08/14/18 10:54PM
About a recent manip deleted
Hi, i want to know why those manips were deleted:

Both as "Text block". Was it by writing a lot?
Those pictures were not even the manips with the most text I've written, I'm confused trying to think about what I did wrong. The picture was hypno related, the original picture was hypno related too...

Thank you
08/15/18 12:49AM
Amount/placement of text has never been an issue before, and text-only hypnosis manips have been allowed and present basically since the inception of the site. If it's being made an issue now, I'd like some formal announcement of this new rule and time to save the ones I actually think are good.

It's no more than fair to announce and formalize a new rule or policy before retroactively enforcing it, no? The alternative is living in a George Orwell novel.
08/15/18 01:01AM
Seems like manips are dead, which I am quite disatisfied with
08/15/18 01:07AM
Rainbow said:
Seems like manips are dead, which I am quite disatisfied with

When exactly were they a live if they're seeming dead now? I just fail to see what has changed.
08/15/18 01:15AM
LillyTank said:
When exactly were they a live if they're seeming dead now? I just fail to see what has changed.

They were alive and well the whole time, Overlordmiles and Fancyaddiction for a few examples, and new people trying to get a start on it like Rinnsune. They're dead now because they're against the rules.
08/15/18 01:19AM
Rainbow said:
They were alive and well the whole time, Overlordmiles and Fancyaddiction for a few examples, and new people trying to get a start on it like Rinnsune. They're dead now because they're against the rules.


HWD recently started posting new stuff too, and seems like he'll be forced to stop as well?
08/15/18 01:24AM
Rainbow said:
They were alive and well the whole time, Overlordmiles and Fancyaddiction for a few examples, and new people trying to get a start on it like Rinnsune. They're dead now because they're against the rules.

This, for example I did manips too and there are a lot of manippers here uploading their stuff.
For now I'll wait quietly to see what happens, I hope the mods eventually solve this.

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