:
The first one (the pool) is just mind break. That's not mind control or corruption alone.




are definitively yang and ruby being corrupted and corrupting blake and weiss. Not just mind break. What really annoys me about this is if someone did a whitewash eye edit it probably wouldn't get deleted, when it's just as hypno without a dumb edit.

The bimbofication one I sort of get, I just saw it scrolling down the recent deletions page. There's a lot of stuff that's "post bimbofication" I've seen on here. Same sort of situation for that.
08/03/18 06:14AM
You have to live with it. Deletions are usually fair enough, but I've noticed several times where it comes down to the mods/flagger simply not sharing your definition of the fetish, and no, your definition in that case does not matter. It's their site, not yours. What kills me with frustration about this is that THERE IS NO DEFINITION of what is and is not mind control in the rules, so all you have to go on for what's acceptable is what's already common/popular on the site (and as you've noticed, even then what gets deleted isn't always consistent). God forbid one slot of the Hub's archive is taken up by something that 1-9 people don't think is MC. Meanwhile, the Hub is flooded every day with generic, effortless posts that get by because they follow the status quo. And that manipper with the deleted post because it wasn't MC? They were fooling themselves all along, that post that they spent potentially hours on has nothing to do with this fetish that they only thought they had!

I only get worked up about this because I care when a site that I contribute to creates a very avoidable toxic environment. The intent behind a post needs to matter.
08/03/18 06:47AM
Stroke said:
You have to live with it. Deletions are usually fair enough, but I've noticed several times where it comes down to the mods/flagger simply not sharing your definition of the fetish, and no, your definition in that case does not matter. It's their site, not yours. What kills me with frustration about this is that THERE IS NO DEFINITION of what is and is not mind control in the rules, so all you have to go on for what's acceptable is what's already common/popular on the site (and as you've noticed, even then what gets deleted isn't always consistent). God forbid one slot of the Hub's archive is taken up by something that 1-9 people don't think is MC. Meanwhile, the Hub is flooded every day with generic, effortless posts that get by because they follow the status quo. And that manipper with the deleted post because it wasn't MC? They were fooling themselves all along, that post that they spent potentially hours on has nothing to do with this fetish that they only thought they had!

I only get worked up about this because I care when a site that I contribute to creates a very avoidable toxic environment. The intent behind a post needs to matter.

I feel ya that i'm not a fan of generic manips after manips but the process is clear.
if it is an issue that has to do with quality its looked on by the QCC and if its an issue on if something if it has/looks/seems like hypnosis it is looked on my a mod and it even says in the rules that it is addressed on a case by case bases.
08/03/18 07:50AM
I'm just really mad cause it feels arbitrary sometimes, like some really good hypno art is deleted because it's not hypno enough? If there was some standard for what constitutes as hypno enough I feel we wouldn't have any problems with the system.

Stroke said:

I only get worked up about this because I care when a site that I contribute to creates a very avoidable toxic environment. The intent behind a post needs to matter.

I hope this post doesn't come off as super toxic, I just think the rules should be more consistent / lenient on stuff like the rwby pool where it's not deleted for quality control but seemingly because it's not the "normal" types of hypno like kaa eyes and such.
08/03/18 08:03AM
Timo4545 said:



are definitively yang and ruby being corrupted and corrupting blake and weiss. Not just mind break. What really annoys me about this is if someone did a whitewash eye edit it probably wouldn't get deleted, when it's just as hypno without a dumb edit.

Could also be that without any edit the artist didn't intend it to be like that. I don't know of the artist and what they draw usually.
The rule is that the MC has to clearly be there. A lot of assumptions can be made, but some are perhaps a bit more than allowable.

I agree though, a lot of stuff I could see as MC but just aren't clear enough to stay and it irks me sometimes.
08/03/18 01:14PM
Guys, guys, the faq page is the first link under the rules page. I mean it only has five 'questions', but still =P

I have no idea what the images are being debated, just addressing this point that was questioned:

Q: Why are images with Empty Eyes/Corruption/Bimbofication/Etc. allowed on this site? Are those really Hypnosis or Mind Control?

A: This is a tough question to answer. Hypnosis in art, 99% of the time, is symbolic. Some of these symbols are obvious, such as a Mind Control Machine/Gadget or a swinging pendulum, but others are more subtle. For example, Empty Eyes are a pop culture symbol for being in a trance, amongst other things such as mental breakdowns (mind break) and blindness.

Whether or not a symbol explicitly means that Hypnosis or Mind Control are involved is irrelevant. The way we decide what is and is not considered H/MC is by considering if a large number of people could see it as H/MC. If the answer is yes, then the image is allowed. That is why symbols such as Empty Eyes, Corruption (physical and mental), and Bimbofication are allowed on this site and are considered to be Mind Control.

Do with this information what you will.

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