08/15/18 12:43AM
Regarding the recent consentual hypnosis post
Was it removed, am I dumb and can't find it or was it not an actual thing and I just imagined it(Wouldn't surprise me)? If removed but exists somewhere else could someone post a link to it?
08/15/18 12:59AM
I'm not sure which post you're talking about - there's a lot of consensual hypnosis posts on the site, and a lot of posts apparently being deleted for having a text-block next to the image.
08/15/18 01:23AM
I am confident tha, if it existed in the first place cause as I said I wouldn't be surprised if I am imagining it, the comments were talking about it being wholesome. I think it had to do with hypnotic clothing or something.
Also it's a shame that those types of posts are getting deleted. They were the only thing I enjoyed in this site.
08/15/18 01:30AM
I found which one it was, post#68101. If it exists outside this site and someone could post a link I'd appreciate it.
08/15/18 01:31AM
Sylph said:
I am confident tha, if it existed in the first place cause as I said I wouldn't be surprised if I am imagining it, the comments were talking about it being wholesome. I think it had to do with hypnotic clothing or something.
Also it's a shame that those types of posts are getting deleted. They were the only thing I enjoyed in this site.

The one with the maid? That'd be one of my manips that got deleted in the frenzy of the last day or two. I at least have an imgur link for it.
08/15/18 01:41AM
Don't forget that if you turn on the Hover Zoom 2.0 at the bottom page you can see the image in the comments section by letting the mouse cursor hover over it. Just move the cursor over the imageless icon to the left and let rest there and you can see what's been removed.
08/15/18 01:58AM
I think you are talking about waluigithewalrus manip, that was deleted because of this ridiculous shit that is going on with our beloved mods.
You may also be talking about my consensual manip, that was also deleted :/
08/15/18 10:00AM
oh my gosh. THAT was deleted? I love that one...

Who's killing the site, seriously... Ugh...

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