08/16/18 09:38AM
My opinion on the rule change
As a Manipper, and long time hub user, I do not agree with the changes that will affect Manips. My biggest problem with it is, I don't think the mods should decide what counts as quality content. If the users like it, even if its bad, it should stay.

Sure Low res images, should probably be removed. Sure some manips have no real value (I've seen some trump political manips for example.) Obviously ads and cheese pizza should be removed. Other than that, If it contains the suggestion of Hypno, I believe it should stay. This decision does nothing to help the users, and Its moderators really overstepping their boundaries. Many of the manips I came to love this site for would be gone under the new system.

I also believe, that just because something is deleted, shouldn't mean there is no trace of it (excluding anything illegal). I've had a few manips deleted that I loved over the years, and I really wish there was a deleted section, walled off from the rest of the hub. That way, if something is deleted, it is preserved.

08/16/18 09:45AM
Replying before Threadlock

I entirely agree, This is all a major overstep by the mods to purge content they deem to be 'unacceptable, irregardless of what the actual users think. This will entirely bite them in the ass when all the lurkers who came to this site for Manips and captions leave, and they don't seem to notice this.This will also probably get some people to remove their Patreon Funding if they're angered enough. All-in-All, this is very bad for the Hub as a whole.

Instead of countering the countless points leveled against them, they deflect and call Captioners and Manippers art thieves and shift the conversation to that irrelevancy to distract from the new rules, which are going to Cull a massive swathe of the Captions on the site, all according to their own subjective tastes.

This is injustice, and trampling over the consumers that made this site what it is.

Still, you here have raised good points. Especially on the Deleted section and the entire 2nd paragraph. Sure I don't like those stereotypical manips of editing in a pendulum or a spiral or eye manips, but that doesn't mean I want them off the site, all ground into dust and scattered in the winds.
08/16/18 09:47AM
HypnotizedSamantha said:
I really wish there was a deleted section, walled off from the rest of the hub. That way, if something is deleted, it is preserved.

Well um that does actually exist.
08/16/18 09:48AM
Argonis said:
Well um that does actually exist.

tell me more
08/16/18 09:50AM
dragonjackel said:

Instead of countering the countless points leveled against them, they deflect and call Captioners and Manippers art thieves

and i told you in the comments no we haven't or at least i haven't
08/16/18 09:55AM
HypnotizedSamantha said:
tell me more

There is a log of all deleted posts, you can't see the actual posts themselves though.
08/16/18 09:58AM
dragonjackel said:
There is a log of all deleted posts, you can't see the actual posts themselves though.

Yea, i've seen that, but that really is nothing like what i'm proposing
08/16/18 10:02AM
Argonis said:
and i told you in the comments no we haven't or at least i haven't

Alright, looked through the thread again, I'll retract the accusation that the Mods were saying that, as it was first brought up by SeaithDaizon. The point still stands that the Supporters at least are trying to distract from the issue by spinning this into trying to label the Manippers and Captioners as Art Thieves.

EDIT: Except that one time Imasuky was directly backing up someone claiming it, lol.
Imasuky said:
You my friend sum up on of the big reasons why we made this rule

08/16/18 10:06AM
dragonjackel said:
There is a log of all deleted posts, you can't see the actual posts themselves though.

Turn on hover view and you can still get at them with some creative right-clicking.
08/16/18 10:08AM
As a manipper...I agree with this change.

I agree that, yes, HypnoHub was meant to gather all the hypnosis content, and archive it so it would be easy to find. I understand that manipping will always be a large part of the hypno fetish community.


There's zero effort being put into manips these days. The vast majority of content is now just pictures with spirals added, or text that sums up to "I totally hypnotized my friend to have sex with me.", and using just a hot chick.

This site started as a place to collect hypno content, but now people are creating this half-assed manips just to put on here. I can't count the number of submissions that are just an admittedly hot picture with strange eyes added. The facial expressions don't even match.

To the people saying "But the text content is good!" It's extremely hard, the way that the images scale, to read the text without moving the image around like a crazy person. Post your image, post the story as the first comment. QCC has never had a problem with that. What the issue here is is that people are posting poorly written, ill-matching text on an image to smuggle it in here.

This is a step in the right direction, towards the Hub being a collection of quality content, and not just a wide net picking up everything from carefully crafted art to "I've hypnotized you with that thing you're holding, show me your boobs."
08/16/18 10:16AM
@angel grace. For the purposes of this thread, i'm only focused on text based manips.
08/16/18 10:36AM
I'd just like to point out, booru's bigger and smaller really don't over moderate that much. This is a pic from e621 (the biggest fetish booru) of all the thanos pics. No one is complaining these are uploaded. Most comments are just like "oh you make non furry art too? Cool, can i commision some?"

08/16/18 11:40AM
HypnotizedSamantha said:
I'd just like to point out, booru's bigger and smaller really don't over moderate that much. This is a pic from e621 (the biggest fetish booru) of all the thanos pics. No one is complaining these are uploaded. Most comments are just like "oh you make non furry art too? Cool, can i commision some?"


There's nothing wrong with having standards, in my opinion. The problem is mainly that it makes the site feel unreliable when those standards can change and then go into effect retroactively. Being able to favorite something and be confident that it will be here two months from now is a feature I think is important to a site like this, and you can't feel confident in that if the rules on what's accepted here can change retroactively and then wipe out random stuff from your favorites.

On the artist/manipper side of things, it's kind of nice to have a consistent gallery of your work from when you first were able to qualify to post up til your present work. But if the quality standards change from time to time and wipe out stuff that no longer qualifies then your older works will be deleted and it will erase your artistic journey over time.
08/16/18 12:26PM
Yes because if there's one thing this kerfuffle has been missing it's people opinions

Change is fine in my eyes. Could have been communicated better. If your work gets removed and you want it to stay up just bring it up to the new standards. They're not exactly exacting
08/16/18 01:35PM
What I'd like to know is, is there a log/announcement/thread/actual official place where the change was announced? I'm really in the dark on this one (partly because my Internet sucks ass where I am currently, so I haven't seen what happened) - I keep seeing people complain because some manips were deleted, but I haven't followed what happened. From an outsider's perspective (or, as close to an outsider as you could get here), the forum went apeshit a couple of days ago over... something?
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