08/15/18 10:56PM
Cost of a New Site Like This?
Hey everyone,

I've been thinking about this a lot in the past year or so I've decided to inquire to you all. How much do you think it might cost to have a website like the hub built from scratch?

For instance, if I were to higher a web designer, how much money would they charge me upfront? For that matter, what would the hosting fees likely be?

Edit: I'd like to thank everyone for providing me with their feedback. I have another question now; what are your thoughts on a group blog?
08/15/18 11:05PM
Even when you have a website, you need to maintain it. E.g. Occasionally rewrite parts of the website to the newest versions of libraries you're going to use, upgrading the underlying software stack.

Also a webdesigner designs websites, some will build them, but their knowledge about the backend and things like databases are often limited.

You're likely seeking for a full stack developer. (Full stack as in able to do the frontend, backend, and capable to maintain processes for maintaining the website).

When you don't know anyone able to do it, I think your first challenge is finding someone who is willing to maintain a porn website which focus on a pretty non-mainstream kink.
08/16/18 12:19AM
Didn't you try this once before?
08/16/18 04:58AM
Getting a wordpress site on GoDaddy cost me US$395 but I added a few extra domain extensions and IIRC domain registrations were for 3 years.
08/17/18 06:15AM
In terms of server cost? You can get dedicated servers for dirt cheap nowadays with enough storage for at least 500k+ pics for the price range of $20-$60m. I was blogging about this with a few hub lads and we all agreed if you have a small crew you could knock out a hub rewrite without breaking the bank. God bless Free Software.
08/17/18 11:46AM
endgame said:
In terms of server cost? You can get dedicated servers for dirt cheap nowadays with enough storage for at least 500k+ pics for the price range of $20-$60m. I was blogging about this with a few hub lads and we all agreed if you have a small crew you could knock out a hub rewrite without breaking the bank. God bless Free Software.

So that "m" behind the money; is that for months or minimum or...?
08/17/18 11:48AM
LillyTank said:
So that "m" behind the money; is that for months or minimum or...?

I thought it meant million.
08/17/18 01:00PM
Argonis said:
I thought it meant million.

I'd sincerely hope not.

Also if anyone hasn't noticed, I've updated the OP with an additional question.
08/17/18 02:21PM
LillyTank said:
So that "m" behind the money; is that for months or minimum or...?

per month
08/18/18 10:12PM
endgame said:
In terms of server cost? You can get dedicated servers for dirt cheap nowadays with enough storage for at least 500k+ pics for the price range of $20-$60m. I was blogging about this with a few hub lads and we all agreed if you have a small crew you could knock out a hub rewrite without breaking the bank. God bless Free Software.
The amount of storage GBs is one of your last concerns nowadays...

08/18/18 10:49PM
MaDrow said:
Even when you have a website, you need to maintain it. E.g. Occasionally rewrite parts of the website to the newest versions of libraries you're going to use, upgrading the underlying software stack.

Also a webdesigner designs websites, some will build them, but their knowledge about the backend and things like databases are often limited.

You're likely seeking for a full stack developer. (Full stack as in able to do the frontend, backend, and capable to maintain processes for maintaining the website).

When you don't know anyone able to do it, I think your first challenge is finding someone who is willing to maintain a porn website which focus on a pretty non-mainstream kink.

Building a website isn't too hard if you have the right knowledge (hell if my computer sucked less I'd like to think I'd be able to do it :) )

But yeah maintenance will be the hardest part. Potentially making it open source would help a lot but then you need to make sure everyone is using a common tech stack
08/19/18 06:16AM
Raspberry Pi's can be made into servers and their under $100, but I don't know whether they'd be optimal for an image board.
08/20/18 05:17AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Raspberry Pi's can be made into servers and their under $100, but I don't know whether they'd be optimal for an image board.

for a large one? heavens no, ive seen people host their imageboards on pis fine when the userbase is small though
08/21/18 01:18AM
endgame said:
for a large one? heavens no, ive seen people host their imageboards on pis fine when the userbase is small though
It would work when each heavy disguising tag runs on their own RPI and subdomain.
Turning HypnoHub in a true hub level.

To keep our mind stick at the new QCC rules::


I like this idea already >w>

Unfortunately the amount of RPis + their connection/bandwidh to give them a well balanced load will likely cost the same or even more than just a master-server with some serving slaves.
08/21/18 01:21AM
MaDrow said:
It would work when each heavy disguising tag runs on their own RPI and subdomain.
Turning HypnoHub in a true hub level.

To keep our mind stick at the new QCC rules::


I like this idea already >w>

Unfortunately the amount of RPis + their connection/bandwidh to give them a well balanced load will likely cost the same or even more than just a master-server with some serving slaves.

Your links don't work
i keep getting a site can't be reached screen
1 2>>>

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