08/21/18 08:32AM
Looking for some sexy pic ideas
Ok, After having seen some recent pictures, <<hypnohub.net/post/show/68...ars-bikini-bikini_bottom-|Like Neo's amazing pic of Allison>>(I also need to get something from Neo one of these days), I think I've been more focused on cute rather than sexy, and I've also been focusing too much of TF rather than plain old hypnosis.

That being said... I need ideas for things to do with Caelia. I'm honestly having trouble thinking of anything.

Specifications(For things like outfits,expressions, different methods, just plain being specific ) are useful, because I'm honestly just struggling to think of stuff like it.
08/21/18 09:59AM
Well, Caelia is our premiere princess oc. Maybe some Hypno scenarios based on classic princess stories? A pair of glass slippers? A dragon looking to keep a better grip on his kidnapped prize? An inviting apple?
08/21/18 10:06AM
Maybe do some simple pics of Caelia being hypnotized. You can never go wrong with a simple hypno pic. It could be either a sexy pic or just of her zombie walking.

If you want a different theme then I can name a few. Human puppet, humiliation, some kind of worship, dakimakura, sleepwalking, harem. These are just a few I wouldn't mind seeing Caelia in.

OH! Maybe Caelia can get corrupted by the Shadow Queen like Dark Princess Peach. Oh wait you were trying to branch away from that kind of stuff. Oh well.
08/21/18 10:20AM
HiddenAgenda said:
Well, Caelia is our premiere princess oc. Maybe some Hypno scenarios based on classic princess stories? A pair of glass slippers? A dragon looking to keep a better grip on his kidnapped prize? An inviting apple?

I like these ideas. Maybe start a series where it's a spin on the Disney princesses. Caelia being hypnotized by the spinning wheel from Sleeping Beauty, Caelia being enslaved by the living furniture in Beast's Castle, Caelia hypnotized by Jafar's snake staff.
08/21/18 09:02PM
I'm always a sucker for someone of power and status believing they're in charge when they're actually not.
Maybe she's hypnotized and acting like she's ruling in her court, but she's actually giving someone a foot rub or cooking them dinner. Imagine her declaring new laws while bent over pulling cookies out of the oven!
Perhaps she hypnotizes herself in some way?
Maybe someone let her with a trigger that whenever she gets unreasonably angry with someone (as people of power or those who believe to have power seem to be wont to do), she falls into trance and obeys their commands for awhile? I'm not very sure of her personality, but if she's been angry even once, you could feasibly justify this one.
Maybe she finds her crown replaced with one that changes her personality to something more subservient or fetishized?
The kingdom has a hypnosis show! Court wizard/mage is on stage at a festival and Caelia volunteers?
08/21/18 11:41PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
jojo's poses

I support this
08/22/18 12:12AM
ZeldaIsHot said:
jojo's poses

Holy shit you're not dead.
08/22/18 01:39AM
Hypnotan: with a real gun
08/22/18 02:07AM
ZeldaIsHot said:
missed u 2 bb

Dear god...
08/22/18 06:38AM
Someone seeing spots and losing her balance.
08/24/18 07:00PM
Well, there's some good and creative ideas in here certainly.

I probably need some NSFW ideas as well, as well as ideas with Aqua(I have not gotten anything with her for some time)
08/24/18 08:21PM
Kachopper9 said:
I probably need some NSFW ideas as well,

Someone seeing spots and losing her balance with big tits
08/26/18 06:28AM
Now I got the idea of Caelia getting turned into a southern belle/making someone else one

My brain won't stop making cute stuff
08/26/18 06:29AM
I got an idea
08/26/18 07:16AM
I think my brain is broken

Argonis said:
I got an idea

So... What you're saying is...

Make Allison a southern belle as well
1 2>>>

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