08/11/18 01:32PM
Resource Trading Thread?
Are we allowed to have a thread trading legally purchased resources?

If so I'd like to set up one in this thread. I've been trying to get my hands on the three Fantasy Heroine Character Packs on the RPG Maker website. I could likely afford them in a few weeks but there's still a chance my funds won't be in the right state for it.

I would prefer to trade with someone here for them if they have them. I have nearly all the Tilesets in addition to a lot of the sound tracks for anyone who might be interested in trading.

If this goes against the rules, let me know and I'll remove this thread post haste.

Here are the links to the items in question:

Fantasy Heroine Character Pack

Fantasy Heroine Character Pack 2

Fantasy Heroine Character Pack 3

Fantasy Heroine Character Pack 4

Thank you for your time.
08/11/18 01:47PM
i'll allow it.
08/16/18 10:28PM
Just thought I'd bump this thread again to see if anyone had the packs I'm currently looking for.
08/17/18 05:38AM
Welp, now there's a fourth one...
08/17/18 03:22PM
Updated with a link to the fourth one.

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