08/16/18 12:21AM
Saimin Booru Open Again
For those who might be inconvenienced by these new rules, I've decided to resurrect Saimin Booru as an NSFW website in an effort to help new content creators.

For now, the rules are very basic so don't worry about having your content removed. Just tag the images as you would those on HypnoHub for now if you want to post there.

Also please keep in mind that this site runs on the basic software so it's not anywhere near as advanced and convenient as the hubs. However, if this gets enough content and traffic it could be updated.

08/16/18 12:43AM

If you want to catch fish, you'll need to throw some lure first before casting the line.
08/16/18 01:06AM
Looks interesting, but what'd be the difference with the Hub? Just less moderation?
08/16/18 01:12AM
TheMadPrince said:
Looks interesting, but what'd be the difference with the Hub? Just less moderation?

Yeah mostly, I thought it might be a good place to upload images that might not be allowed here later.
08/16/18 01:24AM
So should I start uploading stuff from the hub there?
08/16/18 01:40AM
eldomtom2 said:
So should I start uploading stuff from the hub there?

If you'd like, go right ahead.
08/16/18 01:48AM
LillyTank said:
If you'd like, go right ahead.

Yeah, it would definitely be a good idea to start saving as much content as we can onto the new site. Specifically the "TeXt BlOcK" manips that QC has deemed unworthy of the site.
08/16/18 02:29AM
I've done most of the ones that were flagged, if someone else would like to take on this tedious task that would be nice, as I have to go to bed soon.
08/16/18 04:29AM
Yeah, I can start uploading over there. Probably won't stop posting here, but who knows, if nothing else maybe the site growing as competition might help show the mods here that people are serious about disliking the changes being made and might motivate them to maybe, I dunno, actually poll the people here before launching major retroactive changes and refusing to back down.

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