08/04/18 08:27AM
17 minute video: Mai's Induction
Sorry for shamelessly putting my content out here, but I figured that this post had to be made. Me and Valerie (The voice actress in all my recent videos) have been experimenting with different approaches to making hypno videos. Even if you disliked my old content, feel free to check it out because this is completely different from the norm:
08/04/18 08:56AM
Not bad, skimmed through it a bit. My one main issue was with the animation of the tongue, which I found to be a bit jarring/uncanny.
08/04/18 01:41PM
Is very confusing for me xD!
08/04/18 09:13PM
Who did the art?
08/13/18 10:59PM

It was a combination of Val and I, she did some very rough sketches while I tried to transcribe them the best I could XD

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