08/09/18 04:26PM
Poll for Queen Lindabelle's first pic! Edit: Poll Closed! Dom Lindabelle wins!
Hey, so, as you may have noticed if you looked at the pics uploaded yesterday, I'm almost done with the character sheet for my new OC, Queen Lindabelle!


A basic summary of her character, re-posted from another thread:

The basic gist is she's a sort of celestial goddess-queen in the same vein as Lady Palutena or Princess Celestia, a ruler of her own kingdom and an incredibly potent magic user. Warm and benevolent in her way (though she has the expected cavalier attitudes towards agency and consent you'd expect from a hypnohub OC), but very playful and mischievous behind a mask of propriety.

She's infatuated with the concept of female submission, and loves using her powers to turn her female citizens into her adorable mindless playthings. But her true passion lies in her own incredibly submissive and masochistic nature, and her favorite pastime is to manipulate the hearts and minds of her people to help her act out her own masochistic, humiliating fantasies.

So! Since I'm almost ready to commission a pic or two of her first adventure, I wanted to do a poll to see what the people of the hub are most interested in seeing from her. I have a comic planned, but I decided I wanted to do a few quicker things first to help her get established on the hub rather than introducing her with a slow-to-release comic.

As stated above, she loves female submission in all forms, whether the "victim" is her or somebody else. So there are three main general options for what her first little escapade could be:

1: She could mess around with another woman (any fictional character you like, or even hypothetically another OC on the hub if there's enough support for that).

2: She could do one of her MC-assisted roleplays where she manipulates the men around her into dominating her. Something like making everyone think she's an animal, melting away a man's inhibitions and morals to set him loose on her, or forcibly cramming the porn logic of one of her various fantasy scenarios into the brains of whatever men happen to be nearby.

3: A little of column A, a little of Column B. She decides she wants to do another large-scale roleplay, but wants to drag another girl along for the ride.

The strawpoll is here:


Looking forward to seeing the results! Once a clear winner is determined, I'll move on to pitching some ideas I have for the category that wins!

Edit: Thanks for voting everyone. The people have spoken, and it looks like you want Lindabelle to be the one in control in her debut pic(s). So be it!
08/10/18 04:51AM
I'm surprised at how popular the dom Lindabelle option is. I wonder why that is. Anyone who voted care to share their thoughts?
08/10/18 05:18AM
Hawkeye said:
I'm surprised at how popular the dom Lindabelle option is. I wonder why that is. Anyone who voted care to share their thoughts?

You split the sub vote between two votes.
08/10/18 05:19AM
I like the idea of a dommy princess. Maybe she has an ojou-sama laugh, maybe she just likes having her own private harem to curb her elevated appetites. Also, I guess her look makes me think she's more a dom or at least a serial recruiter. Think it might be the hair color and how it contrasts with her eyes, I just have that association.
08/10/18 05:20AM
bellchan said:
You split the sub vote between two votes.

I suppose that's one way to look at it. I pictured it as option 1 being full dom, 2 being full sub, and 3 being domming and subbing at once.
08/10/18 06:42AM
Hawkeye said:
I'm surprised at how popular the dom Lindabelle option is. I wonder why that is. Anyone who voted care to share their thoughts?

its f/f
08/10/18 07:01AM
Hawkeye said:
I'm surprised at how popular the dom Lindabelle option is. I wonder why that is. Anyone who voted care to share their thoughts?

The sub/both options only refer to one of the men/women around her, as in a guard, palace worker, etc., while the dom option refers to "any fictional character, including possibly hub OCs". I would imagine that there are a large quantity of people who would rather see a known fictional character with your OC in either capacity than seeing a random, faceless stranger dominate her.

There's also the fact that you were specific about a man dominating her in the sub option. There's nothing wrong with male domination, of course, but there are also plenty of people who would be more interested in seeing a female (especially, as above, a fictional character instead of someone around her) dominate her than a male.
08/10/18 07:07AM
FallenMeteor said:
The sub/both options only refer to one of the men/women around her, as in a guard, palace worker, etc., while the dom option refers to "any fictional character, including possibly hub OCs". I would imagine that there are a large quantity of people who would rather see a known fictional character with your OC in either capacity than seeing a random, faceless stranger dominate her.

There's also the fact that you were specific about a man dominating her in the sub option. There's nothing wrong with male domination, of course, but there are also plenty of people who would be more interested in seeing a female (especially, as above, a fictional character instead of someone around her) dominate her than a male.

Oh shoot, very good point. To be fair I did say "probably" one of her female guards, mostly because that's what most of my ideas involved at the time, but honestly I really should have made it clear that it's not just some generic woman she'd roping in. The double-sub option also could involve any fictional character (and also her kingdom's entire population is made up of pre-existing fictional characters, so it would involve any fictional character anyway).
08/10/18 07:03PM
I honestly voted sub because I just want to see her making people dominate her. I can relate. I love being the dominant one in my hypnosis relationship, but sometimes... Just making my GF into a dominatrix or other dominant figure, and taking the orders instead of giving them... that's nice. And I bet it could be partially the same for our fair queen. Not to mention her sexual interest in the concept of submission, be it her or others.
Normally, I'd vote for domme first sub later, but this one has me going the other way around.
08/11/18 01:13AM
Well, whatever the case, the people have clearly spoken, and so dom Lindabelle it is! And I think I've got a pretty great idea for what to do! I won't spoil the whole thing, but here's a hint: it involves BotW Zelda!

...Of course in Lindabelle's universe she's not a princess, because that would be weird and awkward. She's the daughter of the royal stable master. But that's all you're getting out of me for now!
08/11/18 07:30AM
Hawkeye said:
Well, whatever the case, the people have clearly spoken, and so dom Lindabelle it is! And I think I've got a pretty great idea for what to do! I won't spoil the whole thing, but here's a hint: it involves BotW Zelda!

...Of course in Lindabelle's universe she's not a princess, because that would be weird and awkward. She's the daughter of the royal stable master. But that's all you're getting out of me for now!


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