08/20/18 12:22AM
A note on ‘text doesn’t make a nonhypno pic hypno’
I recently put up two manias. I’ll be honest, all it was were two pictures each depicting something sexual with a text box on the side. This, by no means, is high quality, and I will never say it is. However, the reason for deletion being ‘text doesn’t make a nonhypno pic hypno’, to say the least, is a tad odd.
For the 30ish people who seem to enjoy my content, it should be apparent I don’t really alter images, and, when taken at face value, are not hypno related text. However, let me posit something to you all: If I were to show you a picture of Light Yagami writing in his Death Note without the book’s cover visible, and with him only smiling the way he does, would it be immediately apparent to those who aren’t familiar with Death Note that the picture depicts a serial killer killing hundreds of people?
It is my belief that visuals are merely a part of it, and that subtext as well as explicit text is also an integral part of it. If the point of the ‘nonhypno pic’ means I have to have a pendant, glowing eyes, spiral eyes, or any other effect going on either eyes, it isn’t exactly easy to make content. To be straight forward, I myself, and I believe others may agree, eye effects can be distracting and can detract from the overall experience. I much prefer the eyes to remain unaltered, as it simply allows you to see the person behind them.
This site, as far as appearances go, is for those who find mental domination erotic. With that said, seeing someone so enthralled that they appear normal while acting in a way that is abnormal for them, at least for some, is even more enticing; it is why the ‘unaware’ tag is as popular as it is.
Another point is the difficulty in actually changing the image without it being borderline eye torture. I thought when starting to mania one of the images “Hey, maybe I’ll add spiral eyes this time, just to see how it works out”, and let me tell you, the version with spiral eyes would’ve been flagged for quality problems. Some of us are good with art or have nice software to pickup the slack, while others of us are better at writing stories to enhance the smut we look at here. Having to find a hypno image not already here is like trying to find a good live action adaptation of anime, it is likely never to happen or is so rare as to make it inconceivably unlikely that it is essentially impossible.
I understand that is someone puts up a picture of a flower and writes a few paragraphs of unrelated smut it is not acceptable. However, when a story is written focusing around an image, I think it should at least be considered.
There are quite a few pictures of anime chicks in bikinis on this sight that are looking up towards the viewer that appear to be accepted merely because an eye effect is used. This, at least to me, is a tad odd, especially when it’s only the picture with no story or anything else hinting at hypno. For all we know anime girl #36 swallowed a flashlight and cartoon physics have taken over.
Essentially, this is my point, just because an image was not created to be hypno, and just because the person posting it here doesn’t want to ruin it by editing in a poor effect as a signal card shouldn’t mean it’s unacceptable. It should mean it’s looked over and given consideration as to whether or not it is valid.
I hope posting this publicly isn’t an issue,I just felt that perhaps there were other people who might like to chime in on either side of this disagreement whilst hopefully maintaining civility.
08/20/18 02:36AM
This is soemthing currently being debated in this thread:

Mods had recently decided to put their foot down on text only manips, because they are "low effort" posts in their eyes. A lot of people have been upset over this, and we are attempting to come to some kind of solution that makes everybody happy if it is possible.

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